I know what your all saying! whats the vortex! and what's that have to do with PK...Well bare with me and ill explain!...being happy is a choice!.. I was unhappy for years! till i came in to understanding!which i shall now try and sum up! very briefly! so you can too!if your not already!!....what EVER happens to us in life! or no matter who's doing it to us!! or how unfair things seem!....trust me it's all going according to the plan! perfectly!... understand that,YOU have created every single second! for yourself! not one person! or word! is left out your equations!.. in spirit this is possible!..your parents! ..your kids! ..even your eye's.. and hair colour was carefuly chosen by you! to experience yourself!.. and what ever happens in life you are always safe! your higher self is ALWAYS watching! we are eternal beings who can't die! our true form is spirit!..nothing and no one can take that from you!.. realizing this will take you to mastery!..death is not a concern! we simply go on living in a lighter ethrical body! much the same as here!simply knowing this without doubt! is what takes you to happiness!and the fact that you are truley the most powerful being in all the cosmos! you just forgot this on purpose!!... The VORTEX is a fast track to massive power!....its a way of thinking and being! we on this site know the truth of realitity! we should all be happy all the time!knowing what we know!...there are no limits to how high we can take this energy work!! it gets better & better! geting in the vortex every day will sky rocket your energy & PK abilitys!... the saints halo is no myth!.. its the crown chakra opening!.. and then begin your sidda powers! & ascendend mastery! ...then on still further!... in to the god realms!.. reaching ever more perfect states of being! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t5Y6AXt
-- Edited by sy on Monday 9th of May 2011 05:35:11 PM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
Ah! No escape, every other word my girlfriend says is the teachings of Abraham, lol. She will be so psyched that you brought Jerry & Esther up on the forum sy:)
I'm not into Abraham, myself but I know many people who happily apply law of attraction principles in their lives:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Hi owltwelve! thx 4 ya feed back! there are many ways i surpose of explaining it! I just wanted the most simple way! and abraham! explains very well!! Ill try you with a different master! in my next post!.. I do understand her style isn't for every one! but your right! her words are still valid!....... i know when i feel good! my PK is feeling good too!!.. ps !! ask your girlfriend if she'll marrie me! lol! only messin! thx
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
I actually agree with most of what they say, but dislike the idea of giving my power away to anyones authority but my own. Some people turn Abraham into a god in some ways, abdicating their own opinions & responsibilities which seems like a contradiction. If I am, as I actually believe, responsible for my life; then why hang on the word of another authority?
I suppose what I'm really saying, is that I respect the ideas and experience of others, but only trust myself:)
My girlfriend and I have some pretty lively debates sometimes, let me tell you, lol. Then we proceed to brag to each other about all the stuff we manifest
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
tx owltwelve lol pmsl cool! you two sound great!.. I completly agree! always go with your own truth first! cause thats the only truth there is! you know in your heart when infomation rings true for you or not!! I just hope my truth helps
-- Edited by sy on Monday 31st of January 2011 05:42:35 AM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!