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International Psionics Journalist

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RE: Obe/PK

Im interested in OBE definitely.. But as you know , my time doesnt help.. o.O I have like 5 pdfs talking about Astral projection o_O Ill upload them when i have some free time ^^ And i got some PDFs for Lucid dreaming too :)
And hope the audio helped :)


"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6
"The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Cool video on Lucid Dream Phenomenon & Potential

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Journalist

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Amazing post owly :) i liked those 2 videos pretty much.. and interesting techniques to follow.. The move around in circles idea would be pretty epically useful and i have problems staying in a dream sometimes O.o thanks again bro


"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6
"The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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No problem, I'm training OBEs & Lucid Dreams pretty diligently right now, and it has really enhanced my PK strength & awareness, as well as telepathic skills:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Journalist

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I will soon upload some pdfs about lucid dreaming or OBE.. :) ill edit this message and put the links ...
Since i want this to remind me when i wake up xD lolz.. REALITY CHECK O_o -pinches myself- done.. o.o lolz good night


Edit : As i promised o.o a pdf about Lucid dreaming and a pdf about astral projection


There you go ^^ Enjoy


Hope they help ^^

-- Edited by Draspy on Saturday 28th of May 2011 06:31:07 PM


"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6
"The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Thanks for the posts Draspy:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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A couple of Peebrain's, old OBE articles from PsiPog. I think that these are actually quite good & down to earth. He talks like a normal practitioner, rather than someone selling a book, & I still find his tips helpful:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I wanted to post an interesting Q&A, from the Wind of The Soul, website concerning the astral body and it's psychokinetic effects on the physical world.

Q & A: Out of Body Noises & Sensations
April 7th, 2008 by John Wolfe

Question: During out of body experiences Ive encountered many sounds and sensations in my room, around my bed, and near my body. If our astral bodies are pure energy, then why would they create or make sounds we normally associate with our physical bodies? If these sounds and sensations are not related to our astral energy, then what do you think causes them? Cynthia S.

Answer: The subject of astral symptoms is one that Ive spent a lot of time experiencing, pondering, and writing about. There are many possibilities for answering your question.

Most of the out of body literature points to the fact the majority of sounds and sensations occur just prior to full projection. It seems to me there is an incredible amount of energy being built up during the pre-projection phase.

With that in mind, I have noticed an interesting coincidence between OBE symptoms and the encounters a lot of these ghost hunting groups stumble upon: theres usually a sudden drop in temperature near the physical body, an increase in strange environmental sounds, internal shifts in awareness, the sensation of being touched, feeling off balance, compression and heaviness, and expansion of the self.

Mind you, these symptoms dont always happen to astral travelers, nor do they always occur for ghost hunting groups. However, there are a lot of consistent similarities in the occurrence of these symptoms (in both groups) that crop up more frequently than by chance alone.

The only obvious answer for this, in my mind, would be due to changes in the electromagnetic fields around the physical body. This may be just as true for ghost hunters as it is for astral travelers. When ghost hunting groups walk into an area where high readings of electromagnetism are present, they usually encounter strange physical symptoms, along with paranormal experiences.

Since many of the encounters they experience are similar to the symptoms encountered by out of body travelers, it would stand to reason that the pre-projection phase may be causing an increase in the levels of the electromagnetic field around the physical vehicle.

Since we still have a connection to the physical body during the entire out of body experience, then the symptoms are probably due to our skin, ears, etc. detecting this large energy shift. In fact, Im really interested in testing this theory. Im going to purchase an electromagnetic field (EMF) detector and try to get some readings during the onset of these pre-projection symptoms. Ill let you know about my findings.

Another possibility is that the sensations and sounds are related to the astral vehicle, through a mechanism we have no way of fully understanding. Robert Monroe, in his book Journeys Out of the Body, proved that the astral body has the ability to impact physical matter.

Monroe projected his consciousness and used his intentions to draw himself to the location of a coworker. Once there, he found her sitting at her kitchen table. He needed a way to make contact that would be obvious and could not be mistaken as a coincidence. So, he decided to try and pinch her just above the waistline. She flinched and let out a squeal. He was satisfied he had made sufficient and memorable contact.

A few days later he asked her about the circumstances and she confirmed something had indeed pinched her, but was uncertain what had caused it. She then raised her shirt just above her waistline to reveal a small bruise, in the exact same location, created by Monroes pinch while traveling the astral plane.

Robert Monroes ability to impact the physical environment mimics the abilities that ghosts (if they are truly conscious forms of energy) seem to possess. We think of ghosts as being vaporous aspects, minus any physical appendages, yet despite this fact they seem to be capable of moving physical objects and creating sounds.

So, our astral bodies may be causing very similar occurrences as we draw closer to projection. When we project we may have more in common with ghosts than we realize. The only difference is our consciousness is still partially attached to and simultaneously filtering through a physical body.

