Well, I'm not a practicing Christian anymore, but I was for most of my life. I would say a few things about your question. The 1st is that we would have to know for sure what psychokinesis is before we could say that a belief system opposes it. I don't recall seeing the word psychokinesis in the Bible, do you?
My main suggestion to you is to know your own mind, without following anyone blindly. Why do you have a mind which can reason & interpret phenomena, if you are not meant to apply these attributes. I had the capacity to develop skills as an artist, which a later leveraged into a career; is that wrong?
Why should psychokinesis, be against Christianity, any more than moving an object with your bare hands. If you were blessed with the capacity to move things with your mind, why shouldn't you:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Not even anywhere near being against christianity o.o Trust me.. anyone who tells you so.. is just afraid of the unknown , i deal with people like that all the time.. Being a christian in a religious country/community.. such stuff arent so "accepted" by people. But it got NOTHING against christianity... In fact.. Jesus told us to be like him.. to love others and to help them.. so if jesus wanted us to be like him doesnt that mean he wanted us to have a strong faith and do even miracles (not raise someone from the dead for sure.. xD but energy healing is already common these days.. and it is part of what jesus was doing.. he was a HEALER) And jesus turned water to wine?? walked on water? Adam and eve were telepaths because they could talk to animals.. I say psychokinesis is more "with christianity" than it is against it..
^^ If you got problems with people telling you it is against it.. Send me a pm with their questions.. xD i already know most of them
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Awesome, thank you both FridgeNatious and Draspy. @Draspy I don't usually bring up anything about psychokinesis around many people, especially those from my church. But, thank you.
I've been practicing psychokinesis for about 1-2 years on and off, and have stopped recently. I am starting back up again, though, but I wish to have better results than last time.
Isn;t Jesus himself said that if you have the faith of a mustard seed you will say to the mountain to move and it will move? Din;t he said to the Apostles, when he was at the boat and there was like a storm, that they have nothing to worry about, and how little faith they had? He stood up and cease the storm! If those actions are not Pk then what is it?
Not only that, Jesus wanted people to be like him, to have faith and be able to do all those things. No where Jesus claim those things are only for him or anything like that. Being a Christian I believe that it should be your job to do things like that! Seriously, I have study for 3 years about what Jesus said and I have come to this conclution.
"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can Move mountains" Jesus Christ "All these things ye see me do you can do and more if you have faith" Jesus Christ I believe he was trying to tell us about our true potential and they killed him for it. Oh one more Moses parting the Red Sea Daniel in the lions Den (Call of the Wild) Shadrac Nishak and Abednigo thrown into a furnace did not get burned "Pyrokinesis"
So many more if the bible is your go to book for faith then there are multitudes of examples. The key was humility. (No ego) Warnings throughout of the pride cycle. Having said this I believe the book has been heavily edited from its original sources so as a reference its inspirational however one must remember many of the translations were open to interpretation and until the invention of the printing press each scribe would hand write and translate according to their own esoteric translation.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
not only that shirak but the romans when they where lossing there power in 290 Ad and 300Ad highly edited the old bible and alot of the verbal preachings. i find it funny the romans kept power for another 2k years. alot of whats in the new bible is actualy incomplete and very minpulated. personly i think if jesus did exist he conforms more with eastern belifes. but thats a personal idea i hope this does not offend any one(the eatern belife the roman part is facts)
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
lol its nice when people listen to my views and not shut me down like most people do. alot of the bible was rewriten and even the early followers didnt belive in the old testamines. some of the belifes where strongly pagan as well. (judasim was once a pagan religion that slowly turned monotheistic bc one god said follow me or you all will suffer. and a bunch of events came) people dont want to see that theres a chance that somthing that they where tought from a kid could be wrong (most likly is) i hope i have not offended any one i just see life diffirently.
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
my re teacher told me that the RCC-roman catholic church is against ani kind of magic, so they say magic is bad. i suggested u wake up stop believing in a stupid idea of an old man sitting in clouds. and if 1 being reallly made us, then he doesnt want to worship him
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
my re teacher told me that the RCC-roman catholic church is against ani kind of magic, so they say magic is bad. i suggested u wake up stop believing in a stupid idea of an old man sitting in clouds. and if 1 being reallly made us, then he doesnt want to worship him
You realize the hypocrisy in your own statement, don't you? You say wake up and stop believing in nonsense, on a forum board about telekinesis and superhuman powers. There are plenty who would criticize you for believing in telekinesis and/or other things considered supernatural.
Besides, there are actually good arguments out there supporting the existence of a god or deity.
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
I concur with you Nox. Simply put everything in creation is made of the One energy/consciousness/God. There is no difference in anybody or anything; the mind which is finite creates duality.
It is easier to attain enlightenment if you believe in God but it is not necessary. You can view everything as the One energy if you wish; it is all up to you.
Less needs is less lust. Less lust is less pain. "Love worketh no ill to his neighbor".
Catholic, even Vatican authorities haven't obeyed the commands the bible displays. Google Angelo Balducci if you will. Check 2nd commandment if you will.
"You shall not make for yourself any graven image, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."
"So watch yourselves carefully, since you did not see any form on the day Yahweh spoke to you at Horeb [i.e., Mt. Sinai] from the midst of the fire; lest you act corruptly and make a graven image for yourselves in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female,the likeness of any animal that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the sky, the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the water below the earth."
Lust is every pain. No lust is heaven/love/perfection.