There seem to be some serious blackouts going on here.
On April 26th, a couple of minutes past midnight, there was a 35 minutes blackout in our town. According to experts, the protection fuses had switched off for seemingly no reason. So they just switched them back on.
On April 28th, after 9 PM, there was a blackout in the capital city that lasted until morning. Some television channels, radio stations, internet service providers were off-line. For some unknown reason, a short-circuit had occurred in a cable. Ironically, it happened right after economy minister had praised the energy company.
The timing of the first one seemed suspicious .. it happened at the time of a shift of awareness like these snapping sounds always do. Which is why I considered it geisting. There have previously been smaller blackouts that I consider geisting as well (the same old posts again, I know =):
I was not aware of what had happened in the capital though.
The 3rd one I saw coming, or at least I had been preparing something in the dreams before it would happen.
It just seems a bit crazy.
As if expanding one's awareness caused insulators to become conductive. Hm, I've heard something similar before .. dad once forgot his body when he went to work. He accidentally leaned into a printer, messing up electrolytic capacitors and causing it to malfunction for some time.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.