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RE: Cloud flaring

Hey guys dont know wether they need rain still, but will send all positivity i can both for rain and for the people. Thanks for giving us the chance Ro, it is an excellent idea. :)



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So I decided to pray and to ask God for the absolute truth. In my life all I really seek is truth. Shortly after a whole new world of ideas and philosiphies came out of nowhere! I mean I was always a philosiphical person, even as a child, but this was mind blowing info.! It was almost as if every experience was connected somehow to the "info." I was getting from I don't know where. If I was thinking about the possibility of reincarnation, I would turn on the tv and guess what? A documentary about reincarnation would come up. It seemed like there on after every moment was a super educational one.

This is EXACTLY what happened to me! The more philosophies came to me, the more they appeared to show up in everyday life. It's like someone or something is watching over me to lead me to the truth.

And almost every time I notice these hints being thrown in my face, I get that intense "dejavu" feeling yet not dejavu... I would definitely also call it awakening.

Thank you all, now I know I'm a little less crazy than I felt.

And about the art thing, I'm an aspiring 17 year old artist and your drawing is pretty awesome. I usually do abstract things but hopefully if I try to being a sense of realism it will somehow subconsciously effect me in the way it has effected you. Hopefully I can get also get a sense of understanding of this... being guiding me. Thanks again guys, this forum is now my new home to find understanding.

-- Edited by spizzazle at 00:31, 2009-02-10


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They did get a light sprinkle but they still need a good soaking to stop the fires spreading more. Im hoping the floods up north will send some rain south or some arctic troughs will come through.



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I was inspired by your cloud flaring Ro, i hadnt thought of trying it before. I didnt expect id be able to do it for a few years yet; yesterday it was raining all day come 9 o clock id just finished a couple of hours working on energy manipulation which went superbly and included opening chakras meditation so i was flowing nicely, i was about to wind it down and just chill but noticed the rain still goin and decided to try some cloud flaring. It quickly became clear that i could feel the energy of the rain and empathise with it, sounds funny from my current mindset, but i just concentrated on the energy increasing and surprisingly wasnt surprised when it worked! i tried to slow it make it calmer and had amazing success. I was so excited i went to the front door to try again and get better feedback as before i was sitting away from an open window and couldnt see very well. So once again thankyou Ro for sharing the knowledge of this being possible!


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I'm so glad you were successful we are infinite in our potential! I have the belief that as we are mainly composed of water our minds have a natural affinity with rain this is why we have the ability to affect it. I also believe when your mind is clear and you are in tune with the earth you have the ability to communicate with the available potentials and energies. Thank you for your positivity.

My Sifu before he passed on told me the story of a master that lived in a cave he was over 1000 years old (i need to check my notes to confirm) however the area he lived in was in drought and the people were dying and he took all the bad karma and energy that was blocking the rain into his body which caused it to rain and save the people but it was so much that it immediately turned him to dust.  I know stories change over time but I feel that this was one that has been passed down. I would like to know more about this man if anyone in the future reads this and it sounds familiar.
I have been reading about many shaman and yogi around the world who can take others pain upon themselves so that the people can fire walk and undergo cleansing ceremonies with fire brands.

-- Edited by Ro at 22:30, 2009-02-10


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"I'm an aspiring 17 year old artist and your drawing is pretty awesome"

Thanks Spizzazle:)

Ro: This is interesting because I have looked into Shamanism as well. I think that every religion has truths in it and that Shamanism is a very ancient one that everyone should study at one point. Anyways, about the people that live very long here are a few videos on that:


This specifically is a documentary about "Buddha Boy" which I am personally skeptical of for some reason. However, this part of the doc. features an old man that does not eat but instead uses the "sun" for nourishment. He has been studied in labs so its interesting:

Oh and I am not encouraging anyone to NOT EAT. I myself am not planning on ever trying this because I feel it is not important to me personally. Anyways, its interesting to study.

