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International Psionics Journalist

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RE: Is psychic attack real?

Beautiful. And as poetic as it is, it may not be realistic in every sense. The man who beat buddha was not of unsound mind... only angry, very angry by the sounds of it. But, he can see reason, and he obviously cares for others. I do not believe everyone is like this unfortunately. There are some that will take and take so long as your hand is offering. And there are those who will beat and kill, and the words will fall on deaf ears. Most of these stories i hear, often deal with good people who have gone astray, and some wisdom and love is used to bring them back. But there are some who are, for lack of a better word, are just evil and messed up.

Shaolin monks forged weapons and martial arts for self defense against raiders and bandits, and even they have been known to kill.

I would love to believe everyone was good, and that kindness and love would always triumph. But sadly, i do not believe that to be the case; at least, not always. And in cases where love and kindness will not reach them, and i or my family/friends are in danger, i will resort to something else.

I will say though that i believe most people are capable of being reached.


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Vengeance, & self defense are not the same thing. Concerning defense though; the best defense in not to be there. I have been a martial artist for well more than a couple decades, & I don't get into physical confrontations as I did before martial arts. Also, the more I meditate, the fewer psychological/verbal confrontations I get into either.

The purpose of fighting, is to kill; destroy, or conquer. It doesn't matter how strong or skilled one is; there is always someone stronger, or just having a better day.

I suppose there is a season for fighting, but why court or engage in such a thing unnecessarily.

Why not take responsibility for life & be happy, without the burden of looking over ones shoulder for trouble. Time is a precious commodity; why squander it on unworthy people?

The day I must expend my time & energy attacking someone psychically; is a day that person has power over me:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psychokinetic researcher

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Ok time for some education here...  You do all understand that what I was doing was more of a psychic shove out the door?  Without the intention of inflicting harm. Big difference. If the bipolar doesn't take meds, they have no right to be working around the public. If a boy kicks you all the way home from school every day (due to a crush), then they can hit the high road too. Not sure about you, but I prefer not being kicked 100 times a day. And that is certainly not a normal way to express love.

Ok here is an imaginary scenario...  If a husband kicks a wife 100 times a day, and she can't defend herself physically, it is abuse.  And if she would defend herself say with a knife, it would be self defense.  So which is better, a knife or a psychic shove out the door?   And what have many woman done as a result of psychological abuse say from a bipolar?

Obviously if you had personal experience with this subject you would understand it more.  I can't give advice to a neurosurgeon or a truck driver, so I don't. This thread was asking if psychic attacks are real.  And I said yes they are real.  You have your answer.


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a self can't see things from the same viewpoint as another self. the ignorance resulting from this can only be acknowledged or misunderstood.

if one perceives something uncomfortable outside their understanding there's only one logical choice.


the thing that aids most in this safety's that feeling people call pride. without pride one's dependant and only cuz of that dependence they're literally erased by that thing they depend on.

in "nature" i think stuff like this is very simple.




Psychokinetic researcher

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Joshua3109 wrote:

I can understand what you said about giving the person who hurts you back hell and sadly the majority of people think this way. But if everyone continues to act this way will the world get any better, will it be filled with love, peace and happiness? The answer is no, revenge is not the right answer.


You may want to examine how you are coming accross here.

-- Edited by Trina on Sunday 29th of January 2012 09:50:59 PM


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Psychokinetic Researcher

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Trina wrote:

Myself, I have no beliefs. Contrary to what you believe, I am a gentile and kind person. Known to always be happy and pleasant. As proof of this, I have raised an exemplary daughter without one shred of violence or anger. How many people can state this and be telling the honest truth? But if someone makes my life hell, then back at them. They start it, and I finnish it.

  I can understand what you said about giving the person who hurts you back hell and sadly the majority of people think this way. But if everyone continues to act this way will the world get any better, will it be filled with love, peace and happiness?

 The answer is no, revenge is not the right answer. My grand guru Swami Satchidananda directly speaks about this matter here:



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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Psychic Vampires



I personally enjoy hearing other peoples beliefs and techniques. Often sharing can be misinterpreted we all can only share from our own knowledge base and perspective.

One of the things about focusing on vampire and energy based attacks it directs your attention to that sort of thinking. Intention is easy to misinterpret in writing so please try and give the benefit of the doubt.


