Hello all, Its great to find a forum of so many people with open analytical minds..
Little about myself..
I'll be 25 in feb. I have traded the financial markets (mostly foreign currency) for nearly 7 years. I am very analytical and would say i once had a very good grip on reality(Im laughing at myself now)... My trading buddy and I had always thought it would be cool if we could see 30 seconds into the future in order to take advantage of the markets. Now, we were both open minded people and somewhat in tune with our higher selfs. We very much understood that our thoughts can be manifested into reality as it was part of our daily practice. Eventually my buddy found some remote viewing/meditation cd's and thus opened the door down the rabbit hole.. Literally. With much research we found Maj. Ed Dames' remote viewing course and began that journey with very little expectation. I really got interested in this subject because of the amount of proof and involvement from the military, CIA, and SRI(Stanford Research Institute)(Which is also where Uri Geller was tested and proved to have pk abilities). Nearly immediately after starting this course i was having a very high success rate which was life changing. Like i said i was open minded but it hadn't dawned on me how skeptical i was before, until after i was getting results. This changed a lot, i now felt forced to be completely neutral about every subject we are taught(or brainwashed) by modern society.
I started with the Psi wheel shortly after the time i started learning remote viewing but failed to continue because of no success at the time. It was only about 2 weeks ago i started trying to spin the psi wheel again. I started with a dense paper wheel and after a day of no success i decided to try it with aluminum foil like i seen on many youtube videos. With-in the hour i was getting movement and began searching for a more logical explanation, which then led to this addiction and no clear explanation. It just is what it is. haha.. Currently at this point i have control over direction and have even been able to control the wheel from nearly 12ft away, even the dense paper wheel i know i was not able to move at first. I can also now walk into the room and get the wheel to spin immediately but i feel it takes a good 30mins of Pk exercise before i have such a strong connection with it that it seems im holding it in my hand. Im currently working on push/pull and spinning the psi wheel under glass, but no success with either as of yet.
I have been like a sponge exploring Qigong and other reading material. I have read Shirak's book and have found that to be a very strong tool. I enjoyed it most because Skirak comes at PK with a very scientific/analytical approach.
Here is some of my findings: With RV(remote viewing) you are trained not to use your conscious brain as it will cause analytical overlay(basically a clear image in your minds eye which is almost always incorrect). Not thinking and forcing the images/thoughts out of your mind is basically focal meditation, which i notice is where i have the strongest connection with the psi wheel. Guessing this is when we're most in tune with the subconscious.
One major side effect of RVing is lucid dreams. Better put they are extremely lucid dreams. This actually caused me to stop RVing because i was going through some rough times with my wife and the dreams were bad enough that i stopped sleeping(I hadnt had a nightmare since i was a child up until this point in my life). With PK i havent had a lucid dream yet. During RV sessions the mind is in theta wave state and during focal meditation the mind is in theta wave state.. But is the difference here that PK is localized and RV is not? Very interesting to me none the less.
Ingo Swann, is person who basically wrote the book on remote viewing @ SRI in order to teach military/CIA personnel how to RV. Himself along with SRI made the technique very structural/scientific in order to make accuracy rating possible. This included approaching the target in stages which allows the RVer to build upon the connection with the target in order to receive more accurate/detailed feedback. Whats interesting is that one of the latter manuals submitted from SRI/Ingo Swann included ideas for advance stages that includes PK and Teleportation abilities. He goes on to talk about that with the research that SRI had done with Uri Geller(pk abilities) and some latter research on chinese children who had teleportation abilities, it may be possible to actually move/change or even TAKE objects from the target site!! BTW this is what originally sparked my interest in PK shortly after i started RVing.. One thing i learned is that RVing targets from the past actually returns more accurate solid data than RVing targets from present or future. This is said to be because the information is more set in stone by the matrix/general consciousness. So what Ingo Swann presents is that it may very much be possible to alter the Past/Future!! Now more recently that im discovering my TK abilities, im starting to realize how deep the rabbit hole really is....
Here's some info on this http://teleportationtravel.com/psychic_teleportation.html
BTW sorry for the long read i just hope it sparks others interests as it does mine. Glad to be here! The mind and body is so much greater than anyone can even imagine!
wow welcome o.o this forum is getting more and more heroes!!! Hope u enjoy it here :) and we glad to have someone like you with us ^^ and interested to have more conversations and discuss theories with u -bows- greetings :D
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Welcome to the forum Gmax111, Wow remote viewing , thats an incredible skill, I am now trying to get a psi wheel to move under glass too so let me know how it goes, I have no movement yet but I am sure it will eventually.
Also with RVing what happens is the subconscious seems to choose what is most interesting at the target site and typically describes this with the most detailed data.
For example many RVer's will use national giographic images in envolopes placed in a pool of 100's of targets(in order to make it blind) and a lot of times what the RV session picks up is the helicopter or camera man that took the image. This is said to be because the mind usually goes to the location when the picture was taken if a time is not define in the Que for the target.
This may explain why some people have more success with psi wheels made of certain materials. The subconscious purely finds them more interesting...
Also what can happen over time with RV is the subconscious becomes literally bored with doing what your asking it to do and it starts returning data from whats called the ego signal line instead of the matrix signal line. Matrix signal line is real data, and ego singal line is said to be your own or popular belief. This can happen even when you're blind to the target which could mean the subconscious knows exatly what it's viewing and returns data that it wants to instead of what is real.
The reason i state this is because it may be possible for people to stop getting good results from the psi wheel simply because their mind is bored with it.. Not sure if this happens just thinking outloud..
gmax111, welcome to the forum! It's great to have more people with RV interest on the forum. Also, I'm psyched by your link to the teleportation info. I have had my own experiences with this, but not much control, hopefully this info will assist me:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Thanks, and yes it is a pretty cool thing to be able to do, I dont find myself doing RV sessions much anymore simply because it can consume a lot of time for very little information.. Google is much faster and easier haha..
And it really is no harder to learn than learning the rules of a board game.. But to be really skilled at it you must practice just like anything else..
Some of the advanced remote viewers are pooled together to make geolocating teams where they can find missing children and even nuggets of gold to within 10-15 sq ft!
Maj Ed dames has even used a team of remote viewers to pick 5 winning teams and placed bets in a las vegas sports book.. And WON! Of course this is much more difficult to stay accurate at because eventually the subconscious becomes bored of it(like i stated above) which is why i stopped using it for the financial markets.
I have noticed the same, which is why I don't want to practice with psi-wheel much. Always trying new objects and new ways for practicing seems to work miracles.
Have tried RV for a few times, but with only a couple of direct hits so far. It was still quite mind-blowing.
RV is a really cool skill to master. I wonder how many of today's spies are actually remote viewers ..
Interestingly, the page you linked references the same article that I suddenly found from my harddrive (must have downloaded it quite a while ago). Posted a link to it somewhere on the forum some time ago.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Awesome thanks for joining the Forum there I hope we can work on some RV projects together one day. I am highly interested in RV and have a strong belief that it can be used to help when no other clues are available.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.