-- Edited by foreverago02 at 04:51, 2009-02-11


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Hey everyone I just want you to know that areas in Victoria have received so much rain that it has come up to the shop windows residents on the radio were calling it a godsend. Also there is a very large mass moving up from the south.
The death toll from these fires is over 200 now and they think it will go to 300.
A new fire has been started in northern Victoria which I think is very suspicious The police have confirmed at least one of the fires has been lit on purpose.
Please keep focusing on that area getting a good soaking so that the firefighters can get some relief. Also The red cross web site is handling all the humanitarian aid.


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I am soo happy they are finally getting rain! I am going to keep praying, but not just for the rain and families but for the people who started the fires in the first place. I think that anyone that is capable of doing something like that is in desperate need of prayer!

: oh and the pictures of the koala bear going around are soo cute and sad at the same time! It is so sad, just all of it!

-- Edited by foreverago02 at 11:43, 2009-02-11


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Alright! Let's keep it up!
I'm also glad the Red Cross is helping out too. The people need all the help they can get.
I just don't know who would start fires knowing that people will die... and how the last one got out of control- it's a little sickening. I'll focus some energy on them/him/her as well, maybe to get themselves to turn themselves in XD. (But mostly the fires- it's more important)



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Im glad they got some rain :) will keep up the positive energy. I have been practicing cloud flaring when it has been raining, today i was practicing on the way down to my girlfriends and come across the river on the way, it was proper flooded :/ i decided it didnt need any more rain and to stop practicing making it get heavier for a while lol. Anyway i am a Scorpio born in the year of the dragon, both are governed by the water element i believe and i was born in a storm, i wonder wether any of these things have a bearing on my affinity with water related psi techniques at all? Anybody else have any possible ties between star sign and psi affinity? great story Ro will let you know if i hear anything about it again.


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I am a Scorpio born in the year of the dragon and I was born in a snow storm . My mom said it was so bad no one could come see me in the hospital:(

I don't know if I believe in zodiacs that much. I believe they are more guides than restrictions. Like as a Scorpio I am supposed to be very jealous, and although I was often a jealous child I really grew out of it and matured so I don't think you are "stuck" with those qualities. Again, though I don't know if I believe in them.

but yah anyways, I read that they are already investigating and trying to find who started the fires and I really hope they do. And I believe it is equally important to pray for the people that started the fires, because if they were OK then those fires would have never been started in the first place. We have to get to the root of our problems. More people live in pain and die from man made reasons rather than natural disasters.

-- Edited by foreverago02 at 20:12, 2009-02-11



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Wow im surprised to hear you're scorpio/dragon, ive made no judgment on star signs yet myself, could be something influencing us at birth in such  predictable way. i just find it strange when they correlate, wondered if id find any Leo/Aries pyrokinetics lol! i think this is an opportunity to put astrology to the test. Scorpio/dragon to me is easiest sign to test for similarity, im thinking if there is any truth to it, i could describe what makes you different from everyone else with accuracy. Let me know what you think.

You are not one for fashion, or pretencious in appearance.
you have a form of intellect or understanding above average/you are gifted
You are very honest, this should be first on list because you almost cant lie. You are your own boss, own leader, definitely not a sheep.
very strong willed when challenged, u like a challenge
these are supposed to be specific not generalized statements that can apply to all. finish each one with "compared to others" to see what i mean.:)



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I find it interesting that you're both scorpio/dragon-born; perhaps it does have an influence on affinity?

I'm still trying to figure out what my possible affinity could be. I'm a Leo born  the year of the Lamb. Apparently after some research, I was born during the year of the Metal Lamb:

It's strangely true about my personality traits that it describes... confident and pensive socially yet the way I draw is with bold strokes and outline countour.

Is it kind of ironic that I'm a Leo and a Lamb... am I supposed eat myself? Hehe just kidding, but anyway: What affinity is attributed to Leo? To the Lamb?

