I've noticed that if I have a larger object, I seem to do better at getting it to move/twitch/etc.
I'm pretty sure it's mental, as I feel there's "more to work with" with a larger object. If I have a choice between a large aluminum psiwheel and a smaller one, I get better results form the larger one than the smaller. Same thing with the batteries.
One of these days I want to try a rubber or more solid ball versus the pingpong ball I seem to have so much trouble with.
Hey Shirak, I think you should go back and try stopping the large water mill again. Now that you have stopped a smaller one you know it can be done with that kind of kinetic energy, perhaps this knowledge will empower your ability.
You could possibly construct one out of a spoked bicycle wheel with buckets/ledges set in place the same way as a waterwheel, and run the hose over the top into the buckets/ledges
The advantage is that it would not yet be quite as large as a real full scale waterwheel but the disadvantage is that it would be your own homemade device, and skeptics may not like that.
I would try it myself, however my ability to move a small psi wheel is erratic and unstable at best. I see your level of focus as inspirational to me, and with every step of progress you make it makes me a bit more hopeful in my self. If that makes any sense.