I'm positive I didn't see this anywhere on the forums, but I'm making it anyways for further discussion like my last post. :)
I've been into using 'Precognition' ever since I knew what it was(like, a year ago), but with music. Seeing that I was excelled in predicting the next track, pushed me into seeing if I could change the next selection. I then immediately thought that by instead of manipulating the music selection, why not try to manipulate the sound and wave currents sound uses into different wave patterns?
Seeing how we can use PK to manipulate the odds in something, such as random music track selection's, or amplifying the speed your going on a videogame, or possibly what's about to happen in the commercials on the TV, we could possibly move sound or even create it. But the way I see it, why not try to use energy to create sound, or to move a current given sound to a distant place through your own energy waves? Maybe we could send a game sound to someone or a music track selection for a set of people to hear or maybe soften the strength that sound may have intended on our ears when we hear something that many people consider 'Deafening'.
When you feel like your 'ears are bleeding', or something that deafened your hearing, you may consider something is too loud or just plainly annoying. Maybe once your body is used to hearing the sound, it will adjust itself to make the sound more 'pleasure-able' to hear.
This is extremely bad when you try to 'tune-in' to loud music, cause then your hearing will begin to adjust to something louder than normal, that you would be able to not hear something thats far off as you normally might.
Like for example, you tune into something thats as soft as say something basic like country music(not too hard and loud, but normal). That would be the normal strength you would normally hear. Now, when you tune into screamo(heavy metal/heavy rock), you wouldn't be able to hear much of the country music as loud anymore, and it'll 'deafen' you hearing by a decent amount. You would then need to re-adjust to softer music to hear better and make it more stronger and back to it's old self if needed.
I can now realize with the current technology there is now, we can use to hear sounds at higher frequencies than we normally could, which to my amazement, requires less energy because there's more sound to hear, which means less blockage for the sound to move. To my amazement as well, I completely forgot the speed at which sound travels, but I just wiki'd and found out for all of you! But to my extent, this would be better to give the link anyways for those who are curious about sound waves, types and the speeds at which they travel.
Though I'm not entirely sure about how well you can hear certain frequencies of sound with less energy blockage, but that one was just my theory. If anyone has experience or technique ideas on the subject, we'd like to hear it! (Especially for just softening the sound power waves for less ear bleeding, lolz).
That is a very good idea Sting Chameleon, very good! I believe if you can sufficiently gather & influence sound waves, you can use this for a very strong push force; levitation, force fields, projected inner ear disorientation & other power stunts.
My own experience with sound manipulation so far, is that I can make an muffling field nullifies the sound near me. Examples of use have been at concerts, or whenever there have been loud screeching noises, which hurt the ears of others. I have been able to make a personal dampening field. I have never tried to project this beyond my self though:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
I did try and pulse my guitar amp once but it all went quite odd and when I strummed the guitar it sounded like I was under water or something the sound that I could hear from the amp was muffled for a couple of minutes , I think Shirak suggested it may have been some sort of Resonance
Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter. - Albert Einstein
What if we are just dancing vibrational waves in God's symphony?