There are also theories that state noises and sounds, such as hearing your name being called out (Ive experienced this during many projections), are stemming from other beings. As we raise our vibrational rate, we may be coming into contact with other entities just a dimensional shift away. If these other beings are the source of the sounds, it shouldnt be too surprising that they are aware of our names. After all, the astral environment is comprised entirely of thought, similar to the physical Universe; only far more obvious.

I believe this may be a viable possibility since every environment essentially resides on top of one another with no true division. We share the same space with all of consciousness, physical and nonphysical. But we are vibrating at different rates; creating the impression of distance, separation and so on.

My explanations may not fully answer your questions, but Im not sure anyone can say for certain what causes the noises and sensations associated with astral travel. When venturing into the out of body state, we must understand we are exploring experiences and territories that have not been thoroughly mapped out. Each one of us acts as an adventurer every single time we move into that realm.

Now, I dont believe astral sounds and sensations are anything to be fearful of. I personally welcome them because they remind me of the fact, as humans, we are not even aware of one quarter of the different forms of energy that exists around us. Our five senses can only afford us interaction to a certain degree in this physical environment. But as we step into the means for altering our consciousness, we become aware of just how limited our physically focused viewpoint is.

One final idea- you may want to try asking for clarity as you are moving through the experience. Either during or right after you project, pose the question in your mind pertaining to the sounds and sensations and allow an answer to come to you. Many times I have tried asking for clarity regarding an experience I encountered on the astral plane.

Interestingly enough the answers I received were not at all what I was expecting. Whether this eliminates the fact I was answering my own question or not, I cant say. However, we may always be answering our own questions from another perspective anyway. I believe our higher self is always helping guide us through out of body experiences.

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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-- Edited by owltwelve on Tuesday 21st of June 2011 07:11:03 PM

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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OBE Q&A series:

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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I find it pretty funny that these things happen to me involuntarily, and they are scary, but others WANT to do it. The big difference is when I wake up in paralysis state I don't feel like a lead blanket is on me, I feel like I am levitating a few inches above the bed, and I can't move my body because I am detached from it. I actually happens more often if someone is awake in the room with me, reading or watching tv. You might try doing this while someone is with you making a little bit of a distraction. Just a thought!
I also fall asleep faster then anyone I have ever seen. People with insomnia are very jealous, and it's funny, I naturally do it they way they say in the video above, I lay on my back for a few minutes, then roll onto my side and fall right asleep. Sometimes within half a minute of laying down. I don't know what that means. I'm not sure if I am brave enough to go exploring in that state yet. I've had involuntary OBE's and they were profound and life altering, but I have that fear I wouldn't come back. Can that happen?


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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This may sound funny, but the need to use the bathroom is a natural fail safe. Also, for most people, just thinking about being in the body snaps the back involuntarily. My main fear has always been entities that were more powerful than me. I'm not as scared anymore, but the fear comes back sometimes, then it passes. When I was younger, I used to see those grey abduction aliens, standing over me or trying to grab at me. If I fought them off before full exit, it would ruin the OBE. The entities haven't really been a problem for years though.

I remember a couple times when an old girlfriend was sleeping near me I would go into sleep paralysis a lot. It was a rocky stressful relationship. I've heard that stress can trigger sleep paralysis.  One time we both went out of body at the same time, except she was only partially aware. It was like she thought she was dreaming or something.

I don't always feel a lead blanket either; it's often feels like sinking waves. Even if I get up out of bed, I can still feel the waves, and if I go back to bed to soon, I'll fall right through the bed.

The main reason I think you should try to face the fear, is because it's happening anyway. Why not develop some understanding & control, rather than be a victim to the phenomenon. Also, the scary aspects are minor compared with the benefits. While out of body you can fly & experience many other powers. You can go places that would be difficult or impossible to visit otherwise. You can explore questions of life & death. etc:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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O12, i've seen those abduction aliens too, and things that look like them, such as a shadow person or light person, or a big horse staring in my window as a kid. Are those entities real, or just a manifestation? That confuses me because sometimes I will wake up with bruises on my body, or a twisted ankle, but no idea how I got that way. When I was a teenager I was actually afraid that I was being abducted by aliens because I had missing time too, but now I am not sure if they are real.
During a couple of my spontaneous OBE's, when I was really afraid, I could hear the toilet flushing by it' self, and my husband confirmed it was...he's an insomniac and is always awake.
I always have the floating feeling when having an OBE. I'm not conscious of my breathing, it's just not something I thought about. I've talked to other people with sleep paralysis who feel like they are being choked. That would be horrifying, but for me it was never a factor.With sleep paralysis I always just find myself floating above my bed, sometimes up to the ceiling, and there is nothing I can do but just try to grab onto stuff. Sometimes there's even a bright light that seems to come from the sky, but also everywhere at once. It's bright, but doesn't hurt my eyes, which is strange because I am very light sensitive.
I decided to just face my fear, as you suggested, and plunge right in. It's not like it will stop happening if I ignore it, like I have been. I'll let you know how it goes. So wish me luck. :)


