I think this video explains the way I experience teleportation pretty well.
It's interesting though, because I think it also explains PK in general pretty well. Perhaps whether a person walks five paces in 3 seconds, or shifts 5 blocks in 3 seconds, it could still be considered teleportation. In my experiences so far as with PK in general, there was no noticeable special effects or drama, save moments of a quite mind. I recall my girlfriend saying when I 1st showed her the psi_wheel, "The movement just looks so normal that it's hard to believe anything special is happening."
I think that waiting for the dazzle; fanfare, & special effects probably gets in the way. I generally only have trouble moving things when I expect to. You could say that the difficulty I have on any given day is there because that's what I happened to be invested in, or expect to see. Whenever I think of a psi ability as normal for me, & convince myself of it's regularity, it tends to happen with ease.
As the video points out, most of us are pretty invested in the solidity of this world, but it's only as solid & dualistic as we expected to be. Look away for a minute or two, & convince yourself that what you see in your imagination is the reality. If everything we perceive is a self expected manifestation, then your flesh & even your brain must be as well. If that is true, then who is observing & from where are they observing?
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
http://www.rexresearch.com/grebenn/grebenn.htm " You can imagine what I felt at that moment. When I came to my senses, I tied a few panels together with a wire and it wasn't an easy thing to do. I succeeded only when I positioned them vertically. What I got was a multi-layered chitin block and I placed it on the desk. Even a relatively large object, such as a thumbtack, would not fall on it. Something pushed it up and aside. When I attached the tack on top of the "block", I witnessed incredible, impossible things. The tack would dissapear from sight for a few moments. That was when I have realized that this was no "beacon," but something entirely different.
And I became again so excited that all the objects around me became foggy and shaky. I managed to pull myself together with huge effort in a couple of hours and I continued working. "
This description conforms to some other levitation stories I have read re th Chinese experiments.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
i was watching thor and in the movie it had some good points. it said magic is science we dont yet understand. and science fiction becomes scienece later in the future :).
but what really got me (which is why im puting on teleportaion) is the gate they had. be using your own electrical and other forms of energy we have cant we use our bodys as a point of refrence in the point A and use our contiunes in a projection to where we want to go as a point B and then bringing point A to point B? or would we need to create 2 consiuos identy one for point A and one for point B?
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
I just wanted to share that quantum teleportation is a scientific reality today. before quoting the article I want to reference remind that dna communicates using photons. Field of study biophotonics.
A team of scientists successfully broke all previous records by teleporting photons a distance of 62 miles. Their achievement is outlined in the paper "Teleporting Independent Qubits Through A 97 Km Free-Space Channel." Juan Yin at the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai has confirmed that photons were teleported more than 60 miles across a large local lake.
This a reality instantanious communications.
Entangled particle communication has gigantic potential for the communications industry. All experts agree that while photons are good for transmitting information, encrypted messages would have to be carried on ions. Quantum ion waves can be encoded far easier than simple photons.
Communication using a quantum entanglement system would be instantaneous no matter the distance. Instead of transmitting information, the information would be teleported through a quantum wave from point of origin to the point of reception.
The lead author of another study attempting to untangle entanglement is quantum physicist S. Jay Olson of Australias University of Queensland. In an interview with wired.com, Olson explained how particles can interact outside of time and space. You can send your quantum state into the future without traversing the middle time."
As psions we have been exploring this potential from a human mind body spirit technology perspective. Once again science is catching up. Below is a psionic model posted several years ago.
Back in 2010, the same Chinese scientists at Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale managed to teleport two objects ten miles from each other. They teleported the information to the Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, also located in Hefei.
They are using piezoelectric ceramics to teleport the information. Interesting fact the pineal gland in the center of the brain has calcite crystals with piezoelectric properties. Is telepathy just another form of quantum teleportation? I think so.
Human teleportation is 100% possible. I mentioned in another post how I had an OBE and lowered my vibration so that a dog saw me. I know other people who have done this. Yogi's use a similar method but perhaps what they discuss and what I discuss is more akin to bi-location. But these are just terms to discuss a non-physical phenomena from a physical perspective. The reality is you are where your consciousness is. Teleportation of the physical body without making an etheric double is possible as well but it takes a certain type of shift.
I have had personal experiences of spontaneous teleportation in the past. Also, as control over my energy body has increased over time; I more able to make my astral form solid enough to effect objects in the physical world, as well as make myself visible to the physical eyes of others. The same visibility is true for tulpas I create. The best way I can describe it, is that both my astral & tulpa forms are in some kind of plasma state between matter & energy, which seems effected by the physics of light refraction.
Anyway, the methods talked about by Nikolay Denisov, accurate in comparison with my own experiences. When I have some more money, I would really like to set up some measurement equipment in my house, as I am more able to reliably produce these effects than I used to be:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve