Speilberg's Taken is a good one. The little girl has amazing powers of pk, and can even manifest thoughts of anyone into reality or slow down time. It's a mini series......
lol owl, that's synchronous. It just came to my mind and I thought of this thread. It's definitely one of my favorites. I love the girl's effect on the soldiers.
thanks, my husband recommend this one few months ago but i didn;t saw it, I will watch it now,
another movie that i find inspirational is Kung Fu Panda, u might find it funny or childish, but :"everything is possible", "believe". The old Turtle was right!
There is tv-series called 'Supernatural'. It's about Sam and Dean, who fight demons (and later on angels.). On their joruney they stumble on various things. For example, Dean is in coma and is actually Out of body, and when Sam drinks demon blood, he gains powers. One of the best TV series i've watched. Recommend to others too.
I'm not sure if anyone has posted a video about a movie called 'I am number four'. But here it is...
-- Edited by Alar34 on Saturday 17th of September 2011 06:07:43 PM
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
Someone already posted the Craft, which is one I recommend. My favorite scene is where that girls is spinning the pencil on her desk in class. My favorite movie ever is Practical Magick and there are a few scenes involving TK like abilities (Sandra Bullock stirs the spoon without touching it). Push, as someone said earlier, has the most TK in any movie I can think of save for the Carrie film.
i always think of that scean with the pencil in craft when i think of pk. i honestly believe magic is science and science is magik we just understand the pricnples of it quite yet. i had a very long discusion with a good friend of my last night about the implication of what magic truly is. amogst other thing we also discused the inherient child hood dream of using pk, with magic. the scary part is the only religions i tried was wiccan and other magic arts i will njot name :P and so did he which is awesome. i then told him its not spells but you consciuness creating contructs to effect you physical reality.
BlissfulOasis wrote:
Someone already posted the Craft, which is one I recommend. My favorite scene is where that girls is spinning the pencil on her desk in class. My favorite movie ever is Practical Magick and there are a few scenes involving TK like abilities (Sandra Bullock stirs the spoon without touching it). Push, as someone said earlier, has the most TK in any movie I can think of save for the Carrie film.
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
I know I seem to be quoting Darryl a lot but in his video where he talks about the parallel between the mechanics involved in PK and ritualistic magic I think he was on to something. I study many forms of magic, though at this point, I couldn't be called much more than an armchair magician as I do more studying then practicing but I hope to change that in the future. Still I think there is a similarity. I would like to think that practicing PK would help with ritual work as it is one of the only methods of practice that is instantly verifiable. As in... if you make that connection with your subconscious or whatever you believe moves the object the object will move and if not the object remains motionless.
I would like to learn to engage the same framework in a ritual environment. Perhaps with even better results as if you have studied Wicca you know that it is common to raise energy before sending out your intention. I would love to see the result of a PK experiment conducted in a fully cast circle with ample energy around but I have not gotten a chance to test that out yet.
i truly want to get a group going for PK, i want to see what a bunch of people who have harnessed there energy can do together ina group. not only that but will we learn faster if where group will the advacnments we make as a group last longr or shorter when we break from the group. can we share skills and abilitys that not every one is good at. i truly want to experament with these scietific thoerys.
(about chakras: i have relised chakras are real because i can feel my third eye pulse..... train this part the most when you harness chakras)
and with mr slaon.... i started watching him and to behonest he is the one who actualy got me to start pk about a year ago. i told him on comment that its nice to have some one else out there who sees the world in a similer light :D
BlissfulOasis wrote:
I know I seem to be quoting Darryl a lot but in his video where he talks about the parallel between the mechanics involved in PK and ritualistic magic I think he was on to something. I study many forms of magic, though at this point, I couldn't be called much more than an armchair magician as I do more studying then practicing but I hope to change that in the future. Still I think there is a similarity. I would like to think that practicing PK would help with ritual work as it is one of the only methods of practice that is instantly verifiable. As in... if you make that connection with your subconscious or whatever you believe moves the object the object will move and if not the object remains motionless.
I would like to learn to engage the same framework in a ritual environment. Perhaps with even better results as if you have studied Wicca you know that it is common to raise energy before sending out your intention. I would love to see the result of a PK experiment conducted in a fully cast circle with ample energy around but I have not gotten a chance to test that out yet.
