Interesting topic title huh? I figured it would grab some peoples attention, as I myself would be interested in seeing something like that.
When I was younger I used to love the cartoon Dragon Ball Z. I thought it was so cool how they fought, flew, shot energy beams and went Super Saiyan.
Do you remember though how the stronger they got in the tv show the more durable and powerful there bodies were? This was because of the increases in Energy, Psi, Chi, Ki, Prana whatever you want to call it.
So to the point, 2 nights ago I was speaking to my guru and he was telling me about entering the state of Samadhi (enlightenment). He said that when coming out of this state your body is supercharged with energy. So I ventured to ask if this energy had any effect on his body, for example increased strength and intelligence.
He said yes it does and then gave me an example of a enlightened yogi who once fell from a very high height (Hundreds or thousand of feet, I forget the number. Sorry). When he hit the ground he was fine, whereas if one of us hit the ground from even a few feet we would get beat up or even killed.
The reason this yogi didnt get hurt was because of the tremendous amount of spiritual energy he had. Much like a DBZ character the increased energy led to his body being much more durable.
If you look at the Chinese and Shaloin monks you will notice examples of them bringing energy to a certain point in their bodies to absorb damage. This is a lesser amount of energy then someone who is on the path to enlightenment. If they had the tremendous amounts of energy an elightened master has they would not need to concentrate the energy to any body part. They would be protected from harm at all times because the energy would be concentrated throughout their body at all times.
There are siddhis for these abilties, durability and strength. You can attain them before Samadhi but as my grand Guru Swami Satchidananda said, "When you attain Samadhi the Siddhis will roll at your feet begging to be used".
Now Ill tell you of my own brief experiences with this increase in energy. Since I have begun this training 2 years ago my IQ has increased from 118 to 134. I am now able to sense the emotions of others, the hidden feelings behind what they say and do; much like an empath, this is more recent and as such is not developed fully yet. I am hardly sick anymore and my body is in perfect health. The one I noticed yesterday was to do with strength. I bench pressed 205 pounds 6-7 times, I am excited to go to the gym and see what my one rep max is, I did a calculation and it says it is 240 lbs. I also outperform most of my friends at the gym, I am stronger then most people and have been making very rapid strength gains with my current gym plan.
I can now see the increased energy having an effect on this body and maybe over time you guys will see effects happening to you as well. The easiest way to increase this energy is through meditation and reptition of the Gyatry mantra. When meditating make sure to have a crystal clear mind though. See ya and if you have any questions please feel free to ask!