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Third Eye

Hello im on a quest to open my third eye. I have done some meditations and experienced a slight pressure and pulsing inbetween my eyebrows, and i am aware of it when i am not thinking about to many things at once .

 i am wondering if anyone has had experience with using the third eye and what you use the eye for? 

I have only one burnin' desire, let me stand next to your fire

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Third eye boost for pk. Astral Travel, It definatly sounds like yours is active. Yes mine buzzes durring some practice sessions


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Yep, Shirak is correct.
The third eye is usually associated with the "psychic" powers of the day. i.e. precognition, telepathy, astral projection. The third eye, if Im not mistaken (and I probably am...), is the mind of your astral body or self, the "higher" you, and it allows your conscious to bring some of its power into the physical world, whether it brings premonitions, a connection to anothers mind, a connection to objects, or even bringing your astral self into this world, is all up to training.
I think that's right... I remember reading something about it a while back, but my memory is kind of vague, so... don't take it as scripture :)

The third eye is a chakra center. Each chakra brings something different to the table and the third eye brings clarity and insight. Meditation is usually the way to open it, focusing on the center of your forehead gathering energy there to feed it is one way. I also believe you can open it, or help it open, by outside sources. There's a combination of incense you can burn that is suppose to focus the energy there, but I don't remember the combination, but I will look for you. I also think that the mantra for the third eye is "Heem" or "eeeem".

If you are having troubles focusing on your forehead, there is an exercise that helps as well. It will work with a light bulb, but a candle is better. So start the candle and watch the flame for as long as you can keep your eyes open. When you can no longer hold them open, close them and keep them shut. The negative, or after image of the flame, should be there. It probably will dance around, move up, or to the right or left, and it may disappear and then reappear again. Don't try to control the image, just let it do its own thing and observe. When the image completely fades, open your eyes and take a quick break. Repeat. After that, look at the candle once again for as long as you can and then shut them like before, but this time around try keeping the image from moving. Repeat until the image no longer moves. Once you have accomplished that, let the image fade out and keep your eyes closed. Look for any colours that may appear, or different shapes, and meditate on what you see, even if it is the blackness. After a couple of times of doing this, it'll be easier to focus with the third eye.

I hope some of this helped you out... and Ill look for that combination of incense for you... I think it has lavender in it, but just can't remember...

-- Edited by Joshwah at 03:08, 2008-08-28


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Wow thats irony. I was going right about this this morning due to what has been happening to me over the past two days. I havnt slept all night basically due to practice with the wheels. What i found during practice was that sometimes i was seeing the wheels in a different way, I didnt really pay any attention to it untill I tried to get to sleep which i couldnt.
As soon as i would close my eyes i would be somewhere in full color like a movie. Some of it was ok but some as well was darn distressing. I am kinda of the idea now that those that are insane are psychic out of balance because allot of what i was tapping into was other peoples mad insanties. I new what it was but still dosnt stop it from being distressing. One moment your in some interesting place watching things and the next your in small wooden room the size of a cupboard looking and feeling what this person is feeling. No fun.
Oh yeah also yesterday my ability to see auras got stronger and very vibrant. I have always been able to see them to some degree, just dont pay much attention to them at that time. Its allot nicer when they are vibrant and dont have to strain to see them.
As to what you could do to activate the eye more. I would just say do what every you can do that is pk. It is all linked and one thing will kick over and activate the other.




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thanks for the help im geting increasingly interested in chakras and i heard that the sacaral chakra was good for pk ,has anyone had experience with using this chakra?

I have only one burnin' desire, let me stand next to your fire

Psionics Research Fellow

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The Sacral Chakra, I believe, is located near the genitals. I'm not to familiar with this chakra and I usually use it for grounding purposes. See, this chakra, while sitting down during meditation, is right by the earth, the mother of all energy (in a way), so I always connect my Sacral energy to the earth's. It is a stabilizer to do this and you feel a lot more powerful as well, since you are drawing energy from the ground as well as your own. The Sacral chakra is the foundation of your... I wanna say life force, but that's not right. Genitals are the essence of human survival, so the Sacral chakra must be strong, thus the foundation of you. I hope that makes sense... :)

Dnorric is correct in saying everything is connected. Working out just your arms will  get you pretty strong. But if you also work out your pecks and abs, your arms will be stronger as well. That sort of thing. So yes, the Sacral Chakra is beneficial to pk training.

Oh, and Dnorric, I envy you. :) I can see auras, but not in colour, or that well.  

