I have been my entire life. It didn't start at puberty. It doesn't go away. I've always had it and now I am trying to figure out how to handle it. I've tried in the past, but always end up with things happening I didn't intend to...like I try to move the pendulmn and the tv will catch on fire. I've been in touch with a psychologist who specializes in this kind of stuff and she thinks I need to find a group to talk to, so I know this stuff is natural and happens to normal people. I'm tired of feeling like a freak. I'm tired of losing friends because they are afraid of me. I'm so so tired of hurting people accidentally. I know a lot of people want this, and I admit it's a part of me. I was on a migraine medication once that made it go away for a few months and I felt like a part of me had literally been ripped out, and I was hollow. As soon as I went off the meds the activity came back again. As I get older it grows stronger and stronger. I'm 34 now and at the point where I can think something and it will happen. For example, talking to my mother-in-law in her yard, I got so angry because she made a racist remark in front of my child. I felt like I was holding back a string of curses and insults. I was looking around at the trees and I thought, "I wish one would just fall right now. I'd really like one to fall on her head." Then I heard the cracking sound and a tree feel about 20 yards from where we were. Not on her head, thank goodness I guess, but I've had similar things happen and accidentally hurt someone abusive so bad he was in the hospital for a week and may have to have a hip replacement. As much as I feel he deserves to be hurt, It's not my place. I want to learn to control this so I don't hurt people, and perhaps do something good for a change instead of breaking everything and everyone I come into contact with.
I would recommend both meditation on an empty mind as well as focusing on a single object / thought / feeling. The feeling of unconditional love, peace and content should help.
There are good posts under the enlightenment topic and personal logs and journals section. The latter one is a bit difficult to work through, because there are a lot of posts there and sort of like finding your pearls from a big haystack.
I hope you enjoy your stay. Good luck and have fun..
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Hi Shy Poltergeist events or Geisting which is the term we use for uncontrolled pk events is something most users of this forum can relate to . There is a poltergeist section where some stories have been shared. However the journal section has day to day logs and experiences. Many people have experienced blowing lights the noises the scratching etc. Oh yeah How did you find this forum? The fastest way I have found to stop unwanted geisting is to find ways to reduce stress in your life. Start addressing issues even with a plan that are building emotional stress for you. As Sussch has mentioned meditation is an excellent way to help achieve this.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Welcome to the forum shy, as Shirak said many of us on the forum I'm sure will relate to your experiences. I also, very much agree with Sussch about the power of meditation for learning to control your own mind:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm just happy to find people like me. I've searched all over the web for awhile, and then finally found this place. Ugh, as I typed this a cup went flying across my counter. I guess I'm still a bit nervous about talking openly about being a "geist," which, btw, is a lot cooler way of explaning what we are. My friends and family always called it my "weirdness." Having all of you here, people like me, it makes me feel less like a freak and more like part of something bigger.
weirdness? o_O lawl.. Its not weirdness o.o its more like an ability.. not gnna say a gift or a curse :P coz everyone sees stuff in a differnt way o.o lets just say ability for now o.o And dont worry :D we are all here for you , welcome to the psionic family o.o
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Welcome to our family, I am excited to hear the many things that you will bring up. I haven't had anything major like that happen, it sounds like you're stronger than you think u are. All you need to learn now is control. We are going to be there for you every step of the way. Just trust us and open your mind to the realm of possibilities. Call if you need anything i will be happy to help ^_^
Fides,libertas, et interioribusviribus; semper et semper.
Thanks! I could use all the help I can get. I might have a lot of crazy energy, but it means nothing unless I know how to use it. Actually, it hurts people because I don't know how to use it, and I have at least 5 experiences a day. I'm just starting with a psi wheel I read about making on here. I can sit back and look at it without any drafts in the room and get it to move to what color I want. But if I put glass over it I can only get it to wiggle a little. I'm a very impatient person to. I can only practice this for a few minutes at a time.
Hi Shy, I was just wondering if your parents were abducted by ET's? There was a segment on Coast to Coast AM where this man was saying that abductees's children were given special powers to move the genetic lines. They were placed on this planet to give and spread their knowledge. Maybe, you were one of them? Your life purpose maybe is to be in the spiritual realm? Just a thought......
I believe humans have always had these abilities . In fact they have been persecuted and killed for many years because of them. (inquisition) People always fear what they do not understand. What steps have you taken to learn to control these geisting effects?
