Here's something very important I have to share with all you guys about Psi wheels. Trouble we all had. Sometimes when we're training with a psi wheel we sometimes have trouble getting it to do anything. It just sits there doing nothing. Well I found out that the reason why this happens is because your too focused on trying to control it. This holds it down and restains it in place.
This is actually good because it lets us know we are connected to it and we have influence on it. How this happens is before we begin to even start practicing, even before we put the thing together we are using our intentions, emotions and visualizations subconsciously. Building our energy up.
This is good because again we are connecting remember thats ok. It's a good sign. One way to stop this though is before practicing try to relax a bit, don't stress to much. And don't over think. Then when we put the psi wheel together instead of it holding it self in place it slowly bobs around and gently spins. But there is now another problem... To much spinning! Well remember this is also good sign because this lets us know we are influencing the object! So it's a good sign too! Your energy is loose and free. Allowing you subconscious and intentions connect! But to stop or slow it down I would say tense up alil bit emotionally. As you were when the psi wheel was stuck in place. But don't get to frustrated. Both these occurrences are good signs that you got contol!
Here's what I have to say. Whether it holds it self in place or goes spinning know that it's all from you. Let this be a tool to let you learn how to comprehend and understand what is happening. Relax and focus your intentions. Believe and have patience because you know what...? You are doing that to it. You are effecting it. The next time the psi wheel is stuck and then a few moments begin to move or if the Psi wheel spinning and then stops remember it's because if you.
Ok heres the two things you must remember when working with psi wheels.
1) If the object is stuck and not moving it's from you.
2)If the object is spinning too much it's from you.
You will develop control and will lead to bigger things. Keep learning from me and anyone. You got this and you'll get the hang of it. Also use leaf metal foil. It's the lightest thinnest material for psi wheels. Responses to you the best. You can buy it at any hobby store.
I think that a part of the issue is also that the constructs accumulate. The more one builds up the intent for it to spin, the more difficult it becomes to make it stand still. It would probably be the best to alternate the practice, to pick a new object every now and then, a new environment, and to try other types of motion and their combinations.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Another issue can be lack of repetition & momentum. It's been demontrated over & over, that if a person practices a skill regularly & for long enough everyday; there is a concentration momentum that leads one into a flow state, or what in meditation is called access concentration. At that level of absorption with the object, there is no room left in your attention for doubts or confussion about what you are doing.
I totally agree about the practitioner being responsible for both the movement & stillness of the object. Though I would say that whether or not it is perceived; the object is always in motion. As our planet is always in motion; there are no motionless objects on this planet. Many of us have noticed that it often seems easier to influence the direction of objects already in motion. With this in mind; I'm suggesting that one develop tactile awareness of that perpetual motion & apply the sensitivity to psychokinesis:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
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