-- Edited by Joshwah at 03:53, 2008-08-28


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Thanks Joshwah. Yeah id like to say that i use it allot however i never really have, I hope that will change in the future. At the moment my main goal is just flexing my pk muscles in every area so i am able to activate astral travel abilties.
I dont mean to attack anyone or there beliefs however i notice this allot. People so want to be into pk they study every methodology they can find, and try to implement them all at once. What you find yourself doing is sticking to these strict guidelines that are someone elses that you really have no idea as to whether they have had success. You busy yourself with details and forget that all that really matters is mastery of yourself.
When i was younger i went down that path sucking everything up i could find and in the end it was just me being me that worked the best. I dont think pk is something out of the ordinary. It is more than likely humanity is out of the ordinary to the rest of the universe in concerns with there identity. You dont need anything you have got it already. Just need to give up and throw away what you gathered over the years to make room for what you really do have which is you. Think about it all the natural psycics are not the exception to the rule it is instead the other way around.
Another problem with searching and reading all this matarial is that you tend to become an armchair practioner. That is you read allot but dont do anything including the fundamentals.


Psionics Research Fellow

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I understand what you mean, but sometimes yourself is not enough. Especially these days where individuality is almost punishable. I see no problem in reading all you can from different resources and forming your own opinion, but yes reading one thing and then following it blindly is not very healthy. :)

I too think that psionics is a part in all of us, it is innate. But there is a block that keeps it dormant for most of us. Getting around that block is hard to do on your own. Especially in a society and time that deem the supernatural and paranormal experinces crazy or demonic. Since birth I've been told "trying to see the future is against the bible and you can go to hell if you try", for a 5 year old or younger, those words stick like glue. The hardest thing to do is to unlearn something, that is why I read as much as possible. Instead of trying to unlearn the doubts and overcome the blocks, i'm learning something new that negates what I learned previously. Searching for the weak part of the blockade, the crack in the wall, so I can get through. Furthermore, i've been been betrayed twice by myself, so there is that constant wall of fear.  I've tried to get through myslef, but the wall! I just can't scale, and I don't know why or how. I can see it and sense it, I can feel it... so I hope that in my research I will find a way to diminish the wall, or give me the necessities to scale it. That's the way my mind works I suppose. :)

I don't think i'm an "arm chair" practitioner either :) I collect information, yes, but I also train... maybe not as much as I would like because of school and work, but I do train.

You're interested in astral projection? Maybe we'll meet in astrals one day, that's been on my mind for a LONG time.


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Hi JoshWah. I was attacking you or well anyone so i am sorry if it felt like that. Yeah i really do know what you mean. The hardest part is getting over preconditioning. It took me a long time before I granted myself permision to think and do as i please. Sure it makes you and outcast and no one will want to talk about it with you. I think also the hardest part is for even those are into the same area there is no common ground. Most everyone overly personalizes the beliefs, what happens to, there practices. They take into account things they enjoyed reading in a book and what ever takes there fancy and in the end what you are left with is trying to talk to someone who has got there heads so high in the clouds theyre up there with the fairies. As much as the new age phenomenon has been great in that it has made things less taboo. It also seems to have given the people the license to believe in whatever they want despite the facts. Instead of getting rid of all the dogma, all the religions every one has created there own personalized one. Its a bloody mess. My most hated thing is when people say well that my belief because in essence what they are saying to you is no matter what you show me invedance or otherwise I am going to stick to my guns come hell or high rain. That dogma, and dogma is just not acceptible we are trying to break away from than rot not make many flavours of it.


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I know you weren't attacking anybody :) I was just giving my 2 cents (and if seemed like I was attacking anyone, that wasn't the case either).

I see your point, about how people personalize their beliefs, but those beleifs don't come out of the blue.  They are mostly branched from an existing religion or faith -with the exeption of the flying sphagetti monster- so they really aren't that different. So how would you remedy this? Just drop your beleifs- the things that define who you are. I just can't see it, not totally. Yeah sure you can say "I don't beleive in God." But if you were asked to kill someone, most wont do it. Why? Because they beleieve it's wrong. See? It's nearly impossible to get rid of beleifs. So how?

Also, how did you grant yourself permission to think and do as you please? I mean, what goes into that and to what extent. Right now, I can do anything I want, like kill my neighbor with a knife, but I don't because it's wrong and of course the consequences it will bring. I can think freely and unlimitedly as well, there are no boundries for that. So how do you grant the permission?


