Why are we doing this? Is there any special reason for it? What are we trying to achieve?
I seriously can't give an honest answer to that. Apart from the fact that I am fascinated that some of our kind can manifest out of the ordinary abilities and I want to be able to do likewise or even better, I have no obvious and worthy reason. So I spend some time every day on browsing the net about it, reading this and Astral Society forum, and finally doing some PK exercises myself, after meditating (which I don't do just for PK, but somehow they fit together). I am sincerely afraid I am doing it for the wrong reason. To put it otherwise, I am actually doing this because "the cool kids can do it", and I want to be "cool". But who am I going to show it to? What am I going to do with it?
Let's say, that you can do the wheel, the pendulum, the air bubbles, the flame, etc. Is that the appliance of PK? Has it any greater purpose for mankind? Why was it given to us? Is it a new thing, or is it old and was forgotten, only to resurface later?
Oh, in case I used the word God: actually I have no idea what that is.
Once that knowledge has been awoken inside you can choose the journey who knows what will happen that is the fun of the jouney. The reason to learn the small is to learn the technique then if you can accept size does not matter the technique can be applied to larger scale. I am currently toying with the idea of changing airpressure in a room I have a barometer on my watch for feedback so you mights say whats the point well once that skill is mastered in the small it can be applied to the large. Low pressure zones bring rain. Many areas are in drought tk can be applied through video calls this has been tested witnessed and is true. But please do the experiment. So it is a journey to be embarked on what you do in that journey is completly up to you.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Without sounding too self-centered, I believe it also has to do with doing what pleases you.
I speak two languages and have been learning a third for over two years now. People kept asking me, "Why are you learning it? Is it geographically practical? So you learn it--then what? What are you going to do with it?" There were two reasons why I was doing this: to earn more money at work (bonus pay) and to hear people say "Wow, he's smart, he's cool, he can do many things." Well, the joke is on me because I really like it now and don't care about the money or compliments. I continue to learn this language because I like it, because it pleases me.
Why do some people learn/practice a hobby? a sport? What are they trying to achieve? Maybe some want to break a world record, but for others it might be simple pleasure, the joy of feeling their body--or their mind--at work. For others, it might be the sense of community, of connectedness, of being part of something larger/greater.
I've taken a conscious interest in PK, to pursue it in the waking world, because I started dreaming about it a few years ago. Why did I start dreaming about it? Maybe one day I'll know, but, like Shirak says, I feel it's the beginning of another journey.
Scientists & doctors have provided positive studies statistics and results already. These have been published in many papers even the Journal of nature. There is a lot of historical data to support pk. There is a culture of denial about these results but they are well documented and available for anyone who researches this field to know for themselves.
There is also a lot of misinformation about pk events this is why it is up to each individual to test results and theories themselves this is how we learn. .
If you would like to know if pk is real study and practice it for several months with an open objective mind and you will find your truth and how it applies to you.
I do not know if it is real, however I truly believe it is real. I kind of have a blind faith in PK. It is almost like an instinct to believe it for me. When I was a child I had strange episodes that lasted a few seconds. In these episodes I felt as if I wasn't my human self, as if I had let go of my identity as a human. Instead I felt like I was someone or something else, and the feeling was remarkable! I now attribute this to be kind of like my "higher self" or soul. Only my soul minus any experiences from earth, just my soul. I can't even explain it you know? My thinking was diff. too. I wasnt really thinking. It was kind of just knowing and I can't even explain it with words. Anyways, I always knew that something was up and I would discover things in my life that were going to contradict what I had been conditioned to believe all my life. Almost like it was meant to be. Basically, I knew I was special as a child and that everyone is special in this way but they don't know it. Therefore I am not psychic or have no abilities, but I know I have knowledge that something more is out there. So, although I have my moments when I almost refuse to believe in PK deep down inside I truly believe in it.
My focuse with my previous question is how does pk effect your understanding and view on daily life? Has it made you more aware of your surroundings? Has it helped you understand earth and life better? Has it driven you closer to people or farther away? etc.
Check this out ive been looking into this recently. For me absoloutly I am more aware of everything the moods of people animals subtle things it for me has helped me pay attention.
How do you incorporate it into your daily lives? I began focusing on the passive side of PK... Telepathy, Empathy, Aura Seeing, Clairvoyance etc... so, I can get away with using it in public without anyone noticing to badly. The other day I sat in the park and meditated, I got a few looks, but most people just ignored me... As for the more aggressive (pyrokenisis, telekenisis, levitation) I think it might be a bit harder to practice in the open without raising eyebrows- I know of a person from youtube that sits in his car and uses technuiqes to block and increase radio signals (which is the same method as to pulsing a flame and extenquishing).... It's really up to you how you incorperate it into your life- Be creative, if you see a leave falling from a tree, attempt to manuveur it as you see fit, or predict where it will land. Stuff like that. :)
Do you tell people about it? I have told 3 of my best friends... one because it came up in a conversation (all my friends have those long philosophical talks with me, it's funny how I choose people to befreind who like to talk like that), another because he showed me how he could bend a fork and break off the arms by tapping it (I was amazed), a girl because she was Wiccan and she asked me if that was okay with me (apparently people had problems with it) so in turn I told her my "secret".... I haven't told my parents or brother, they just don't seem to open with it... However, my mom has a sensory ability (she has dreams that can come true and often knows when one of her kin are in toruble) so I could tell her, but I just don't sense them being okay with it.... if that makes sense.
