Hey I made this topic just to say hi, I am person who loves physics and the whole concept of kinesis, I was first introduced to PK from a friend who told me about it and he showed me some videos on youtube about it which got me interested in this, then after some searching I found Shirak's videos who brought me to this forum. I hope to learn new stuff about PK, find a few good pointers in the basics of PK etc. while im here
ok thanks in advance for any relpys looking farward to learn and grow
Hey welcome to the forum have you given much thought about where you would like to begin? If I could recommend working out what you have affinity with Ie are sensitive towards. Ie. Candles flame, wind, water, emf, vibrations there are heaps of starter exercises to get the basics to build on. We all take this subject here seriously so please feel free to add your own input advise etc :)
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Welcome Spikes8787, I look forward to future conversations with you on PK or psionics in general. Why no begin with what ever seems like fun to you; take it easy & enjoy:)
Nice avatar image!
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Welcome to the forum, sorry for the lateness of the greeting. I am looking forward onto topics that we can discuss about. Don't be a stranger, free your mind and explore every possibility ^_^
Fides,libertas, et interioribusviribus; semper et semper.