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If you look around the world who you are is not that different from who everyone else is. People hold on to the I like its so important and most of the time the I is created out of fear. They look to find some way of consoling themselves when they go to bed and so choose to accept stories in replace of observation. Dont get me wrong i think expressing yourself is amazing and beutiful without which life would hardly be worth living. However you do not need to fill your mind with falsities to do so. It is this habit of humanity which is the cause of all our trouble. They take there falsties to such extremes. We have estranged ourselves from each other. We replace far out ideas for communication, love, hugs, laughter.
I just dont see it necessary to belong to something. The need for the I filled with falsities is a result of the ego and nothing else. All an effort to feel special when in reality everything is special by default.
You ask me how do you grant yourself permision. THe answer is simply detachment.


Psionics Research Fellow

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I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time following :p... Lemme try to break it down, so it'll be easier for me:

First you said that everyone is not that different. Then you said that "I" is created out of fear. Then you said that we turn to stories instead of observation to console us. Then you said we don't need fallacies to express ourselves. Then you said the habit of humanuty is our trouble because we take fallacies to the extreme and thus sepreate ourselves from one another. Then we replace far out ideas for communication, love, hugs, and laughter. Then you said you don't see the reason to belong to something. Then you said the need for the "'I' filled with fallacies" results from the ego just to feel special when reality is the real special thing. Then you said the answer is detachment to my question of granting yourself permission.

So questions:
1. How can everybody around the person who looks around them be "not that different from those people", when you said that everybody personalizes their beliefs, making them different...? (sorry, that's a hard question to phrase...)
2. When you say the "I", do you mean personality? Your thoughts? The physical being? The mental being? or the word "I" i.e. "I don't like cough syrup"?
3. Why is "I" created from fear?
4. A. When you say we turn to stories to console us as opposed to observations, what stories are you talking about? B. Aren't stories derived from observations?
5. When you said we don't need fallacies to express ourselves, is "fallacies" refering to the stories? If so, how does one express themselve with a fallacy? Just because you know a fallacy doesn't mean you portray it.
6. How do we take our "fallacies" to the extreme, and why does that seperate us from one another?
7. "We replace far out ideas for communication, love, hugs, laughter." I'm not to sure what that means... could you re-phrase it? I mean, what far out ideas do we replace with communication, love, hugs, and laughter (which is a wide variety of things, we have a noun, an emotion, and two verbs)
8. "the need for the "I" filled with fallacies is the result of the ego. All an effort to feel special when in reality everything is special by default. " The ego is defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions of our mind, so anything we think is the product of the ego, so I'm clear with you there, but the reason: "to feel special", I'm not so clear on. What does thinking and knowing fallacies have to do with trying to be special? And isn't the ability to try trying to be special, one of the defaults of special?
9. And last (I think), you say that to grant permission, to just detach. Detach from what exactly? Your personality? Reality? Your ego, thus thoughts? If that happens, not only individuality, but function will collapse. If you don't have thoughts, that means no opinion, if no opinion, than you go along with anything anybody says, making you much more vulnerable than if you have the ability to collect "fallacies" and inturpreting them as you see fit, developing an opinion based on the varies information, thus giving you thoughts of your own entailing a individuality i.e. the ability to function as a human.

I'm not bagging on you, attacking you, or trying to humiliate you or anything offensive or anything of that nature... I'm just trying to understand what you are trying to say. I'm sorry, I just got a little lost and a lot confused, so please, bare with me :) and if this comes off as me being rude, or short with you, it's not the case :) I'm not taking offense to anything, so I hope you don't either.

-- Edited by Joshwah at 05:03, 2008-08-29


Psionics researcher

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Question 1:
Everyone around you suffers from the same problems due to filling the I with falsities.
The i is that part of you you individualize, and is that part of you which you were born with and build upon. Some people just go over board individualizing it
I is not created from fear your born with it. What you fill it with generally is created from fear of the known. This is due to the loss of the group conciousness. Everyone is afraid of the other and so compensate by building protective mechanisms in the I
Sure stories are built from observation as to how much they stay true is a different story. The stories that we console ourself with are everywhere due to the loss of a group identity. This is often made up for by the story of christ or budha and magically they now have a group identity. The problems with these stories is they out grow there purpose. They gather allot of rubish. Religion is tool for the primitive mind. We should have outgrown it by now. Its even evident in things like science which are not suppose to be dogmatic
dont understand the question
Thats every where you look. People say i am a christian, I am a vegetarian, I believe in such and such. These people that say i am in most cases are dogmatic and willing defend there so call beliefs to the death despite evidance otherwise.
dont understnad the question
an effort to seperate yourself from others, build yourself up with glamour
dont take things personally. its just a ride

no problem at all

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