It's originally done using a cork with some nails or weights attached to it so that it barely sinks in a bucket of water.
this much more clever and practical.
Actually it's one of the easiest things one can do to put their telekinetic abilities to use, along with other things in the same difficulty level.
Let's see if I remember a few more that went along with that one...
Oh, the aluminum foil sailboat floating in a bucket of water that goes back and forward... the popular aluminum foil psiwheel sticking in a needle...
and even a matchstick tetrahedron suspended in the ceiling in a 3 foot long piece of string that turns one side and the other while you're laying down in bed or in the couch...
and many other things like straws balanced in the border of a glass, etc.
Well, these are some extra routines for anyone feeling a little bit bored or in need of some ideas.