o.o idk whats wrong.. but that thread called "How to increase PK energy" is blank to me o.o though i see that fridge replied to it.. and when i click preview i see the intro o.o
But i cant read it o.O Idk if im the only one facing this problem o.o so just askin, didnt know when to post it either :) Thanks for the time Love u all
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
I dont know why it ended up in the spam I got it released remember I think theres a 10 second threshold between posts if to prevent spammers (we have had them visit before and use autospam) I get it removed everyone wants that. Its just a protection measure for the forum and its automatic (not done by a human) just remember the ten second threshold. (Sys post should not have ended up in the Spam cue, sorry Sy)
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.