It's really fascinating, but I am also very skeptical about it. I looked it up on the Skeptic's Dictionary and this is what it said:
"In 1939, Semyon Kirlian discovered by accident that if an object on a photographic plate is subjected to a high-voltage electric field, an image is created on the plate. The image looks like a colored halo or coronal discharge. This image is said to be a physical manifestation of the spiritual aura or "life force" which allegedly surrounds each living thing.
Allegedly, this special method of "photographing" objects is a gateway to the paranormal world of auras. Actually, what is recorded is due to quite natural phenomena such as pressure, electrical grounding, humidity and temperature. Changes in moisture (which may reflect changes in emotions), barometric pressure, and voltage, among other things, will produce different 'auras'.
Living things...are moist. When the electricity enters the living object, it produces an area of gas ionization around the photographed object, assuming moisture is present on the object. This moisture is transferred from the subject to the emulsion surface of the photographic film and causes an alternation of the electric charge pattern on the film. If a photograph is taken in a vacuum, where no ionized gas is present, no Kirlian image appears. If the Kirlian image were due to some paranormal fundamental living energy field, it should not disappear in a simple vacuum (Hines 2003).
There have even been claims of Kirlian photography being able to capture "phantom limbs," e.g., when a leaf is placed on the plate and then torn in half and "photographed," the whole leaf shows up in the picture. This is not due to paranormal forces, however, but to fraud or to residues left from the initial impression of the whole leaf"
Anyways, I know nothin about this stuff. I wanted other people's opinions and thoughts especially anyone who knows a little something about the subject!!!
They may have sharing turned off on the video. I don't know that the phantom limbs effect is due to Fraud as stated in the dictionary. They make the claim that it is fraud yet do not supply any evidence of it being fraud. You have to be careful with skeptic dictionaries because they make claims that are not always supported by evidence or proof and create a mantle of trust and suggestion of authority in the readers mind that just by reason of using the word skeptic their words are law and fact which is not always the case.
Fore instance the article references this passage,
"This moisture is transferred from the subject to the emulsion surface of the photographic film and causes an alternation of the electric charge pattern on the film. If a photograph is taken in a vacuum, where no ionized gas is present, no Kirlian image appears. If the Kirlian image were due to some paranormal fundamental living energy field, it should not disappear in a simple vacuum (Hines 2003)."
The authors logic shows no understanding of energy medium propagation. Anyone who works with electricity or electronics understands that electrons and energy must have a conductor to move through. In the space of a vacuum the energy would be restricted to the source ie. the hand it would still be present you simply would be removing its means to travel external to the body. The author uses "If the Kirlian image were due to some paranormal fundamental living energy field, it should not disappear in a simple vacuum (Hines 2003)." as his argument however natural law states that some forms of energy must be propagated through a conductor. The author is suggesting that energy fields are "paranormal" so should not follow the rules of natural law.
This strikes me as strange and unscientific the author has placed their own bias condition what he thinks properties of the energy field should be.
Am I being clear enough about this? What is unnatural about a bio field that surrounds every living thing? It has been my experience that many so called skeptics use the face of science but are bias in their application of it missing the opportunity tolearn something new.
I suggest that we on this forum begin a project to investigate this type of photography and document its strengths and weaknesses for ourselves.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
"they make claims that are not always supported by evidence or proof and create a mantle of trust and suggestion of authority in the readers mind that just by reason of using the word skeptic their words are law and fact which is not always the case."
I agree. And this psychology works on me. It shouldn't, but it does. I know people like this in my everyday life. They often make me feel stupid and naive. I am a very imaginative open minded person, but I'm not stupid. What makes a genius a genius? People with super intelligence see patterns that other people do not see. Whether it be in mathematics, art, music. They see what others do not. They have the imagination to do so. I think we can learn from this. We need to open our minds and SEE those patterns we are missing and we should not dismiss anything as non-sense just because it falls outside our scope of understanding or even logic.
Anyways, that is why I put this up here. I knew you would know something about the subject. I don't know anything about physics so I don't think I am much help. But I do think it is a good idea to do some independent research. I think experimentation is relativley cheap as well but I wouldn't know. Here is a website with directions to building the device. I think it can be bought online too:
I am sure there are many others like it as well. Now this website claims that this type of photography has been around since the 1700s. That's why I was a bit skeptical. Why haven't any great advances been made in the field? Why haven't we applied it to anything yet? This is freakin 2010!!!! I mean come on! It is really sad if people let their biases get in the way of exploring this. Anyways, I like what the author of the website writes about paranormal claims regarding Kirlian photography:
Paranormal Claims I was first introduced to Kirlian photography, by the book titled "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain" by Shelia Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder in the early 1970's. In it many paranormal claims were made concerning the resulting Kirlian images. For instances, it was said that the Kirlian photograph could foretell illness in plants and animals before physical manifestations of the disease became apparent. I have experimented with Kirlian photography over the years. I have not observed any "paranormal" evidence of this phenomena.