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Psychokinetic researcher

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RE: Is psychic attack real?

Sussch wrote:

Sorry if I insulted someone, I didn't mean to. Meant to express my personal opinion on using psychic attacks against psychic attacks.

As for psychic attacks, yup, they're real. Though, I believe they only work on what resonates within us.

I've come to believe that what I see around me is the ripples of the state of my own mind. So that I'm responsible for everything that I experience.

I think that the self is boundless or variable, as it has sometimes happened to me that I start seeing from the viewpoint of another person, forgetting my previous viewpoint.

You didn't. :). It is refreshing to find a mature person that chooses their words wisely. Thank you. I have to admit, that I was a bit peeved. Which is unusual for me. But I am certin you also noticed that I did not verbally attack anyone personally. A lesson to be learned in this forum in general. But not by all. I find it interesting that you mention perspective. Another sign that you are beyond your years. One needs to be objective and also understand the perspective of others.


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Psychokinetic researcher

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atious wrote:

a self can't see things from the same viewpoint as another self. the ignorance resulting from this can only be acknowledged or misunderstood.

if one perceives something uncomfortable outside their understanding there's only one logical choice.


the thing that aids most in this safety's that feeling people call pride. without pride one's dependant and only cuz of that dependence they're literally erased by that thing they depend on.

in "nature" i think stuff like this is very simple.

Although a bit vague, I understand your point. The video was very fitting. :)


When you are awake the dream is gone...
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Psychokinetic researcher

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Nox wrote:

I personally don't believe in Karma, no offense to anyone who does. I more so believe in the LoA, as my personal experience has shown (At least to me) that the wicked aren't always punished, and the kind aren't always rewarded. However, i have noticed that their perspective of the actions seems to aline with the 'consequences' of the actions, whether these consequences are good or bad for them.

As for Psychic attacks, i believe they are real. I have had enough experiences that i can't quite explain dealing with certain persons, that now i would consider psychic, or something similar.

I agree with both of you though. Both

I truly believe our abilities are stronger when they come from a place of gentleness, love and compassion

if someone makes my life hell, then back at them. They start it, and I finnish it.

But that's just me.

You are soo correct to comment that you like both our comments. Since they are both valid. Does everyone forget that there is a gentile balance to all things in life?


When you are awake the dream is gone...
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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Time for grengoshi's two cents! First I want to say josh stop pushing uyr belifes on people this forum is for pk and if I get baned for saying this then its worth it. U area child as I am and u do not have the answers I can feel ur nehgative energy an I'm sick of it and any one who has a problem wit me saying it I'm sorry but I hate people who think there way is the only way and I'm sick of it.

No I do believe psychic attacks can happan because ppls energys can minpulate thing do I have evidence no! I personly believe that wen you harm some one. When I was trying magic I curesd my ex and she is now a crack hoere and if u dnt want to believe me idc. But I feel I'm still paying for it bc I believe I should. I truly believe you are the one who takes things to what they need to be some one who can't see they done wrong won't face it till they have to or fainly see. I've seen creature who are so negative but are stuck bc they can't let go or see what has happabd. Am I rite no I'm not bc I am human but I believe both points hold ground and insytead of fighting we should learn from each other bc that's what life is about going forward and learning.

Karama is somthing I choose to believe bc I want to believe my bullies will geyt there's is that me cointiusly geting back or some under lining fabrioc doing what has to be done idk. Its my beliefe and I won't forcve it on any one only speak who I am so that others can learn. But again its my beliefe and I have to live with what I've done.

Gl my friends


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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This is a very dramatic thread; almost as exciting as actual training:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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RE: Psychic Vampires

Shirak plz forgive me but I'm sick of ppl comming on the forum trying to push there religius beliefes on ppl. I won't stand for it and if u feel u have to band me that sucks bc I do lov you guys as a second family I have put a lot oif work in the forum I have learned so much. I love learning different beliefes and teachings but what I don't like is children who are not all nowing trying to push there beliefes in a pk forum. You taught us that pk is real and this place should be a sactuary for that and that's why I have not said any thing but look in yur self and read how some people are negative.

