you guys are given me alot to think about, this is why i love this forum. we all discus things in a civil manor put our two cents in the mix and we evaluate it. if i say something its not taken offensively and if it is then its made known.
i try my best to see both sides of a coin but some times i just cant stand looking at that side. or looking at my own coins, il admit this to you all if you have not noticed. i have spent most my life with low self esteem and im sure you all could guess by know lol. but if i have no respect for my self how can i expect any one else to. etc etc. life is like a box of chocolates you can tell when you getting a certain kind through mathematics and evaluations of the type you says master cleverbot :D
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in