Hello, i am new at this and i would like some useful tips about moving things i never trusted any of videos on youtube about tel.i known that it exists but on youtube all fake until i found you i was always intrested in this i was trying and trying and trying but nothing many times i failed well tonight i toaght i moved a paper a bit my mind was just messing whit me i cant find anything for starters that helps me on forum so can u give me a few useful tips
-Thanks- ____________________ I was watching some videos again and they all say difrent some say clear your mind some say clearing your mind is bullcrap some say think your body as projector and object as hologram some say that that is bullcrap some say think that there is a 3th hand growing out of you and we shoud thank that as real hand and object will move some say that we need to feal object moving whit our real hands before trying to move it
What Should i Astualy think while trying to move in my case a small flash usb?
Psychokinesis to me is creative thinking unleashed.
The mind can reason only on what it knows, but that which it does not know, that which is beyond reason, cannot be defined, and it is in this realm that true Psychokinesis takes place.
"If your consciousness is caught up in mental images, beliefs, and such-like, then your creativeness is smothered up because the consciousness is caught up in your beliefs, your ideas, your images, your authorities and formulations, and you will note that these are not creative. It is the Unknown alone that is creative. What is known can never be creative, for the creative ever remains unknown. What you know is relative - external , created, and can never be creative." -Beyond the Himilayas-
To be able to create the many space time events required for PK one must be in this free creative mindset. That gap between verbal thought. The awareness of truth. Intention attention detachment from result. I believe every living thing has the ability to express thiscreativity that higher mind which is beyond the self beyond the ego beyond the known.
All I can offer are notes and insights I made which lead my thinking toward success in Psychokinesis. Perhaps these may help perhaps another perspective you will only know whats right and what works for you when you train. Remember individual perspective is subjective to the experiences one has had.
-- Edited by Shirak at 07:44, 2008-08-22
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Personally, I imagine a bubble that is created around the object, then I shift the bubble using my mind with my hands as a guide. This has worked somewhat for me and I am about to switch to something else.
Like Shirak said, it's very subjective, for one person it IS projecting a third hand, or clearing your mind. It's different for each and evert person.
There are acutally some really good techniques in this forum try giving a few of them a go. Also try not to stress some days I am just not in the right mindset and I will have trouble moving things.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
I agree it seems as though there is almost a grassroots movement to increase consciousness. Is it inspired? Uploaded from an outer source? (Ie:et?) Is it a result of a changed field of energy as our world moves through the Galaxy? As the internet connects us the ideas that gel seem to spread and more people seem to produce their perspective. Are we about to make some sort of huge evoloutionary consciousness jump? I have so many questions an I love it