I'm sure you will get yourself back into the swing of things. There is a lot of info on the forum, and some very nice people who enjoy sharing experiences. We are all teachers & students for one another, and grow faster with mutual encouragement:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
:D Welcome to the family charlie :) Hope you enjoy it here and share your experience with everyone :) And of course develop your abilities :P Welcome ^^
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Hi charlie! welcome, you'll like this site!....... i hope!....... it's got some real genuine people,.... with some great advice &..tips..& people to use as sounding board!!!!
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
my two cents ...u have a life time ahead of u ...so no need for rushing anything ,patience is a key , and also dont let go other things that are importnat for u, loosing youur self completly in this part of the world ,its not ment to replace or substitute anything ,just enhance or provide another layer , at least thats how i feel about it this moment ;)
-- Edited by Its Me on Saturday 11th of June 2011 01:05:55 AM