Well, first off, I am a beginer, so my scores would obviously be low.
However, I don't think that the test are, fair... On the second one, where you need to concentrate on a shape and colour; some of them I didn't do it and it counted it right anyway, others, that I KNOW I saw it, counted it wrong.
On the third test I scored higher on the right, than I did on the left. I found this very intresting, because while practicing with a psi wheel, I can only move it to the right, or counterclockwise. I hardly can move it to the left, or clockwise, and that test support that.
The first test I am the most skeptical of, I guess I would say. The first time I tried it, it stayed in the middle for some time and began pushing its way to the green, I lost concentration when the phone rang and it quickly dropped to below the red. I thought it was intresting. So I did it again. This time around I didn't concentrate or anything, I let it wonder by itself with no suggestions from my mind. It was green for most of the test. And only towards the end did it go completely red. On the third attempt, I tried a stop-and-go method.
I concentrated at the beginnning and it fought to go to the right. I would then "give up" and watch it for a few seconds, it would either stay the same or quickly drop, then when It got to far in the red, I "picked up" again. When I picked it up, it went all the way red, and then fought to become green, and only made it halfway of the red before the test was over.
I thought all this was too random. Even when I didn't try, there were times that went to the right. And the time I tried my hardest, it went complete red. But when I was trying the first time, i was working, until I lost concentration. I think the first test is unreliable.
(ps: any help on how to alter right to left would be great. I don't know why I can't move it to the left, Clockwise, it's somehow, harder.)