Do you use it for anything? I use it as often as I can- I try and read the Aura's of my friends to gage their health/attitude, and attempt to feel (empathy) how they are. I use those very often, and lately I've been trying to develop telepathy, which, as you have seen, Ro and I are doing. I have used (unintential of course) clairvoyance (preminitions) several times in the past, but I've never envoked one by myself... they usually just come whenever they need (I don't know how to even begin to train with that). And of course, the intuition. If your looking for a book in the library, just let your mind wonder it and feel the book you need draw you to it... Stuff like that.
Do you show people it? I have tried to show one of my friends, he was working on pyrokenisis and I was trying hydrokenisis... but, I trust him more than I trust my family (he practically is family). I haven't anyone else though...
What does it make you think about science or God? Science- Is always interesting, especially things lik psychology and behaviorisms, and even things like chemistry and biology, anatomy, quantum physics.... all of it has it's place. It hasn't changed my opinions on God in the slightest. However, my opinion of God is always changing.... it's hard to put into words... and it's a touchy subject...
Why haven't scientists figured this out already? Or did they? Is someone hiding something? It's hard thing to prove- PK, there are a lot of different varients for each situation.... what works with one person may not with another, so it's hard to find a control- There are many studies, like Ro pointed out, just search a little and you'll find things you are looking for.
I have a belief that everyone has abilities related to PK- you just need to find it and practice it.... much like dancing or drawing. It's just talent, but everyone has one. :)
Thanks for all the answers Joshwah. Really informative. Why did you start believing in PK and how long have you been practicing it?
Oh, and just to let you all know I am going to probably be more of an annoyance on here than any help because I am nowhere near improving or discovering anything. I have concentration problems and I suspect I seriously have ADD, so I can't even properly meditate yet. I am probably going to just bombard you guys with questions once in a while. If you don't want to answer thats fine!:)
By the way, why is this website dead? lol I guess lots of people don't have the self-discipline to stick to this stuff.
Oh and I'm not like a twelve year old little girl, even though I write like one lol. I am actually 19. I know its hard to believe from reading this
No, no, no, questions are the only way you can get answers :) And, don't worry, you wont be an anoyance. ADD is a serious thing, but if you practice you can learn to meditate- It's hard for anyone to meditate really... We have such busy lives these days we barely find the time to sit and relax and find ourselves ^.^
I've always believed in PK... since I was a little kid I knew that people could do things others couldn't normally do (Jesus actually stared my thinking on it if I remember correctly). And then I met someone who could manipulate air really well (aerokenisis). Since I saw it with my own eyes, I found a new respect for it and thought "Hey, maybe I can do this stuff too". And so I started researching and thinking- I'd meditate more and ask God about things waiting for answers. After a while of meeting a few people who had talents I was sure that is was real. I always had a feeling that there is a block in everybodys mind- blocking us from these gifts, I just haven't figured out how to break it completely.
This forum isn't 'dead' per se.... it's just really small. That's why I like it, it's people who believe in PK and strive to succeed and learn more. Plus we've got to understand that everybody has their own lives, so people can't post everyday :)
No, no, no, questions are the only way you can get answers :) And, don't worry, you wont be an anoyance. ADD is a serious thing, but if you practice you can learn to meditate- It's hard for anyone to meditate really... We have such busy lives these days we barely find the time to sit and relax and find ourselves ^.^
I've always believed in PK... since I was a little kid I knew that people could do things others couldn't normally do (Jesus actually stared my thinking on it if I remember correctly). And then I met someone who could manipulate air really well (aerokenisis). Since I saw it with my own eyes, I found a new respect for it and thought "Hey, maybe I can do this stuff too". And so I started researching and thinking- I'd meditate more and ask God about things waiting for answers. After a while of meeting a few people who had talents I was sure that is was real. I always had a feeling that there is a block in everybodys mind- blocking us from these gifts, I just haven't figured out how to break it completely.
This forum isn't 'dead' per se.... it's just really small. That's why I like it, it's people who believe in PK and strive to succeed and learn more. Plus we've got to understand that everybody has their own lives, so people can't post everyday :)
Hi there is one very important & valuable skill which doing these practices will give you!.... This skill is, the ability to find that place we all have in our consciousness!....The place needed to effect reality!....... or the sweet spot! as i like to call it!... You know straight away with T.K for.... e.g ...... when your in the sweet spot!... and when your not!.... But this place in the mind is used for a miriad of other spiritual practices as well!.....
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!