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
The fear is mostly in western culture. Over the centuries in the east they would send psychically talented kids for training in monasteries & hermitages:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
It's going to sound kind of goofy, but my only frame of reference for this stuff is the Star Wars books I read with my son. I "reach out" with the force, and feel it in and around the psi wheel and kind of pushed it with my own. It feels like an extra, clumsy pair of fingers on the ends of my normal fingers. Without the glass I keep my hand about 5-6 inches about the psi wheel and try to get it to turn to the colored dot by saying the color out loud. I saw the technique on here. I don't put my hands around the wheel because I don't want the heat from my hands to effect it. I got it to turn twice by pointing at it from about 3-4 inches away last night and land on the color I said. My husband said he was impressed, and then he continued practicing his guitar. I thought, if other people saw us they would think it's the most bizarre thing ever. I'm a house wife moving things with my mind and my husband treats it like it's mundane after all he has witnessed. Anyway, I don't think my parents were abducted by aliens. That's kind of a scary thought! Aliens scare me. I do have a case of missing time once, while with my friend. From our perspective we were gone 10 minutes, but in reality her family was organizing a search party for us because it had been hours, and it was night. We just snuck outside long enough to smoke a cigarette. I'm still close friends with the girl that went missing with me. That was about 17 years ago. We talk about it sometimes, wondering what happened to us. She's witnesses my weirdness and accepts it as normal too. I do keep a journal of everything. I started a couple years ago, and I am still going back and writing the history of it all, up until this point. My deceased grandmother was a Pentecostal faith healer. I often wonder if she was psychokinetic. I mean, is it possible to learn to use it to heal?
I was just practicing moving the psi wheel from sitting about 2 feet away. I got it to spin sucessfully, and stop when I told it to. I said 'stop" and it did, I gently nudged it with my mind by saying to myself "back back back" and it went back to settle on the color red, where I wanted it. It's like a fun game. It's very easy for me to do. I feel like I am part of the wheel, it's inside me and I'm in it. Very difficult to explain, but very easy for me to do. It's like a tugging feeling inside. I make sure not to put my hands too close (no closer than 6 inches away) and I keep something over my mouth so my breath does not effect it. I also noticed it helps if I have a candle lit near by me. I don't know if it helps focus, relax, center, or what, but it's just an observation to note for anyone who is interested.
Practicing pk on a psi-wheel with a candle nearby has come up on this forum as well. I think it was DarkAxxaxxin, who brought it up in his journal.
@earthrooster: That's an interesting idea. I agree with Shirak as well. I think ET abduction might boost pk or something (it has seemed to me that a lot of people have become healers shortly after being abducted).
@shy: Pk can definitely be used for healing purposes as well. There are healing techniques and construction site threads in the specialization section, if you're interested.
-- Edited by Sussch on Friday 4th of March 2011 07:12:35 PM
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
I don't know if I was abducted by aliens. I don't know what happened. My friend's mom still thinks we snuck out to a party. lol We're in our 30's now! We wouldn't be afraid to tell her if we actually snuck out. ;) We just sneaked a cigarette, being rebellious teenagers. I don't smoke them now, but it seemed fun then cause it was "bad." I don't know. There are so many possiblities I don't want to say anything for sure. I just will keep it as a possiblity. But aliens do scare me! I always keep my curtains shut tight at night because when I was a child I thought I saw a horse staring in the window at me. I must have been dreaming, but those big black eyes are creepy!
Hey shy, I can relate to the having people close to you watch. Both my girlfriend, & broher wil be impressed, but go right back to what they were doing. It's pretty funny, but my girlfriend does say that it's probably because it seems normal, unlike movie drama. I suppose she may be right in her observations, because even when I move larger things she will have the same reactions.
I also, had some intense & sometimes scary poltergeists while I was growing up. Most people thought I had spirits following me. I can't say for certain whether I did or not, but things were jumping; moving, & flying across rooms for no common reason. Had some spontaneous combustions as well. I still geist like most of us here do, but like Shirak brought up; as the stress in my life calmed, so did the geisting:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Mine is there whether I have stress or not. It's always been there. That is why I was confused as to whether it was poltergeist activity or not. Everything says it goes away after a few months, or after the agent realizes they are the ones causing all this crazy stuff to happen. But now that I found this place, maybe I can get it under control by intentionally influencing things, instead of letting my energy go everywhere. Does it work that way?