Hey guys! Im pretty new here and Ive been dealing with a problem and was hoping that I could get some feedback
Ive found that in the beginning of my training my psychokinesis had manifested rather quickly and I was making steady progression. I had got to the point where I could control the psi wheel extremely easily, and could maneuver two at one time. My connection was extremely consistent. This lasted for about a month. However after a month they had decreased significantly and have been much weaker ever since, even with consistent training. Every once in a while Ill have a burst of progress where I will be able to move stuff. However this usually only lasts a day and then its right back to not being able to move anything at all for at least a week or two. While Some of my other abilities have either stayed the same or increased with practice. Do you have any thoughts as to why this has happened? Or what can be done to fix it?
Hello Rozious, welcome to the forum. A common reason for what you are describing, is often lack of variety or novelty. You may need to challenge yourself with PK tasks you haven't tried yet. It could also be that like the rest of us; you have good days & bad days, as people do with any performance activity. You don't need to think of it as being stronger or weaker though. It's hard to be more specific without knowing you better, but what you're describing is normal:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
That's been my experience too. I think there is some level of energy that gets drained from too much practice so it's good to switch things up. For instance maybe do PK activities 1 day and for the next 2 days focus on meditation/visualization/concentration. That way you're able to rebuild that lost energy from doing PK.
Thank you for answering! Glad to be here, havent found too many still active Psionics groups with as much information as I see in here. Ill try and do some other forms of psychokinesis and change things up more often.