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I can't tell you for sure that these entities are real in the sense that they are objectively real. Between you and me though, they sure as heck feel real, lol. When I was a teenager, I wondered if I was being abducted, but I never told anybody this for obvious reasons. My personal intuition about the whole OBE phenomenon, is that your energy body vibrates out of phase with the physical when the body falls into a deep enough sleep(though it can also happen in the walking around state). I think that these entities exist at a different vibration from us. At 1st I thought they might just be dream manifestations which would disappear if I either broke the paralysis, or got fully out of body. I found out later that this was not necessarily the case. Even while fully out of body, I have still encountered entities, though not usually the aliens.

I get the impression that there are different frequencies of reality which are kind of superimposed, like they are all occupying the same space. If you are vibrating fast enough, you don't even see these negative entities. When I 1st get out of body in what I think of as an astral double of the physical environment it feel quite real, & not like a dream. It seems to be made of the same stuff I use for PK, or at least that's what it feels like to me. Moving around can't require practice, because you aren't using muscles but constructed thought. It's kind of like the matrix I guess, in that your body there is a residual self image. Thought is the currency, if you can focus your mind while out, you can do some cool, crazy sh't. You also don't need to breath while out, I think this is why some people feel as though they are choking.

Anyway, I have not mastered going out of body, but the more used to being out I get, the more powerful my other psi skills seem to be getting. What many projectors do is visualize a shield construct before they go out. You can practice the shield while in the waking state. My OBE shield is powered by a very happy memory of my mother. Also, it's good to set goals for what you wish to accomplish when you get out; this can really give you focus. I have a goal of reaching my girlfriends apartment, because I asked her to hide some items which I hope to find one day for verification. I also discovered that my PK power is much enhanced when I'm away from my body, some lower entities were a little too friendly once, & I was able to subdue them more easily than I thought I would.

I am definitely wishing you luck, encouragement, & sending positive energy

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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O12 I was thinking about your OBE training and I really think that while we have bodies it provides us with a unique learning experience to analyses the experience from a grounded state. Training the astral self to learn techniques while we have an Earth grounded body gives us a unique ability to evolve and grow and . The earth bound experience gives us a point of reference to not get lost in the static of this infinite possibilities.

The physical gives meaning to the unmanifest. The more I think about your training and your experiences in OBE training the more important I think it is.

I really do agree that while encountering these entities in the not fully conscious state they can be as real as anything in the physical to us. Even if they are projections of our own fears. Raising ones vibrational state makes one as intangible as a dream to these lower entities or fear based muck that sometimes holds us back from soaring.

I have found elevating others has a return effect to my own energy and raises my own. I have found the positivity in training outlook on this forum also raises my energy state.

For me sleep paralysis was accompanied by a cold feeling and with my eyes open I could literally see steam come from my lips like the little boy in sixth sense. Consider. As kinetic energy is taken from the room environmental kinetic energy to accomplish a task the room temperature will drop. This has made me consider the implication that possibly some pk effect is at hand also that there seems to be an entity in the room at the time and yes it does feel very real. The adrenaline in my heart tells me I am very awake yet my body does not respond.

The area responsible for movement is called the Pons part of the brain. I had a theory about it and posted a 3d model of this area of the brain. Could not an entity entrain to our biofield using fear based telepathy to influence this movement center of the brain enacting stasis field on it? Even more could this be a defense mechanism we could use to avert harm to self?


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I totally agree about how sharing positive energy has only boosted my own progress:)

I also, agree that the mechanism which causes the paralysis, is there so we don't harm ourselves; I actually think it's totally natural. I have also experienced that some times what seems to be a frightening entity, can be a misinterpretation of intention, but not always.

I can only speak from my own experience of course, but while fully out of body, I have felt completely conscious. I think that because of the nature of OBEs, the best that one can do is report their experience with as little prejudice as possible, & try to setup verification experiments. I'm not really a superstitious or religious person, but reporting these wild experiences can make it seem that way. When I was a kid, I was having these experiences, & no one would talk about it, it was pretty terrifying. I discovered Robert Bruce's treatise on Astral Projection, in my late teens & it really helped me to know that I wasn't alone in this experience. It was so crazy for me back then, that I was going out of body when out for a walk, working out, or just sitting on the sofa.

I'm not certain about the nature of these entities, but have experienced them in varying levels of alertness. I've heard some projectors say that they feed on the energy you give them, which I would agree with. It is possible that they are manifestations like tulpas/constructs. Though, I suppose I think that the physical world is a construct too, lol. This does beg the question; what is real? If it looks & feels real, is it not real? Maybe, maybe not, but if I, while walking down the street one day, see what appears to be a truck about to hit me; I will get out of the way. I may be hallucinating, but will probably err on the side of self preservation just in case:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
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