Hey guys I'm new to the forum and was introduced by shirak, who I have much respect for, as he helped me grow a lot through this journey.
I became introduced to pk about 8-9 months ago and i was a curious skeptic at the time. My curiosity always had me challenging things but not necessarily passing them off as false because I never had the proof for that. So i did research and decided to experiment for myself. Ever since i've had many incredible experiences and have felt much more alive. I think the most fascinating thing was getting to feel my own energy. It was both a physical and non physical feeling between my hands. the warmth and coldness in my palms and the tingling sensations were really incredible.
So, i'm not a skeptic anymore but am a student and researcher who wants to learn and discover the potentials we're capable of. All of this energy that flows within and around us and our universe, and our mind and soul which are capable of manipulating it with our willpower is just insanely great. We can benefit so much from it to help ourselves, those around us and the world we live in.
Our energy, mind and willpower are just as much tools as our hands and feet are.
This morning I began experimenting with the psywheel again and had some slightly different experiences. I could feel a lot of energy flowing through my hands but I had difficulty connecting it to the psywheel. My conciousness was telling it to spin clockwise and to push yang energy from my right hand to my left and for my left hand to pull with yin energy. when i'm lost in focusing on these thoughts, the psywheel suddenly rotates in a fast motion. It doesn't do so in the direction i intended even, it just will go about half a rotation with lots of speed and then spin the opposite direction. I'm having a lot of trouble controlling my energy to sync with my intentions.
I also attempted a bit of pyrokinesis a bit after and sat in the darkness of the basement's staircase. I let the candle sit first and just observed it. It sat completely still with no motion or flickering whatsoever. I placed my hands around it, and gradually the fire began to bend slightly towards my right hand and i felt my palms get really hot from the flame. I think it bent towards my right hand because i usually assosiate my right hand with yang energy. I had an interesting theory about this, if yang is associated with pushing and also warmth, when working with pyrokinesis, instead of pushing the flame with yang it pulls it in because the warmth strengthens it. Funny how you can't fight fire with fire, you'll just provoke it more. Metaphorically speaking as well.
Guys i'm really fascinated by psy and I love practicing it and I love meditating, it gives me so much peace and I feel refreshed all the time if thats the least i get out of it, but like i said, i've been at it for quite a while on and off and still am not capable of even controlling pk with my intentions. It like it just does whatever it wants as long as i'm there basically. Its kinda frustrating me as of late and thats one of the reasons I decided to sign up for this forum. I'm hoping those other researchers on here can lend me more inspiration, tips and pointers to help me grow.
I read some other posts and topics on here and they were very interesting. Some were pretty funny even. I thank you all, especially shirak for being such great mentors and influential people.
Wow, you have great energy; welcome to the forum! I love the title of your post, as boundlessness is definately the way I see things:) One of my martial arts instructors used to tell me that in terms of stages in development, that it was more important to focus on the power of free flowing energy & focus on precise control later. So, if I'm performing an action, I should have a one pointed focus on putting my whole being into it, as if that action is the meaning of life. My experience was the same with the psi_wheel; at 1st I had no control either. Films & T.V., give the notion that control is automatic, but it seems to be more of a skill than a special ability. In some ways this is comforting, because I've developed other skills before, but I digress:) For me, the deeper I've gone into connection & free flowing energy, the more clarity I had about how to control direction.
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Hey thanks for coming to the forum and welcome. I love reading new posts from others and the perspective they bring I have learned a lot from others on this forum and consider myself a student first and formost. I really like the yang observation you spoke about with the fire attraction. Im inspired to go do some candle work tonight :)
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Thank you guys, I'm honored to be a part of the community.
I wanted to note that last night I attempted pyrokinesis once more and after placing my pinched right hand fingers by the flame to project yang and my left hand open to accept it, I focused on the flame trying to feel the flame and feel the energy around it. I didn't see much other than the slightest swaying of the flame. Then i had to itch my right eye so i lifted my right hand to rub it, and suddenly i felt my left hand burning intensely hot and i looked down to see the flame was bent (if you consider a protractor and the flame to be at 90 degrees, it bent to about 140 degrees left) and burned my left palm. I knocked over the candle and nearly set the carpet on fire. After resetting the candle and trying to refocus, I noticed that without my right hand, the flame would still bend naturally towards my left hand. It also did the same for my right hand alone but it would only bend a slight bit. I wasn't really intending for the flame to bend so i'm not sure what triggers this, if its natural and this is supposed to happen, or if my energy was uncontrollably being released around my palms or what. It was quite interesting. So yesterday was the first time i was successful at all with pyrokinesis :) Score! I tried to record a video of this happening by the way but unfortunately my laptop's camera is optimized for low light video chatting and therefor doesn't show the flame clearly, its just a bright blur. I tried to capture it using an app on my iphone which doesn't have high quality video capturing either and it looked even worse than my laptops cam. :/ my sister bought a camera recently though so i'm going to try out her camera and see how that works out. Hopefully i'll get to put up a decent video soon.
Once again thanks for the welcome guys. Sincerely Jesse