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Psychokinetic researcher

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Just wanted to say hello

I find my biggest obstacle is fear of the uknown. When something amazing happens for the first time, my fight or flight kicks in. And my hair stands on end. Which just totally ruins the moment. Then I lose all confidence after this, and I can forget about it working again. When I was younger I was soo much more bold, all knowing, and a matter of fact about everything. A definate advantage to being a youngster. LOL..

Another thing that worked as a youngster is strong emotion. Well, I am 48 years old now, very happy, and easy going. If I showed strong emotion now, I would be faking it. I used to pretend I was angry at my daughter. LOL... Oh how could I ever be angry with such an adorable child?

Yet another obstacle? Laziness... Hey I raised my family, and my life is entirely mine again. Feels good to put my feet up. I also tend to like instant results or I shelve things. I want easy rewards...

To be honest? I feel that if I put the effort into it, I would have been a major lotto winner already. If I dream about numbers, there is always something to it.  The first time I did this with the lotto, I got 5/6 lotto numbers. Also won 3 times on that same card.  The first time with pick three, I won.  How how often do I even play?  I last played the pick 3 about 30 years ago when I won.  The lotto, the last time I dreamed of numbers.   Do I try real hard to remember the numbers? Nah.... With my last lotto dream I spewed the numbers out for an entire card in less than 2 minutes.  Since I could remember very little about them that time.  It is a pity, I am so lazy with this...

Here is the last time...   I remembered my dream like 3-4 hours after I woke up.  All I remembered was the number 5 and a non specific roll of numbers in the twenties.  Although I could remember all the numbers being listed in my dream.  My memory is not what it used to be.  Sigh....   A lazy psychic with a middle aged memory...

Here are the winning numbers for that date. 5 23 25 28 40
Powerball: 34                   




-- Edited by Trina on Monday 23rd of January 2012 05:13:42 AM


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.

Psychokinetic researcher

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Posts: 157

Hi Owltwelve and shy.   smile  Nice to meet you both!   Oh and owltwelve, I hope you are right.  I am ready to retire early. wink

-- Edited by Trina on Monday 23rd of January 2012 05:11:30 AM


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.

Psychokinetic researcher

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Posts: 157

owltwelve wrote:

The lotto thing is pretty cool! I've been effecting dice throws with high success lately. Thinking about winning some cash at craps, so your lotto results are very inspiring:)

 Thanx :)  I used to do dice throws many years ago also.  I can remember being pretty well at it.  Especially since I never wanted to lose any type of game.  And I didn't.  Told ya I was a perfectionist. 

Shirak knows something else about me.  You see I am also a cheapskate.  I figure why pay to win?  So I am a professional sweepstakes prize winner.  I do it a few months out of the year.  I gave that hobby up back in November since I won soo much stuff I wanted to cry.  I guestimate it was at least 160 prizes in 4 months.  Likely a lot more.  I would try to keep track of everything.  And I would get stressed over that even.  It makes you dizzy trying to keep track of a bajillion packages and winning notifications showing up in one day.  It gave me nightmares even.  I once had a dream that I had so many prizes in my driveway that I couldn't get my car out of my garage. 

Why do I feel that if I win something that I HAVE to claim it?  For example, I have a $2000 purse sitting unused in a box for nearly 2 years!  My husband refuses to join me on any trips I may win.  Since I made him angry from making him go with me on soo many.  And he also gets angry over all the prizes I win.  Yes it was that bad.  And yes you can get sick and tired of too many prizes.  It can be embarrasing also.  One day I can remember having every single delivery type person lined up at my front door.  Although I often would get deliveries from them all on the same day, having them and their trucks lined up was a bit too much.  I was even once a victum of mail theft from the post office.  I guess they figured I would never notice.  Plus I guess my mail was a bit enticing...

Ok I guess you can tell I am a bit disgusted about all the prizes right now.  But in the future, if I up and disappear from this forum for a few months, you will know what is happening...  LOL...  I will be back.

-- Edited by Trina on Monday 23rd of January 2012 06:10:22 AM


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.

Psychokinetic researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 157

shy wrote:

Ha, yeah I've been interested in influencing the lottery balls since I've been good at dice. :)

trina, fear is a big obstacle for anybody. I've overcome a lot of my fears since being here. It helps to have other to talk to who experience the same things.

 The fear of failure is the biggest.  For example, I once got a perfect prediction score on 8 home made cards (shuffled each time) out of 20 something tries.  (I think it was 24 or 25?)  I never did it again since I refuse to chance getting anything lower.  I really do hope I get over this.   But I have been like this my entire life. 

Ok so now you have it, a lazy psychic, with fear of failure and a bad memory.

Edited to add...  all those prizes I win are from my fear of failure also.  If I don't dazzle folks with multiple wins every day, I feel like I have failed.

-- Edited by Trina on Monday 23rd of January 2012 06:21:59 AM


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.

Psychokinetic researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 157

Alar34 wrote:

Welcome to the forum Trina!

