o.o Ok.. here it is.. I was sitting on my couch watching some movies..
And then there was a commercial , i switched the channel randomly and opened a channel called "space power" o_o its all cartoons and kid stuff and they sometimes show scientific programs
AND.. lucky me.. guess what they were talking about.. "Ampakine" o_O never heard of it before ... so i kept watching.. the guy clearly explained..
By the use of that drug , our neurons can be sent/recieved more efficiently.. and they kinda resembled it to a track race or something.. Where without the drug , there would be one runner.. and he keeps running till he reaches his teammate so his teammate can run..
And with the drug.. it was over 5 runners.. each taggin his team-mate
o_O And from its advantages , they said it increases memory efficiency , reduces amnesia chances and other memory diseases.. and it increases thinking ability and brain function..
So now i thought immediately while he said "wtf.. that would give a great boost while practicing PK, maybe a better memory can save the exact feeling u get when u move something.. and in other ways" and after a minute.. the guy said something like this "imagine in the future.. with the help of this , how far will the human mind go? Could it be superhuman age?"
o_O COINCIDENCE!!? I dont think so..
So i wrote the name down and checked wiki today... now take a look at it.. o_O side effects dont seem dangerous to me.. o.o (and check also at the bottom.. the army uses it for sleep deprivation training.. i mean if the army uses it.. it must be epicly useful)
There are natural ways to improve focus & brain plasticity as well. Omega-3 fatty acids work wonders for the brain; so do dark berries, like blue berries.
This drug may work, but I wouldn't risk it myself, when there are foods that have been shown to have powerful effects on synaptic connectivity & memory. I also heard meditation works great too
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Im not saying use it as in use it all the time lol im against drug usage XD (even when im sick.. lolz) o_O My point was.. how far can it go with the Ampakine? How much from your brain would it unlock? o_O Just curious.. lol Sorry.
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Don't be sorry, I try all kinds of things, lol. I just don't want to depend on a drug myself. It would be interesting to read a long term study on it though:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
It won't be smart to train using any form of drug. First of all, it gets you used to it, so the effect wears off after long-time use. Second, it detaches you from the powers you have without the drug, so to speak.
If you use it, use it when you are in really dire need of a SUPER POWER CHARGE or something.
Im not saying get addicted to it Fang.. XD im just saying o.o "how far can it get you" o.O and of course o_O in dire need.. u dont wanna be called a superhero addict XD
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Holy lord jesus Christ.. Who would have thought? ;D
Seriously guys... You gotta admit this is one hell of a coincidence :D One night.. Im watching by accident a program talking about Ampakines... The next day.. i search it and check what it does and figure out how useful it is to the brain.. And now.. I watch the movie limitless.. And please someone kick my ass if that movie aint talking about nearly the SAME THING!!! O_o hell??? Lets review it.. A pill.. It increases brain function.. instead of using 20%... you use the rest?? Well thats pretty cool.. now lets see ampakine "In a 2006 study they were shown to have an effect after they had left the body, continuing to enhance learning and memory" From wiki...
XD ok .. what a weird coincidence.. OOOH... YEAH!! (R.I.P randy savage.. he died yesterday..) ENHANCE learning and memory??? Come on!! the dude learned a language from listening to it??? And that was the pretty easiest thing he done??!!
So.. now that it increases brain function... Lets see what else.. he sometimes got faster.. stronger and more agile??? o.o umm.. lets see Ampakine for a sec? "This boosts the activity of glutamate, a neurotransmitter, and makes it easier to encode memory and to learn. In addition, some members of the Ampakine family of drugs may also increase levels of trophic factors such as Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)."
