The pk wheel seems the fundamental expression of a torsion field. The russians started investigating this area during the time of tesla while the americas chose to ignore it. Here is a link for those interested Damian
Probably everyone is familiar with shape power such the pyramids and cones, etc. The russians did a large amount of research upon it. Patrick flanagan did as well who brought out the book of pyramid power. The russians build massive cone 5 stories high to test various effects. Well turns out the shape power is to do with torsion fields. In patrick flanagans book he mentions aligning the pyramid to the north south to increase the effects, if you read the other doc you will se why. But you can also place magnets on either side of the pyramid so that they are attracting each other with the result of increasing the effect. You might want to try the same and post your results. So the setup is NS P NS So the NS is a magnet with both facing the same way and the p is the pk wheel. Damian
If the following is correct taken from the previous link then it may shine light on telekinesis and what is required to cause an object to move towards or away from you. That is generating two torsion fields both of the same direction.
In 1977 A.C.Tam and W.Happer showed experimentally that two circularly-polarized laser beams attract or repel depending on mutual orientation of their circular polarization. If the direction of rotation of polarization of the two laser beams is similar, then these beams attract, and if the rotation of polarization is opposite, then they repel [41]. These results collided with quantum electrodynamics and could not be explained.
Sorry chaps got it wrong. According the doc. A cone produces a left torsion field and so if you make you pk wheel a cone you could then supplement the torsion field with a magnet facing south upwards underneath it. Damian