It feels like you could levitate these ping-pong balls already .. they seem to be rolling around almost weightless.
I have been trying to roll a soda can for quite a while, but haven't managed to pull off anything more than a slight wobble yet. Thanks for the videos, I'm sure they'll eventually help to get it going.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
thanks for your interest!... im looking at the ping pong ball! but im also trying to create a certain force with pull, push,and arm movements! at first it helps a lot to spin the ping pong ball manually! this creates almost no resistence between ball and surface area! with practice you soon wont need too! i'v managed to get a hold of the ball so well at times! that iv left the room to go toliet or some thing! i'v come back in! and its still doing it's thing quite happy!! a good 2 mins with out any more interaction from myself, will it move for at least!
-- Edited by sy on Tuesday 27th of September 2011 05:30:20 PM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
Thanks for your comment! it feels some times to me too! that these balls can float! like the dream we all have where we can't quite fly! but so close! lol! but I not managed levitaion as yet!! lol as reguards! straight forward pushing mind force! with no hands used at all! it's best to cultivate both methods i find!...i'v found if one muscle in my body is tensed! then nothing will move,even if my little toe is tense, forget it!..... lol!... but if i can relax!!..., and balance in my mind....the following i have great success!...but it tricky.... here's my methods.... (1) the push thought, (momentum, kinetic- energy) must be held very lose! in your mind!...sort of in the back ground! don't try and force anything! just hold the push or pull thought! which ever suits u best! very loose in the mind! a balancing act is required!!..... lol!.... while looking at your said object,....(2)... just let go completly! of everything!...thoughts... muscles!.. mind... objects... everything!.... except your loose push thought hold on to this still!.... so in essence your balancing! your thoughts and feeling till you reach theta band width mentally! so you need to balance...RELAXING the body...with A... LIGHTLY.. held push thought!.........any will do! i some times imagine a borrower type man pushing the objects in my mind! quite well too!lol!...I hope this helps!...... KEY... word every muscle is RELAXED! .....then we can try very lightely at first ,bringing in your push thought!.... hope this is of some use! high praise by the way! for this site, and brill, kind people on it!...........
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
Hey Sy! After reading what you've written so far to me it kind of seems like crazy strong synchronicity that you joined the forum and posted what you did when you did!
I've been thinking along very similar lines lately and definitely have been looking for ways to strengthen my pk abilities and it seems like you've helped lead me into some beneficial directions in that way! Thanks!
And just as I typed the whole thing about how your posts have helped me understand more about strengthening and my awareness the psi wheel I have set up here from a practice session just spun and moved quite a bit into my direction, lol.
WOW, I saw instant results from the technique you wrote down. I can move it even faster now when switching directions (paper psi-wheel) though it still looks like i am fighting myself on which way it is suppose to go. When i try and change directions, it wobbles like two opposing forces are trying to move it. It always spins clockwise, and i have to fight the natural flow of it to spin the other way. Thank you very much for solving one of my issues ^_^
Fides,libertas, et interioribusviribus; semper et semper.
:D sy talks with so many exclamation marks!! xD i like it :D!! Well bro , nothing is impossible :P And i get angry for no reason lately o.o and it continues for hours lol xD guess i should stop before my energy is depleted then :D And what if u have enormous energy but u cant use it? o.o
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
hi wyrm!.... Brill! I so pleased my method was enhancing!.... don't limit your self either! if one day the psi wheel seems slow or you just cant get it!... switch to some thing complety different!like a ping pong ball or smoke...nothing is off the table!... I love to pick a small white fluffy cloud! and hold it back from the way rest of clouds are moving!... also the police chopper is always flying over my flat!... so one day i tried to affect it as it hovered above my flat... simarlar to how i do the ping pong ball!.. I was pretty powerful on this day!.. but i never expected to actually affect it!.... lol not only did it start moving in circles!... I did actually think at one point!... s**t what have i done!! it started to lose height!!and spin!! really s**t my self up!!... this world seems very real!..... mad as this sounds! when we look up at the stars! they are not OUT-THERE at all!... they are in fact within us!.....thanks
-- Edited by sy on Tuesday 31st of May 2011 03:45:37 AM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
Hi Sy. Nice to see you found this forum I told you about
Just a quick question. In your video, between 0:32 - 0:33, the ball slows down, then suddenly it's spinning super-fast again. I've watched that part over & over, and it just looks like a few frames have skipped. I don't know, my mind's telling me that something 'happened' at that point in the video.
What do you think? I don't want to look like I'm over-analyzing, but that's just my nature when it comes to PK demo videos. Peace my friend, and thanks for your contributions so far.
"It is your mind that creates this world."
- The Buddha
I really appreciate what you've shared on the forum so far.
Lots of what you've shared coincides with many of my own experiences so I don't see any sensible reasons to be suspicious about anything you've posted or whatever so far.
-- Edited by FridgeNatious on Wednesday 26th of January 2011 05:40:39 PM
sy, I personally find your ping pong ball vids very inspiring! I think ping pong ball videos are rare though. Since people don't know you very well yet, and you don't have videos on your channel showing your progression in the ways people are used to; some will question it.
I think though, that it's not worth fighting about. What I like about this forum, is that it's not about egos, flame wars, or fighting. As accomplished as Shirak is, he doesn't lord his views over anyone. We all come from different backgrounds & experiences, so sometimes expectations & beliefs may cause minor friction. I try to keep this in mind myself & not take things to personally. As knowledge is cummulative; everyone sharing their perspective can make us all stronger, even if we disagree sometimes:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Hi owltwelve & thx!... your right of course!... just feel like been kicked in teeth! still theirs a lesson there somewhere i surppose!! still at least everyone else on here appreciates my effort! being new on here I dont know at what level anyone is! so all can do is just post and hope!!lol sorry if i appear arrogant! at times !it not meant in bad way!
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
No big deal, I am sill looking forward to your further posts. Do you mind me asking what you're currently working on? Also, I hope if your are so inclined, that you might perhaps start a journal, in the journal section. It's not only a great way to record your progress, but others learn from it as well. One of the most frequently ask questions in PK, is about thought process. I have definitely grown faster while keeping a journal here, & reading from others. Also, we can comment on others insights in the journal comments thread. What's cool about this to me, is that it's lead some of us to become pretty good friends:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
CHRIS when the ball slows! what your not seeing is me building up the next rotation! which happens in waves! if you watch you'll see what mean!..the ball slows, then when the built up chi hit the ball its like a turbo boost! taking it for another ride! and spinning it. if you watch carefully u'll see this in more than 1 place! no trick photography in the world could make the ball do what it does!....also there are jumps and little breaks that are out of my control! chi energy is also a factor, disrupting it!.... I can assure you that me and my footage are genuine! what ever anyone does on video! is always going to be subject to interagation! no matter how good it is! But even if the video had been cut 100 times!... it still couldn't take away the energy & movement applyed to the ball, which was the important thing. can i also add! I gave you matieral chris that no one else has recieved off me!... and cost me real money! informatoin that i had to work for i gave you freely!from goodness of my heart!.. why then would you try and discredit me!..but not only that, you did it on a public forum! a fool can plainly see my video is for real!.... you have OFFENDED me! not because of your comment!... thats fine, but the way you went about it! underhanded!! 1 last point also!.. if you knew anything at all, you would know that lieing, and deciect, depleat our energy! ,so im hardly likely to be doing that am I! specially on utube! doh
-- Edited by sy on Sunday 24th of April 2011 02:13:58 PM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
yeah! till i came lol.... think ill just slink away .........but I do agree its a great, site with switched on people!...& I thank everyone for your warm weclome...........
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!