One must keep in mind that most observable Kirlian phenomena does not require any paranormal or bio-plasma field to be explained. For instance, stress or the "act of lying" can easily be detected with a lie detector that relies on measuring the change in a person's galvanic skin resistance. Stress may also be seen in a Kirlian photograph as a change in the corona discharge (aura), however this change is easily explained by the change in a person's skin resistance without the need of evoking any metaphysical properties.
The article also mentions Nikola Tesla and although he was a bit strange and probably mad, I really admire Nikola Tesla. He was a true genius and his imagination was amazing!!! He truly got criticized for his crazy claims. He played around with electro photography.
that is a really good site it shows you start to finish how to build one of these machines. What film to use and so forth what a good find! I wonder if we can build one of these and document the process?
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Kirlian photography is super cool. However, I agree that it is not necessarily paranormal, nor a good indicator of aura.
I think it would be fun to play with, but has minimal diagnostic value.
EEGs on the other hand, are super fascinating. I've always wanted to somehow combine the concepts of the two, or something else entirely, to create a true aura analyzer. I've thought about how to go about doing this for a very long time, but the problem is that subtle energies are really weak compared to environmental noises such as capacitance and conductance of the skin, electrocardio signals, electromuscular signals, and even the relatively weak electroencephalo signals, not to mention all the radio waves bouncing around, humidity, and 50/60Hz buzz from mains.
As it stands right now, there are no good ways to measure putative (lifeforce) energy, but you can measure health and mental state indirectly through basic physiological means.
That's basically what this technology does:
The problem is that it only has one mode of measure - Galvanic Skin Response. This is a decent measure of stress level (it is the most basic type of test in the polygraph lie detection), but I doubt it can get information about the actual aura with any accuracy.
I had one of these taken, and I must either have an aura power level that's Over 9000, or my hands were extremely sweaty, because all of the parameters were at Deep Red 100%. Hmm. I'm guessing some sort of error due to me having extremely sweaty palms when I'm excited, and an overall high skin conductance.
However, I've recently done some really exciting tests with a very simple EEG, and found that entering the state of mind for telekinesis produces very strong beta brain waves.
Beta that is interesting. I have a Spectrum Analyzer 9hz - 22ghz (Hewlett Packard) That I have been trying to figure out how if possible I could turn it into an EEG or similar.
As taken from Wiki here is the comparison table so I should be able to grab all but Delta? I just need to figure out how to set it up.
drowsiness or arousal in older children and adults
Associated with inhibition of elicited responses (has been found to spike in situations where a person is actively trying to repress a response or action) (Kirmizi-Alsan et al 2006).
posterior regions of head, both sides, higher in amplitude on dominant side. Central sites (c3-c4) at rest .
closing the eyes
Also associated with inhibition control, seemingly with the purpose of timing inhibitory activity in different locations across the brain (Klimesch, Sauseng, & Hanslmayr 2007; Coan & Allen 2008).
Displays during cross-modal sensory processing (perception which combines two different senses, such as sound and sight) (Kisley & Cornwell 2006; Kanayama, Sato, & Ohira 2007; Nieuwenhuis, Yeung, & Cohen 2004)
Also is shown during short term memory matching of recognized objects, sounds, or tactile sensations (Herrmann, Frund, & Lenz 2009)
A decrease in gamma band activity may be associated with cognitive decline, especially when related the theta band; however, this has not been proven for use as a clinical diagnostic measurement yet (Moretti et. al. 200
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Pretty much you are going to take the signal from the electrodes, amplify it, low-pass at 60hz, and run that signal to your spectrum analyzer. Then it's just a matter at looking at what bands are the strongest on your frequency spectrum.
This website has basically all of the directions you need:
I want to make one myself, but the trickiest part for me was signal processing. Some designs use the PC's sound card to put the signal in, but because most sound cards have a high-pass filter at 20hz, you'd love most of your signal if you fed it in raw. So you have to FM the signal, then use a program to translate it back. I was having trouble finding an API that would let me read from the sound card using Python, so I gave up for the time being