i dont know what "slink" is ..but ..dont slink away lol :) ..i for my self know i would be happy to read your thoughts and learn from your experience ... so just one short breath and get back on that horse now :)
No big deal, I am sill looking forward to your further posts. Do you mind me asking what you're currently working on? Also, I hope if your are so inclined, that you might perhaps start a journal, in the journal section. It's not only a great way to record your progress, but others learn from it as well. One of the most frequently ask questions in PK, is about thought process. I have definitely grown faster while keeping a journal here, & reading from others. Also, we can comment on others insights in the journal comments thread. What's cool about this to me, is that it's lead some of us to become pretty good friends:)
owltwelve brill tx i'v never thought about keeping a journal on line! I do keep one a writing pad! ill have to reduce it for on here! because it is an exciting journey,sometimes I feel like shouting it from the roof tops! not that any one care!..but on here they would! I get excited just talking about it! truley a great feeling! at moment my main issue if you like,is speed! yes i can move any object!big or small! BUT very slowly! I can't seem to speed movement up at all! just with mind force i mean! no hands envoled! but with hands the speed the same! there has been the odd time things have shot forward so fast im stunned! but can't seem to do it at will! perhaps you may know a solution?? I hope also the forum in time see's me as a friend tx
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
One of the ways that I've improved my PK strength & speed has been through opposing force training, which began with stasis field training against the kinetic air force of a fan. I gradually increased the strength over time & learned to shape air in tight spaces and in multiple cross currents indoors or out doors. This discipline can be applied by opposing & shaping any kinetic force really. The constant pressure forces you to move energy quickly, because ultimately it dawns on you that you actually are the kinetic force in the 1st place. The Wind, fire, & water are my body.
Hope you find this helpful:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
thanks this good info! I wouldn't of thought of it! ...i well never done any kind of opposing force training!how would you suggest i proceed !my concentration! is quite good! but my power to is dependent on a few factors really!! sunday when i finish work! at 4am i get home ! and have really strong! etheric energy! this might be cause i know i can relax!! and if i fast!into next day! this doubles! even trebles! it's potency! but soon as i bin to bed! and got up, it nearly vashished! till i can only just move a marble!! strange!!
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
i think it's possible i'd be a lot more like that Sy if i didn't deal with my loud ass roommates and the insecure ghetto people i met during my summer internship w/ City of Atlanta
just now i've come to a conclusion that insecurity can really bring out the worst in people
maybe insecurity is the only reason why people can be unpleasant in the first place
And o_O can u leave spaces ? x.x my eyes are getting blurry from ur continous writin bro lol :D and indeed a rotatin o.O is a good idea that ill try.. o.o sounds like... O.o psiball practice to me o.o And again o.o no one offends anyone n this forum :D we all like one family.. we just ask... O.o u overreactin in that post imo xD thats all
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
i think it's possible i'd be a lot more like that Sy if i didn't deal with my loud ass roommates and the insecure ghetto people i met during my summer internship w/ City of Atlanta
just now i've come to a conclusion that insecurity can really bring out the worst in people
maybe insecurity is the only reason why people can be unpleasant in the first place
I completely agree! and think you've hit nail on head! the ironic thing is! the more energy work we do, the more sensative to negative energy we become!.... lol
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
Thanks Draspy. Yes, we are all one family, and I appreciate & respect everyone in this forum. We're all at different levels in our training, and I feel it is healthy to question something if we don't fully understand something.
Sy, let me say, I think your PK skills are amazing, and I truly believe that you are genuine. You're certainly a huge inspiration to myself, and I'm guessing everyone else on this forum. Let's re-establish the love, friendship & peace
"It is your mind that creates this world."
- The Buddha
I thought this was resolved already man. Why can't we let it go, this forum is really not a place for flame wars. Everyone has been welcoming from what I have read so far. From Chris's recent posts, he seems humble & conciliatory. What is it that you want
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Again :D i think u totally over reactin xD in fact o.o owltwelve and shirak taught me O.o Psions shouldnt care what people say about them.. o.o so .. why u overreactin about it that much :D as i said. we just askin :D You could be spielberg and we would still ask :D Did i say i doubt u or say u are fake? :D nope.. u just took it in that direction... P
lus chris just wants to make sure of everything o.o as he is so passionate about PK... that he lets say "examines" o.o every bit... You cant blame him :D
And who u callin insurcrure? :D -grins-
well not gonna make a fight :P coz i have a tough day awaitin me already so... ^^ good luck in ur videos :D
Ill call it a day :D
Edit : -coughs- v.v looked insurcure up xD and its not even a word :D well at least google says so :P so insecure? :D yeah im totally insecure and stable o.o we call those psychos where i come from :D
-- Edited by Draspy on Thursday 27th of January 2011 06:02:14 AM
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Proof : I spent lots of time with u all and i still havent killed any of u.. (and that is rare o.o)
lol :D Everyone in this forum is awesome o.o even me XD and im so lame usually o_o I cant even move the psiwheel 50% of the time :D but meh... i dont have time lately.. maybe when i finish this year i will :D
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Being a Psion, is not only about moving things and who has the best video, it is also about your respect for other people on the same path at whatever level . Its about sharing knowledge, and taking everyones opinion into consideration to help progress on this amazing path we are on. I am sure we have all learned a valuable lesson here
Being a Psion, is not only about moving things and who has the best video, it is also about your respect for other people on the same path at whatever level . Its about sharing knowledge, and taking everyones opinion into consideration to help progress on this amazing path we are on. I am sure we have all learned a valuable lesson here
Well said Treasure,
But! My videos are the best!! MWHAHAHAHAHA
Holy crap, Deja vu. NOOO!!! i was about to say today is pretty good, i feel a bit rambunctious. Then i had this weird flash like a memory that i had done this before and later on today, it turns bad :( My sister is here, so no real suprise there.
Have fun!
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
We all share a bond, a bond that nothing can break. For we stand upon the precipice of a new dawn upon this world. With our eyes open, we stride toward a brighter future together as one....I have been saying weird stuff like that lately, sorry about that, but yeah its true ^_^
Fides,libertas, et interioribusviribus; semper et semper.