Notice also at roughly 5:20 on the video, watch out for 3 orb's in front room! even the bloke hasen't noticed them!! but you know it makes this film aurthentic! watch this vid carefuly! sorry for advertisment at beginning!
-- Edited by sy on Monday 31st of January 2011 04:15:53 PM
-- Edited by sy on Monday 31st of January 2011 04:18:05 PM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
I was JUST NOW watching that vid before I checked out if something new was posted on the forum or not. lol
I've really been feeling like your finding your way here and sharing what you've shared so far was just the thing I needed to help me complete the goals I listed in the Happy New Years thread a few weeks back
hi fridge! NO WAY really! if thats co-incidence my names sherlly bassy!!I have had incredible feeling of de jar vu! with this forum! since my first day still have! lol!...i really happy i'v been able to help you, even if it's just something small! because get enough small insights!it leads to a shift of conciousness!& a shift in conciousness means more pk power!...... thx 4 your feed back fridge! always a pleasure
-- Edited by sy on Monday 31st of January 2011 04:50:26 PM
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
Nice Poltergeist video Sy, thanks for the link. However, as someone else pointed out, there is an edit at 1:32 because you can see the shadow on the fridge change colour. This could be a very excellently put together hoax. I'll be interested to hear what Shirak has ot say about this.
"It is your mind that creates this world."
- The Buddha
Thanks, I had seen some of his videos before. This one was a really good compilation of them.
@Chris Zanetti: There may be some reflections and changes in shading due to the ghost. Sometimes it seemed like he was there, watching the show and stepped in when the geisting stopped.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Hope you guys don't mind me posting in this old thread?
If it's real, then seriously, how the hell are you able to live like that? I'd have to wear diapers to avoid flooding my pants. But I guess after a few weeks you get sort of used to it, but it still seems like a rather big deal.
That was the best Poltergeist Activity video I have ever seen. I don't know if it was real or not but I enjoyed watching it. There are so many fake videos on YouTube I almost never click it if it has Poltergeist in the title anymore.
One thing that caught my attention was at 9:22 that bottle that moves and flies over on the shelf. I don't know how that could be faked. I am not saying it can't but I just don't understand how. If it was staged the guy did an awful good job. I wonder what he does for a living? I guess from the info on his profile he might be a grave digger? That could explain some things.
Strictly talking about the way the objects move. Street magicians use a thin thread and something called magicians wax to levitate objects such as playing cards and the like but I have never seen a street magician make an object do what some of them in the video were doing.
Yup I noticed that as well. Something that does make me skeptical a bit though are the effects of the camera. A few of them looks a little to clean for some type of disturbance as they had perfectly straight bars when the camera is failing but I am not an expert on that so I don't know.
i think if it is fake its great work, i think its brilliant wether is fake or not. it kept me intertain-thats from my skeptical side :). but from some one who has seen ghost since he was a child some part of me wants to beleive. but this guy has made no accurate swtruggle to show evidence of communcation
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
Yeah, I have similar thoughts; fake or real, it's amazing either way. I have had some crazy geisting happen in my own life though, years before getting into PK:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
it wasnt geisting for me tho. it was legit seeing thingsa thast others did not. ive told friend about deasd ppl i shouldnt however they could opf been lying that i was accurate. but again awesome video
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in