Hi everyone! this is a slightly more advanced way to really see results in your pk! but extremely effective, and also extremely, difficult! FOOD is bondage for the soul! some of you wont like this, but sacrifice is necessary on our path to mastery!..if we eat meat especially red, we lower our vibration!..as you can imagine, in the social conformity we live in, a lot of our food intake lowers our vibratory rate, not just meat!!but red meat the worst!!you will of heard of im sure, from the bible and such places,about FASTING! well fasting believe it or not for 2 to 3 days only drinking juice or water!will dramatically increase your power! and this is guaranteed! fasting once a month is also highly welcomed by your body, as its a chance to detox it's self! all the masters fast! or have done to reach spiritual awareness! believe this or not, it's possible to live with out food completly!... living off the life force, energy chi , we get in meditation!! but this only really comes when we reach mastery! food is bondage for the soul! it anchor's us to the 3 dimensional world! and keeps our power from being pure! and our ethical body, compromised!....... fast for 3 days ideally, but 2 will suffice! and please consult with your doctor, if you think this may be a problem for you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JkI2SH0O2Qhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=313eZtuXiT0&feature=related
Its really weird that you say this! During a meditation sometime this week the idea of fasting popped into my mind but i pushed it away. A few hours later i started to think about it again and decided against it because my final thought was "how could i explain this to my wife" ...lol
I've never personally fasted myself but have helped people through it for weight loss/detoxing purposes..
I may give this a try.. I also thought it was very interesting about the red meat. I think i had read somewhere that Shirak doesn't eat meat or is slightly vegetarian. Cant remember exactly.
I also remember thinking during my thought process that this could help detox any fluoride i have in my system..I know its not good in the first place but I think i have read somewhere here that it could hinder pk abilities, dont quote me on that though..
hi gmax111Thank you for your interest & reply,sorry I've been a while in my reply, yes your very right! fluoride does detrimentally effect our pineal gland! (third eye),and the pituitary gland if ingested for long periods!...it cause's a build up of hard residue around the glands!... but the body will in time remove this if you focus attention to do that!!! ... I hope if you do the fasting exercise, that you are able to gain some boost to your ability, and or at least experience some insight & understanding, from being more spiritually connected!that you never had before, I'm sure if explained properly your wife will understand, if not try and do it for two days! you will only benefit! either physically or spiritually! all the best with your growth! be nice to here if you try fasting how you got on i know when i fast i astonished at my PK!..... thanks so much sy ,
-- Edited by sy on Monday 28th of February 2011 02:27:36 AM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
I have found fasting beneficial at times however I have seen it do harm in regards to fasting whilst in grief. It has been shown that fluoride is only beneficial topologically not taken internally. The research from many sources shows it harmful. Your pituitary gland contains calcite crystals similar to those used in radio transmitters. Flouride replaces calcium which would mean these crystals would be affected. Your GP is a good place to start if you decide you want to fast. Food carries with it many energy properties. What someone consumes is there personal choice I can only say that I have never felt healthier that when I became vegetarian (and I did my nutrition research no lettuce and carrots for this vego)
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
hey. no lettuce and carrots? that's a new one to me cheif. would you mind letting me know what might not be so beneficial about them?
i've been trying to consume more energising/nutritional things and i've so far been cutting down on pig flesh. i'll be honest though, meat products could be a tough one for me to shake. at least till i'm not relying on school meal plans for meals and such
i've got some raw peanuts here that i snack on throughout the day though. i think they've sometimes had pretty noticeable effects on making PK at least seem easier
i think water has seemed to kind of help with this aswell. i think moreso when it hadn't beforehand sat in a plastic container for like a whole day or something
edit: Just thought i'd post a clip from a movie i saw with some buddies a while back. this guy reminded me of Shirak, except for the whole "****y ****" thing
it's 1 of the most over the top films i've ever seen. pretty much never a dull moment
Vegan Powers
-- Edited by FridgeNatious on Monday 21st of February 2011 09:03:17 AM
FridgeNatious, I like the beginning of that clip. Very nice powers. I hope to achieve that level some day
Just thought I'd add my 2 cents....
I think PK is a state of mind, a feeling, that is achieved through practice, a deep understanding, & more practice. I do not think the types of food you eat, or fasting, will make any difference in your PK results. Obviously fast foods should be kept to a minimum, but I really think you guys are barking up the wrong tree if you want to improve your PK abilities.
If you want to eat healthy foods, that's great, but just remember that PK is a 'state of mind', not a state of 'culinary tastes'.
Peace & love my fellow psions
"It is your mind that creates this world."