EDIT: I found out that the Leo is fire-driven, but what is the Lamb? I'm getting frustrated trying to find it

Also, I find it strange that it has been raining for all of us posting here. As I type this, it is raining. Perhaps after I write this up I'll go practice cloud flaring and maybe some redirection to Victoria. I also wonder if there is a group that is fighting against us? A group of people trying to do the same thing we're doing, yet with fire? Maybe we should also be focusing on pyrokinetics, focus on shrinking the fire itself.

-- Edited by spizzazle at 01:30, 2009-02-12



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The lamb/sheep is another fire sign by fixed element so leo/sheep is elementally associated with Fire. with the sheep the fire element is expressed through creativity, compassion and enthusiasm. leo expresses the fire element as strong willed, born leader and likes it. I agree that it would seem that astrology has something to it and i love your enthusiasm, but i firmly, firmly believe that all of us are capable of the entire spectrum of psi ability. it would be great to find a link between astrology and what energies we find easiest to empathise/work with, but if you are yet to have your breakthrough my advice is dont limit yourself by focusing on finding an affinty to help you. if an affinity exsists you will become aware of it when it shows up. i really dont mean to patronize you at all, especially as you may already be more insightful or progressed in your training than i. let me know if you find any affinity with fire within yourself wont you. :)


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Well here is the thing... I was born on Nov. 20th which is supposedly on a "cusp" so I am supposed to display Saggittarius qualities as well. Also, I believe Eastern astrology is different than Western, I believe I would not be a Scorpio according to Eastern astrology? I don't agree with that, because I have mostly Scorpio qualities down to some phsyical characteristics. Its strange. I also do have some Saggittarius qualities, although not as many as Scorpio.

You are not one for fashion, or pretencious in appearance.

Well, I am a girl. It is only going to be natural that I care about my appearance. I take pride in my appearance and try to take care of myself. I am not obsessed with my appearance and I embrace my imperfections. I think they make me more interesting...

you have a form of intellect or understanding above average/you are gifted

Some test scores (SAT/ACTs if you live in the U.S.) do indeed tell me I have above average intelligence, however many times this doesn't come across in real everyday life lol. I am a natural born leader and I like to think for myself, but I can easily be a follower as well, although it is not as natural for me. I am gifted but I don't believe you should be too proud of the gifts you were born with. I admire people that work hard for what they have earned, rather than people who have natural talents. I am good at art (please excuse my bad drawing from before tho:), and singing. I love music and am going to sound ****y but I do have a good voice.

You are very honest, this should be first on list because you almost cant lie. You are your own boss, own leader, definitely not a sheep.

I hate liars. If you lie to me, it is very hard for me to forget. I definatley believe honesty and trust are crucial to any relationship. However, I would be a hippocrite if I claim I have never lied myself. Although, I  have noticed that the older I get, the less I lie. In fact I honestly cannot remember the last time I told a lie, it hasn't become necessary in my life. However, secrets well we all have those now don't we:)

very strong willed when challenged, u like a challenge

I like a challenge and I AM very strong willed however I easily fall victim to procrastination as well. I can be competitive.

I do believe that the planets affect us. In fact it has been scientifically proven that the planets can affect our moods. However, I don't believe that the year or month you were born in can dominate your life and every aspect of you. Like I said you may have been born into a mold, but you can break free from it. In many cases I believe you are SUPPOSED to break out of that mold. Analyze yourself, take the positive and use it to your advantage, take the negative and toss it out!

