There's been some interesting work done by a guy called James Conrad on the impact of iron concentration in the body influencing telekinetic ability. Long story short he found the higher the iron concentration, the stronger telekinetic ability appears to be. To play devil's advocate for a moment, this would actually speak in favour of red meat consumption. Check it out here:
The hardest thing about enlightenment is finding a way back
I hate to say it, but I think by depriving yourself of nutrition you are putting yourself in a heightened, yet uncomfortable emotional state which will in turn give rise to your PK. Since most PK seems to be governed by emotions, imagination of being in a suffering state may work as well as actually fasting. I guess it depends on how strong an imagination you have...not sure. Just a theory...or more like thinking out loud.
I am borderline anemic (low iron) and a very strong poltergeist agent. I don't think I fit in with that theory. Interesting though. I could see where one might be attracted to the idea of magnetism and iron.
Hi everyone! hey listen! I think some of you are taking my fasting post all wrong! I am not for 1 second suggesting anyone stops eating anything they enjoy!.....Red meat or other wise lol! Not eating food is only for those in the very advanced levels of.... ascended! mastery! Also if we spend all our focus on T.K!... without gaining the necessary spiritual insights increased energy brings! ...we are limiting ourselves to never gaining the power levels we are trying to achieve!.... You can only have the POWER your consciousness will allow!...or put another way!!...... your energy is directly equal to your consciousness!... I was trying to inspire,....but I'v only caused confusion!.... I'm sorry for this!....All I wanted to do was share my experience with you guys!.... All i will say further is simply this!... Personally speaking!... when I fast, for a few days! energy get's stronger, really strong in fact!... I only wanted you guys to experience this boost to your p.k!......sorry for any confusion!....... sy
-- Edited by sy on Monday 9th of May 2011 11:36:45 PM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
@sy: Don't worry, you have not caused any confusion.
To me it seems that we are simply asserting your statements and assumptions.
For me, fasting gives a boost to pk as well. Another boost seems to occur when I eat something again. The latter one seems to be a short one though.
I agree, progress would be the fastest when one always takes the next step, using all what they have learned with the previous and building up on it. Though, the feeling of pk only being a child's play in the sandbox .. it hasn't popped up for months.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
I used to be a vegan for a couple years. It made no difference in my geisting. It's actually stronger now that I am eating meat again. Not that I think that has anything to do with it. I think food is just a physical thing, and PK is not.
O.o well.. i think PK depends on your body energy at some point , as you cant do something your energy cant handle , So I think food can affect your energy , Therefore affecting PK at some point.. o_O Saints used to fast for long times.. and they could do miracles.. so how come they can do so without meat? o.o Food control is maybe something else that affects PK on the long run..
Just a thought though.. ^^ Bless you all :)
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Hi guys hope you all well!..... Came across some footage, which i hope will further your understanding of what i have spoke about on this forum in the past!... How food is bondage for the human soul! and man can live on light if its approached in the right manner!..... thx sy
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
Before I was able to spin the wheel I thought the time I eat would directly affect my ability to spin the wheel. When I actually started spinning it I found out it has not really been the case and I talked about that in a video I made a few days ago. Fasting has been said to help with meditation and energy work in a lot of books I have and almost any book on ritual suggest eating after the ritual has taken place as it helps to ground you so I think there is some type of correlation between eating and energy work but it has not really affected me much as of yet.
I think the biggest factor is just where your mind is. When I have had a huge meal and talked with other people about unrelated topics and then go to practice after I have a harder time getting it to spin consistently but if I spend the whole day thinking about TK and practicing with the Psi Wheel it seems to not be affected when I eat. It could be, as some have speculated above, that the type of food is what needs to be looked at further.
Years ago when I use to practice trance meditations frequently I remember having a harder time getting into a deep trance if I had eaten recently but liquids as long as it wasn't something thick like milk didn't seem to affect the trance state much.
I don't know. Take my post with a grain of salt....I am still green around the ears.