I've said my piece I hope I don't get band but I will not toleratye a negative attacking ppl. I have lived wit negative to long


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 


International Psionics Journalist

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Calm down Grengoshi. You spoke your peace. I don't think you are in any danger of being banned, you can relax. In all my time here (Which is fairly short), i have only heard of 1 person being banned, and that was because he was stalking, and/or attacking Shirak, for a fairly long period of time from what i hear.

Beliefs are beliefs, they need only to empower you. Endure, for there will be many who will try to push their beliefs onto you in your life, and not just religious beliefs. You need to remain strong within yourself, so you can be strong for others that need your strength, and your wisdom.

That is something I've learned (or tried to learn) here.

I'm not sure how this thread got derailed. And i hope i didn't contribute to it with my above post. Was just trying to throw in my two cents and offer a different perspective. I think we all here can unanimously agree psychic attacks, and vampires are real.

Also, dang you Shirak, your picture got me... both times...

Is funny though!


The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.

Triumph is not achieved through victory,
but through the Attempt.

Believing will take you there, and
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Psychokinetic researcher

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Grengoshi wrote:

Time for grengoshi's two cents! First I want to say josh stop pushing uyr belifes on people this forum is for pk and if I get baned for saying this then its worth it. U area child as I am and u do not have the answers I can feel ur nehgative energy an I'm sick of it and any one who has a problem wit me saying it I'm sorry but I hate people who think there way is the only way and I'm sick of it.

Karama is somthing I choose to believe bc I want to believe my bullies will geyt there's is that me cointiusly geting back or some under lining fabrioc doing what has to be done idk. Its my beliefe and I won't forcve it on any one only speak who I am so that others can learn. But again its my beliefe and I have to live with what I've done.

Gl my friends

 Oh so the thread was moved...  No Grengoshi, that was very noble of you.  And I thank you, because you hit the nail on the head. 

Karma is a form of wishful thinking for REVENGE!!!  So anyone that believes in karma is seeking evil revenge.  ;)  LOL....  Please grengoshi I am just kidding.. LOL...   But it also makes an excellent point about how anything can be made negative. :)  Negativity is the real evil here. 


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Trina wrote:
Karma is a form of wishful thinking for REVENGE!!!

That's an interesting idea. Haven't thought about it this way before.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

Psychokinetic researcher

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Nox wrote:

I'm unsure actually. When i was apart of another psionic forums, they used to do Psy-combat, but i never ended up participating. So, not sure. I guess understand what would like be involved in an attack, and they devise a means to counter it?

Thanks.... now my stomach is pissed at me because it's not real. :P ..... and I'm not sure if i like my food smiling at me... :D

 The thing is, that it may not be so easily controlled as one would expect.  How much force is too much?  When you squeeze someones hand you can see when it is too much.  When the person is across the world, then what?  But then again, this could be wrong. 

And worse?  That pizza doesn't look like it is smiling to me. LOL...


-- Edited by Trina on Tuesday 31st of January 2012 01:17:44 AM


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
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Psychokinetic researcher

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Posts: 157

Sussch wrote:
Trina wrote:
Karma is a form of wishful thinking for REVENGE!!!

That's an interesting idea. Haven't thought about it this way before.

 I was just joking...  But yes, that and everything else can be made negative if one tries hard enough. 


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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thank you nox those are indeed kind words or reassurance. i just do not like negative people who push there idealism on others that is all. and i do not think i am supperoir to others at all, but i have to stand up for my self and others who i see being pushed down. i grew up being emotional hit by negatives all my life and my only deffence was a karma idealsm which helped me to believe that those who hurt me shall get theres. am i wrong for that i do not know but i cant just sit around and let others bully. what i am saying is not set in stone all all have the right to feel what is true to them.

i do not believe vioilence is the key but i do believe that wen its needed it is needed.

ive said my peace and i hope things can get better :D


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hmm Gren I will speak plainly I did not see Josh as preaching a religious belief but sharing advice and referencing its source. To me this is honesty and his intentions positive. Yet in your writing you admonished him for it. There was no pushing of religious belief in my eyes he was asking a question. As soon as we start censoring our own beliefs and advice to conform to group think then we lose what we each have to offer the forum individually.

That's my opinion and please stop thinking you will get banned for having a thought or expressing yourself you have a lot to offer this forum and I have learned a lot from you.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

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