Hey, my names Josh I have experience with the Chinese art Ling Kong Jing better known as the Empty Force. I used to browse Psipog.net as a kid and do have experience with psi balls, shielding, telekinesis and all that good stuff.
I also have a strong foundation in Eastern Spiritual practices such as meditation and mantras. I do have a guru and I am an initiated student. If you do not know what this is google "guru disciple relationship".
The reason I am on this forum is to flare a psi ball and to progress beyond that. With my previous Sadanah (Spiritual practice) my guru told me to flare my energy so I could make an emotional confirmation with myself and others comfirming my abilities. So thats it, I hope we can help each other.
I am not attempting to bost in any way here, I am just listing my experiences so people may ask me for help. I would love to be able to return any help I recieve.
Also, I copy and pasted this directly from my profile. I figured since I already wrote out a biograpghy there was no need to do it again.
Welcome to the forum I look forward to learning from your unique perspective. We often discuss actualizing mental constructs such as psi balls anchoring and flame flaring. Perhaps a good place to start learning to flare your energy is candle training. With the technique pulsing this can lead to the understanding of how to flare your energy with a physical effect. This can later be applied to pulsing then flaring radio signals am/fm to start then cell phone.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Welcome to the forum I look forward to learning from your unique perspective. We often discuss actualizing mental constructs such as psi balls anchoring and flame flaring. Perhaps a good place to start learning to flare your energy is candle training. With the technique pulsing this can lead to the understanding of how to flare your energy with a physical effect. This can later be applied to pulsing then flaring radio signals am/fm to start then cell phone.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome and to you Shirak for your informative reply. I would appreciate more information on anchoring and flame flaring, a link to a relevant forum or tutorial perhaps?
Flaring my energy for a physical effect, just to be clear you mean making it visible right?
Also, pulsing and flaring radio signals, what do you mean by that?
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Friday 25th of November 2011 01:58:47 AM
Many of the different techniques and successes are logged in the specialization section or journal parts of this forum.
In this Psychokinesis thread there are many video tutorials for flame pulsing. When you have got flame pulsing down you can move to flaring. This same technique can then be carried across to the medium of radio signals.