Stress on last part?? Trophic factors?? o_O Trophic means to nourish? check this part... (from this site.. http://www.michaeljfox.org/living_viewpoints_researcherAreaPositionPapers_trophic.cfm)
"Why are trophic factors important? The word "trophic" comes down to English from a Greek word meaning "to nourish." This goes a long way toward describing what neurotrophic factors do for neurons: enhance function and prevent death. In preclinical models of Parkinson's disease, trophic factors have been shown to promote the survival of dopamine neurons, as well as to induce these neurons' regrowth, or sprouting. The molecular effects seen in the brain were accompanied by an outward improvement in motor symptoms. These promising preclinical results have led to the investigation of trophic factors as potential neuroprotective PD therapies."
Enhance function... prevent death.. Enhance function of the brain = enhance function of body???
Also check this.. (http://biomedgerontology.oxfordjournals.org/content/50A/Special_Issue/151.abstract) "Many of the changes in body composition associated with aging are similar to those found in states of growth hormone deficiency. Elderly people have also been found to have significant abnormalities in several trophic factor systems including growth hormone/insulin-like growth factors, and both male and female sex hormones. This has led to intense interest in the clinical effects of trophic factor supplementation in older individuals."
Growth hormones.. so.. How important is that to body movement?? Run faster?? be stronger?? Maybe im just being stupid.. but growth hormones look important to body function to me o_O
Now what else.. Umm.. I dont remember the rest o_O But its mostly about body function.. brain function.. Memory function.. Cognitive ability? Analysis?? I mean.. Seriously... I dont know if this freaks me out or what.. But.. The moment he took the pills and said he might run outta them.. i thought IMMEDIATELY "use a pill.. find out the components.. enhance the drug and make it better.. no more addiction" ._______. ill leave the last scene in the film to show you that?? well one before the restaurant? Lawl.. Epically.. amazing movie..
Epically strange coincidences with one another?? :S
AGAIN.. i saw the side effects in the movie.. and how bad it can get if you get addicted... But come on.. i mean.. im not saying go get addicted or anything but... If something like that can make you rise with humanity to a whole new level... Wouldnt it be worth one man's sacrifice ? O.o not even a total sacrifice if you wanna be honest.. there must be a way to repair the drug so its not harmful..?? o_O Just.. thought of writin that instead of forgetting it.. XD long post... Im annoying as usual but meh... Sorry xD
LOL XD check this out from the movie's wiki :D hilarious
Scientific accuracy
Physics professor James Kakalios said it was plausible that medical science could improve intelligence, but that neurochemistry is not advanced enough for it to be possible currently. Kakalios also said the notion used in the film that human beings can only access 20% of their brains is a myth: 100% of it is used at different times. Moreover, if 100% of the brain's neurons were to fire simultaneously, all of the available oxygen would be consumed and the individual would most likely die or suffer severe neurological trauma. Kakalios said if such a pill existed, a person running out of the supply could actually experience a rebound effect, and "might become really stupid
Lawl.. So.. its half true? :P Enough said xD
-- Edited by Draspy on Saturday 21st of May 2011 09:09:37 PM
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
But I have to agree with Owl12 on this one. Drugs are exterior. Anything and everything you need to be the ultimate Draspy is already within yourself.
Btw, omega-3's are awesome :P lol i remember last semester before our chemistry final, me and my study partner's brains were about to explode. We studied so much chemistry and we were still confused lol. So before the exam we went to Giant and bought some Omega-3 supplement pills and popped a couple before the exam out of desperation. Lol I remember my breath smelling fishy haha. I'd still rather take the natural intake of the omega-3s from food rather than supplements though. Too much of anything can be harmful and dangerous.
never heard of omega-3 xD But i think ill need those before my exams :D i got 13 chapters of physics to memorize XD lmfao.. :D And i agree with Owl12 too dude :D i never said i dont agree.. Im just curious as i said :P
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Interesting, there have been moments similar to those in the film. A clear mind that works really fast, notices small details everywhere, is able to extract quotes from books read years ago and so on. We can do it without any drugs.
It would be cool to be able to naturally balance the production of various substances in our bodies so that we could use this boost whenever we needed.
Deep meditation seems to help with it. The beneficial effects of the drug (at least the ones seen in "Limitless") look amazingly similar to the after-effects of a good meditation session.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.