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
There is a new show on the CW, "The Secret Circle", which reminds me a lot of the craft, at least so far:)
Spells are consciousness, or I should say, techniques for focusing consciousness into the state required to make things happen. So, sigils are spells; mantras are spells, but then so is singing a song that alters your mood. If you remove the cultural baggage from magick, it's no different from psionics. It's about using techniques which help you to better control your mind & manifest a life that conforms with your will. Chi Gong is magick; Christianity is magick, Yoga is magick, Hypnosis is magick & all of these disciplines come with rituals, special clothes/tools, & techniques(spells) to alter consciousness.
-- Edited by owltwelve on Saturday 17th of September 2011 07:19:10 PM
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
If you want a good book on working with Chakras check out Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics. He has a system called new energy ways that is the best I have found. He also has a book strictly on energy work though I have not read it yet. But I have both editions of Astral Dynamics which focus more on OBEs but has a lot of energy work in it.
I agree with Owltwelve about many things being the same or the same thing underneath that makes things work but strictly speaking of my own views I don't like to put the word Magic in the same vat as the different religions. I understand what you are saying and for the most part I agree with you I just don't like classifying them together because a lot of religions do not look so kindly at magic practice. When I use the word Magic I am usually referring to the practice of a specific form of ritual structure or spell work (High/Ceremonial, Hermetic, Evocation etc).
I guess it is just a chip on my shoulder as I live in the bible belt and have gotten negative feedback (that is putting it in a polite way) from my occult book collection both from friends and family. Also I don't want to offend anyone here but I know a few people that go to church just because they think it is the right thing to do. I am certain they could not manifest anything with prayer even if they tried. That is not to say other people can not as I believe they can but for me the distinction lies in the fact that people who practice magic are usually more keen to pay attention to the forces at work and try to understand them.
I guess it just depends on individual perspective of definition. If you say magic is a techniques for focusing consciousness then any of the above would indeed fit the bill.
@BlissfulOasis I agree with both you and O12. I think there is no god (no offense meant.), yet i don't believe the 'big bang' theory either. Well, prayers might work, if they believe hard enough (like we do PK). For me religions are just a mass mind control. Haha, my family has no idea what i'm doing. They've seen me staring at lights multiple times, but i think they aren't suspicious enough to ask. Right now, the forum even knows more of my life :). And maybe it's better if they don't know. Who knows how people react to such things.
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
Some people can react pretty negatively to stuff like this. I had a friend that was like a brother to me my whole life and he saw this picture of an alter set up I had when he was going through some of my digital photos. He didn't say anything about it but he didn't need to I could feel his disproportional in the air it was so strong. He is a very religious person so I think he is uncomfortable with that kind of thing. We kind of stopped talking and grew apart. It could have been for other reasons but I think that is the main one. I have to give him credit though he never said anything mean to me about it but he use to be really uncomfortable when I spent most of my time in the metaphysical section of the bookstore.
i think it sad when people close them selves off to things. i view as this, if there are rituals that work and they dont harm you or other people, and got created every thing, then why didnt god stop all forms of this? think about it, is a being so mighty and grand existed like the christains,jews, and muslims, and even pagan gods existed, then why not just stop all abilitys to do this stuff right? to be honest people close them selves off from the unkown and use god and religion as a exscuse to stay ignorant and scared.
how ever i do not do OBE training as much as i use to because i honestly think the whole entity thing eating my dreams has put me off..... also my room is full of dust and i have a hard time meditating when i cant breath through my nose >< whic is majopr reason i couldnt do PK last night very well.
but i want to say this, all my life i have bin skeptical of the way the world is viewed. i do not eat what is fed through my tubes by my goverment. i do not eat what is fed through the tubes by religion. and i will never believe any one with out hard proof, how ever O12 has something about him that just very diffcult to disblieve, even though we never met i feel a strong aura of trust with him as well as shirak. i do not know why but i just get that kinda feeling when we chat on the forums etc. but again some part of disblieves what i am told. unless i can achive it on my own fiet and learn how it works. or have untangble proof in my face i cant believe it. its kinda like a guide line to work for.
with that being said however, i also want to point out this. i mean no disrespect by any thing i hav sauid and if i have offended you i am sorry. but i think the whole concept of goverment and religion is one and the same.
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
I would like to learn to engage the same framework in a ritual environment. Perhaps with even better results as if you have studied Wicca you know that it is common to raise energy before sending out your intention. I would love to see the result of a PK experiment conducted in a fully cast circle with ample energy around but I have not gotten a chance to test that out yet.
After raising energy, pk is already incredibly powerful with one person only. I sometimes amplify the flow, practice some, amplify the flow, practice some more and so on (clicky). It improves pk a lot. Though, sometimes it can get a bit too intense and end with a hangover (sharp pain in the body, which might last for a week).
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.