Hey guys and gals, new to the forum so thought I'd say hi.
Great to discover this resource, I've been dabbling for a few months now and the need for a concerted effort on developing/researching the topic is readily apparent, so kudos to everyone who's on board.
I came to the topic by a bit of a circumspect route - namily L.L. Vasiliev and his experiments in distant influence. It's a bit off topic for here, for those that don't know Vasiliev was a Russian scientist and the first to conduct and record detailed proof of the existence of hyponotic suggestion by means of telepathy in the early 1900s. That research lead me to all sorts of cool stuff, including Stanford University run/CIA funded research into remote viewing (which established that a) it exists, and b) with the right framework, anyone can do it - I have the training manual in PDF if anyone's got an itch they want to scratch :) ), and ultimately telekinesis.
As I said I've been dabbling for 3 months now with some relative success with flame pulsing and the psi-wheel. I've had a few initial observations, including:
1) If I meditate prior to attempting telekinesis things tend to go much better 2) If I distract my conscious mind, say by trying to sum two big numbers together in my head while attempting to spin the psi-wheel/pulse the candle, it's generally easier to get things going 3) When I'm successful conducting telekinesis I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I can only describe as a 'wireless' connection to whatever I'm conducting telekinesis on, and 4) People look at me funny when I light a candle on the bus on the way to work in the morning and just sit there staring at it. Go figure. ;)
Looking forward to exploring the forum more and getting to know everyone. If I may kick off by asking for help on a specific topic, I'm currently trying to 'level up' to conducting telekinesis through a barrier, ie. psi-wheel under glass for example. It's proving quite difficult, and I really 'feel' a mental barrier there. Can anyone offer any advice on how best to tackle the barrier and move forward?
The hardest thing about enlightenment is finding a way back
Welcome to the forum man; there are lot's of info & experiences shared here, enjoy a look around. In my opinion one of the best ways to break the barrier is with a Crookes Radiometer. You likely are already causing movement with the psi_wheel under glass, but it's either to minute to be perceptible to your eyes, or you may actually be holding the psi_wheel in stasis with your beliefs. I have to say in my experience so far, that material barriers nor space & time are relevant:)
Anyway, because the radiometer veins are already moving it's easier to see the effect you are having. It's a great way to do opposing force training, & eventually you may notice you can move it without the light source at all, psi_wheel under glass:
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
You could post links to the documents in the Psionic Links section, if you like. There are links to some other articles / websites there as well.
I like your observations, especially the 2nd and 4th . I've noticed that short bursts of pk seem to take place when there is a delay of switching between thoughts. It's interesting that arithmetics helps..
Hope you like it here
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
a pk experiment was done here a while back via ustream where users spun/moved psi wheels while looking at them from computer screens in other locations.
higheriam ran it. he said the wheels i was working with spun for about 15 minutes after i had logged out.
other things were noticed by users too. like tints of certain colors. some seemed relevant to certain users. some consistent light pulsing while Shirak was on.
Owltwelve is right a radiometer is probably the best way to break the barrier, I find it far easier to stop one of these with a light over it than to turn a psi wheel under glass, I don't think there is a definate answer to tell you how to do it, but its more the barrier is in your mind rather than something physically stopping you.
So its basically practice daily with your desired technique and gain confidence and belief over time.
Hey Milamber welcome, Thanks for the pk tips. There is a really good section call Specializations on this forum. Doing pk in public as you do on the bus can only help (although I suspect people may just think your trying to light the bus on fire lol) Flame pulsing was the grounding I needed to get into radio pulsing and in turn lightbulb pulsing.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
As others have mentioned, I think practicing stasis field on the radiometer is a good next step to telekinesis on objects behind a barrier. The barrier is only within your mind and isn't physical. But a few tips I can give that worked for me would be to send your consiousness through that barrier and deeply be aware of the space within it. Familiarize yourself with it with practice and the barrier will eventually collapse.
Many thanks for the warm welcome everyone - owning eBay+radiometer in exactly 5 seconds from now. Thanks for the example videos Owltwelve and the tips Fridgenatious, Sussch, Treasure Hunter, Shirak and Trance (sorry if I left anyone out). Hopefully I'll get my personal journal with some videos up in the next couple of weeks for everyone.
The hardest thing about enlightenment is finding a way back
4) People look at me funny when I light a candle on the bus on the way to work in the morning and just sit there staring at it. Go figure. ;)
Oh god that is funny! I just got this visual where your sitting on the bus with the candle and someone looks over at you with a bit of caution and paranoia, and you slowly turn your head towards them with a twisted smile like your about the light them on fire! Just to see their reaction! LOL
I don't recommend doing that, but i thought the visual was funny!
Btw, welcome to the forums!
Have fun!
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.