- The Buddha
I think everything is involved...I read one article from a past master saying red meat could be the worst thing for chi. diet is essential, its medicine for the body not just food.
it's not my thought that one's diet is directly involved with the activating mechanism or deciding factor in one's being able to perform PK at all.
i've rotated psi wheels on days where i was running off of Chick Fila and Soda
i just think certain nutrients can aid the body in distributing things more evenly with less lumps/blockages to deal with
also to generate more stores of heat and other types of kinetic energy for PK to provide more immidiate visual feedback to work with while training one's ability to interact with the physical world using not so physical means
moving the wheels during the Ustream experiment taught me that actually performing PK doesn't just depend on what's in the body or something like that.
But go outside right now and try to direct a tree a certain way or influence a peice of paper using PK. If you do you'll more than likely notice the wind sort of pick up in the general awareness of your PK focus.
That's because PK often travels the path of least resistance whenever it can in order to correlate with the experienced outcome. So the more free flowing and sort of kinetic energy PK has to work with, the more imediately noticeable feedback can tend to be experienced.
However, I do think anything's possible so I'd say pretty much everything I just typed can be irreleavant given certain states of awareness and observation.
So I don't really think there is a wrong tree to bark up when it comes to PK. It's all dependant on the experience. On what actually happens. Which if you ask me, could be anything.
I just think PK is going to work with whatever type of energy it can to correlate with the experienced outcome. So why not give it more gas to cook with.
Fridge from what I understand your a very fit guy. I infer from that that your diet must be right for you. Many people require different energy types in their food. Flavors composition etc.
I have seen people decimated by the wrong diet and this let to mental/spiritual issues. Im definitely a fan of listening to the inner self as to what is truly right for me.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
I have found recently that I have started eating more fruit and also raw fresh vegatables rather than frozen, I havn't forced myself to do this, I just got the urge.
HI sy here! Thanks to every one who has given there input on my post!... Remember!... their can only be,... and is only your truth!... it's what works best for YOU!...just to quickly remind people again!... why we fast!...! its nothing to do with nutrition, or about having more fuel to burn!... so to speak!.. masters have NO NEED TO EAT at all!... they only do so for pleasure and texture!... they get more than enough energy, nutrients,and all the body requires, from the infinite source!!!...through meditation!! when we eat food it anchors! us to physicality! & stops the light body! from moving freely! the controllers know that by eating food we become locked in the 3d matrix!!.... with only the five senses to guide us Fasting enables the light body to move freely!!...& offers a window in to our higher selves!!........ I know this sounds strange folks! but trust me!... I wouldn't waste my time on anything less than truth! as we get closer and closer to mastery!.. we meditate more and more!.. so our energy becomes abundant!... and eating stops being necessary!.... if you having trouble with that!!....human beings are surpposed to live in the same body for up to 2000 years!.... immortal masters! ....they are real!!.... ....if you doubt or are having trouble with any of this!.... pls... feel free to research any of the authentic masters!.... theirs enough of them!...you'll see that masters just get stranger and stranger!........or put another way!!.......masters live how god intended us too! sy!.........
-- Edited by sy on Sunday 15th of May 2011 06:24:08 PM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
I think I understand your point. In context I believe the master would need to be reasonable advanced at transmutation before stopping completely. I have a newspaper article about one such master they are currently testing in India.
Having said this good nutrition is highly important while maturing in soul in the physical body. I have seen over and over the damage caused to friends by anorexia and bad diet.
I actually met a master once who claimed to get all his energy from the sun. It has been proven calorie reduction of food in rats increased the lifespan substantially. Observation of my Grandparents shows a decrease in calorie intake as they age. I believe food is an integral part of spiritual evolution. It is a very interesting subject.
But again I have seen the damage abstinence from food has caused to friends so I would definitely say it requires a level of energy understanding before it should be attempted. My Mother let us fast one Sunday each month when we were children if we wanted to as a time for spiritual development I remember those times as actually being times of growth spiritually.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
hi Shirak thx for ya reply brill!.... yes I would agree!... I should probably have said a little more on the dangers of not eating a proper diet!.... the worst way to die I can think of, is malnutrition!.... your body eats its self!... quite literally!... As Shirak correctly pointed out! ...if we don't look after our selves by eating sensibly!.... we can.t reach mastery in the first place!...lol thanks shirak!....ps I haven't forgot my new video i said i would make!... just waiting on a new camera, also i been really busy! with work! and other problems! but i am on top of it!!.....
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
sy wrote:wait till ya get this!!....human beings are surpposed to live in the same body for up to 2000 years!.... immortal masters! ....they are real!!.... I dont lie!... it would depleat my energy! to do so ....if you doubt or are having trouble with any of this!.... pls... feel free to research any of the authentic masters!.... theirs enough of them!...you'll see that masters just get stranger and stranger!........or put another way!!.......masters live how god intended us too live...........
-- Edited by sy on Monday 7th of March 2011 02:24:29 AM
o__o like that part.. a lot
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus