Ok here is a Technique that will help you do more than just spinning. Write down a number or colour and make the wheel turn and hold on said colour for several seconds. Then move onto the next. I am aware these can be faked so I put a feather I found from a party in the vicinity of the wheel to show any air disturbances. Anyway this is really only for those wanting to improve. Best of luck.
Here you can see I have positioned a fan to blow the object in a certain direction. However watch as I use the active kinetic energy to reverse the objects spin regardless of the applied force from the fan. (Any kinetic energy in a system can be used to reverse the direction)
This aparatus is called a RyTy To train for the lift and mass cancel skill this can be a very good tool. In this video I demonstrate lift pulse technique. Still at early stage of levitation training the results can still be seen clearly. 1 minute into the video greater control is demonstrated. This lift pulsing in this video is acheived through personal feild manipulation. Later progression of field manipulation can be utilized as a sort of force field. (Im hoping) Magnets air earthquakes string all video s can be faked this video is for the Telekinesis / Psychokinesis practicioners for inspiration and development. Hope this helps in the development of levitation skill for you if you are learner.http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-3781408720571585444&hl=en-AU
-- Edited by Shirak Omega X at 08:01, 2007-12-11
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Mass Cancel Technique Levitation.Mass Cancel Technique Levitation. Demonstrated here is the technique of mass cancel this is essential to the float levitation technique. ... all » One must learn to cancel the mass of an object. There are various theories on how the inconcious or subconscious acheives this. One must crawl before one learns to walk (levitation) in this excercise with this apparatus. Ones mind learns to cancel the mass of the object of ones intent. The apparatus is called a RyTy.. String magnets wind earthquakes whatever all videos can be faked blah blah this is for active Telekinetic Psychokinetic students learning the levitation / mass cancel / float skill hope you enjoy. Be advised Float technique is a construct and so takes some time to wear off depending on how you program it. http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=7150325475196800603&hl=en-AU
-- Edited by Shirak Omega X at 08:07, 2007-12-11
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
This is a demonstration of a Telekinetic stasis field. This field utilizes the available kinetic energy from the fan which is applying force on the object in an obvious direction at full blast. The trick is to use the available kinetic energy to create an equal/opposite force to the one being applied. Its kind of like ballancing but easier when you are relaxed if you use to much kinetic energy you will cause the object to move in the opposite direction. The Idea here is to keep the objectin stasis. Other TK techniques can be applied at later stages of development to the stasis construct. These can be faked blah blah. This is for the legit Tk students looking for new techniques to master. Please enjoy.
Here is a link to an excercise which will help you to learn how to control the left right direction. This skill is a basic and MUST be learned for the stasis field or control during levitation.
Ok here is a Technique that will help you do more than just spinning. Write down a number or colour and make the wheel turn and hold on ... all » said colour for several seconds. Then move onto the next. I am aware these can be faked so I put a feather I found from a party in the vicinity of the wheel to show any air disturbances. Anyway this is really only for those wanting to improve. Best of luck
-- Edited by Shirak Omega X at 09:42, 2007-12-19
-- Edited by Shirak Omega X at 09:44, 2007-12-19
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Oh ok I can give you some pointers what level are you up to. I posted these based on that point that most people usually have used the psi wheel and are looking for new challenges where are you up to? I can give pointers to specifics. I have explained breifly on the posts what I am doing as many have different ways to get to where they want to go so I didnt want to say exactly how they should get there as they might find a better way im happy to give some pointers so let me know which one youde like to work with and ill post more info
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Well for me personaly I found that learning the psi wheel left right technique and refining it using the colour game helped me to create the TK stasis field which is really cool. I am currently practicing on electric` motors. in this way I can potentially do some "technokinesis" and stop the cooling fan on computers therefore causingthem to switch off. Its just one of many aparatus and devices id highly recomend for training what do you usually use Marcus? Id be interested in some new training tips techniques and aparatus if you know of some and would like to share
-- Edited by Shirak Omega X at 20:41, 2008-01-06
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Imagine a clock in your mind the second hand is the psi wheel. This is something yo are probably familiar with for the clockwise motion. Ok so remember how I said it is a quantum reality field well this is where spatial awareness plays its part. Imagine the motion of a clock spinning in your head clockwise. now link the image you are receiving through your eyes of the psi wheel to this internal motion it is unbending in its consistant direction. Also just sit before you start focus on the feel of the left side of your brain now the right front and back get comfortable pushing your physical awareness to these sections. This will help you to project your reality directionaly. What you are doing is called quantum entanglement between your will and whatever kinetic energy your subconscious decides is best to cause the desired direction and motion. IT helps to have the object near a wall with light shining on it so it projects a shadow let your sight fall on the shadow this helps to relax yor conscious mind while your sub consious moves the object acording to the motion simulated in your mind. Its kind of like you are programing software. The more you practice the more kinks you work out untill it becomes almost instinctual. Just remember it took time and training to learn to use your hands to write be patient and keep a tk journal of your thoughts and successes your failures and what you feel was distracting you from sucess ie was tired hungry thirsty then next time you will know the optimum conditions to train for best results I hope this helps. I can help more if you have any further questions oh and try to just relax and not use your hands as the kinetic energy will be projected from your hands use them only to point as a visual reference get in the habit of doing it handless it has more cred and is easier to train when in public. However hand projection is also good for electro and pyrokinesis.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Remember you are connected to the object through joint quantum fields through this field your intent and subconscious can corelate an infinite amount of space/time events to cause the intended motion. In essence through this shared unified field your will can be transfered to the enrgies that will cause the motion. In essence your consciousness becomes entangled with the objects and its surrounding energies you become the object well you cease to see yourself as separate - connected I hope this also helps
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Hi there, I'm new and I'd want to know more about this! ^_^ 1st I'd like to know if everyone can do this? 2nd If everyone can then what are things I should do to practice? 3rd I've always wanted to do this