-- Edited by foreverago02 at 20:10, 2009-02-13



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Very well put foreverago about our star signs not being complete or set in concrete at all, i couldnt have put it better. its a strange subject for me because it would seem that there is some basis of truth in it, the problem is the truth of it is not so easy to obtain, i guess its a good example of a subject that can lead to many more questions than answers! it'd be interesting to meet you face to face, im rather compelled to believe we'd share some common ground, but id be more intrigued to see the ways we differ. thanks for letting us know that those sentences held some truth, i wrote them based on the dragon/scorpio traits i see in myself n i am rather more convinced that there is at least some truth to astrology. i realized the domineering characteristic of the scorpio/dragon combination is Intensity with Power, meaning we are supposed to be prone to go to excess with almost anything in our lives, i can tell you that is completely true of me, if i do anything i do it to excess lol. according to astrology, being born in a storm in the year of the dragon is supposed to mean your life will be beset by similar stormy ups and downs and once again, im not old but you could write a book and a half on the events already taken place, so lets hope for your sake and mine that astrology is nothing but bull ey?:)


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Well, thats true my life is full of stormy ups and downs. It even happens in my love life where I could go months without anyone even noticing me, than all of a sudden have a number of up to four or five guys I hang out with until I choose one lol and then we break up and the cycle goes on... But I hope my life won't be shaky like that forever. I am planning on stabilizing it, especially because I am older now. I'd love to meet you face to face too but I always promised myself I'd never meet up with anyone on the internet. I can be extremely skeptical or extremely naive. I was raised in a very trusting family so I easily trust people and I am usually very naive. That's why I try to be extra careful.


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"I felt a little alientated from everyone arround me because I felt I could not explain it all"

Ok, so I got that from Ro's statement from before... but it sums up exactly how I have been feeling for quite a bit. I haven't told my family about PK. If I ever get really good at it, I will show them. The problem is that people have this "reality" and they don't know of any other reality. If you overload them with information and cause the reality construct they know to totally collapse in a matter of hours or days or whatever, you can do a lot of damage in my opinion. Some people just aren't "ready" to see things a certain way. Maybe some people will never need to see things this way. I believe there are many ways to spiritually advance. Maybe someone who never learns about PK but knows how to live life (as in forgiveness, love, selflessness, etc.) won't have need for PK to understand their true selves and nature. So, I will give everything time with my family and all. I did try to explain some of my thoughts before I even thought about PK to my ex-boyfriend (boyfriend at the time). He thought I was just kind of a wild child or something and that I would "grow" out of my eccentric ideas or something. So I really didn't have any support from anyone. My journey has been a very lonely one until now:) But anyways, I've noticed a lot of you guys mentioned how supportive your girlfriends have been. I was wondering if they have every tried to practice PK? Have you showed them? Is it important to them? Even I feel that the ideas behind PK an the philosiphies behind it are more important to me than actually being able to perform (althought I'd really like to start performing PK too, because it would be a hands on spiritual learning experience!)

Anyways, I am really interested to know how your knowledge of PK has affected those around you? And for your girlfriends to support you guys, wow, you guys are lucky and I suggest taking them out to dinner or something to show how much you appreciate them!


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I have found sharing on this forum and in other forums very important to my learning process. This forum though not large has been a very good support base to share ideas with other psionics practicioners and researchers.
I was lucky enough to be able to finally talk to and show my GF my pk and ideas one night when I felt ready. I made sure that I felt secure enough in my own belief to be able to share it. Now I look forward to sharing any new skills I learn with her. when she finishes work. I m like hey check this out. Because I showed her my progress it was easier for her to accept. Often She knows I am practicing a certain technique because of certain side effects on electronics. I often ask her if she can see any natural reason for a pk event so that I can investigate it.



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I love how you demonstrated your Cloud Flaring it was amazing! I once was on a walk to my friend house where it was a rainy day and I only have been walking for nearly 5 minutes and I was half way soke. I remember reading something along the lines about the heart is much better understaning then the mind as the mind limits you and has many doubts were the heart understands and so forth. I used my heart area to slow down the rain and eventually moved on to almost stopping it. It was completely amazing and I couldn't believe that I was able to do such a thingomg.gif One thing I am confused about its how you use "affinity"and"consciousness" on cloud flaring. It is though I feel like I am lacking knowledge. Please enlighten me!

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