How can winning too many prices be bad? I've won so far only 2 prices (Everything i do usually ends up upside down).
And laziness ain't a problem as long as you practice a little bit at least. biggrin
Also, we'll encourage you if you won't succeed!

Hi Alar34! 

Well, if I keep it up you may be seeing me on a future episode of horders.  Before my 3-4 month stints every year, I did it all year round.  I stopped that when I won about 890 prizes in 9 months one year.  You see the longer I do it the more I win each month. 

Right now, it takes me the majority of the year to get rid of all the stuff I don't want or need.  But a lot of stuff you win is rare collectors stuff.  One of a kinds.  Or with signatures etc...  Or just really high end stuff.  I am not a high end kind of person, I keep the stuff and never use it. I do give a lot away to other folks.  Especially my daughter.  I told her that my plan was to win her life better. :)  But she won't take many prizes any more.  For example, she likes to camp and fish, so I won her both a cabana and a tent and am stuck with them both.  Grr...

Oh and one more thing.  Anything I may ever tell you folks here,  no matter how outrageous, is 100% truth.  I never lie.  And can be honest to a fault.  Look I just spilled my weaknesses to total strangers.

And a big hello to you too Grengosh!

-- Edited by Trina on Monday 23rd of January 2012 07:03:09 AM


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.

Psychokinetic researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 157

shy wrote:

Ha, yeah I've been interested in influencing the lottery balls since I've been good at dice. :)

trina, fear is a big obstacle for anybody. I've overcome a lot of my fears since being here. It helps to have other to talk to who experience the same things.

Hey sorry to double post.  Do you think maybe we could work on this lottery development business together?  Ah yes some pressure to perform. ;)  Wonder if that would work since mine is strictly dream based? 

Oh and if anyone here ever needs proof of my prizes, I suppose I could provide pictures in private to someone.  A lot of work...  But if it will make you trust me any better.  I have no clue how many prizes I have handy right now.  It could be 300, or less, or more brand new unopened things.  Just about everything in my home has been won.  Ipads, camera, video camera, computers, clothes (down to my socks and underwear) , food, jewelry, appliances, everything,  you name it.

-- Edited by Trina on Monday 23rd of January 2012 07:37:06 AM


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.

Psychokinetic researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 157

Hi I am Trina (real name changed LOL..).    Anyways, I met Shirak on another forum. 

I had what one would consider outstanding PK experiences in my younger years.  And well, I let it go to pot.  Plus, it was the strongest in my teen years, which is to be expected. 

And actually I want to try it again.  But being a perfectionist, I am afraid of failure.  Considering I was soooo good at it before...   Is it possible to lose it entirely with age? 


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 4402

Nah, it's still within you I'm sure! Though, skill at concentration for most people degrades from lack of use; there are probably some memories which will trigger when you train regularly again.

Welcome to the forum; looking forward sharing understanding & experiences:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Posts: 902

Hi Trina :) Welcome to the forum!


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 4402

The lotto thing is pretty cool! I've been effecting dice throws with high success lately. Thinking about winning some cash at craps, so your lotto results are very inspiring:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

Status: Offline
Posts: 902

Ha, yeah I've been interested in influencing the lottery balls since I've been good at dice. :)

trina, fear is a big obstacle for anybody. I've overcome a lot of my fears since being here. It helps to have other to talk to who experience the same things.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 1357

Welcome Trina :)


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

Status: Offline
Posts: 851

Welcome to the forum Trina!

How can winning too many prices be bad? I've won so far only 2 prices (Everything i do usually ends up upside down).
And laziness ain't a problem as long as you practice a little bit at least. biggrin
Also, we'll encourage you if you won't succeed!


~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.
~There is no such thing as good or evil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 4402

Hey Trina, you are definitely reminding me of how my mother used to be with all the prize winnings. I am still trying to get rid of some the stuff she won over the years, lolbiggrin

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psychokinetic researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 157

owltwelve wrote:

Hey Trina, you are definitely reminding me of how my mother used to be with all the prize winnings. I am still trying to get rid of some the stuff she won over the years, lolbiggrin

 Oh, yipee!!!  Another like me?  How awesome!  So you understand how sickening it can be to have too much crap.  As it stands right now, I have my hearts desire.  The only other thing I could want is a bunch of millions so I can retire.  As much as I like my job, I am sick of driving to work in the snow.  I was gonna work on winning  Sats powerball, and never got around to it.  (Procrastinator, big time!!!)


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 1357

im a big procrastinator my self trina and i find it to be my down fall when attempting to do hour a day isnt enough and currently going 3 days no practice do to being sick. lol but most of the time it pure lazines. my school work suffer from it as well.


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 

Psychokinetic researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 157

Grengoshi wrote:

im a big procrastinator my self trina and i find it to be my down fall when attempting to do hour a day isnt enough and currently going 3 days no practice do to being sick. lol but most of the time it pure lazines. my school work suffer from it as well.

 Maybe it is a trait of those that are more capable than others?   (You don't need much effort to survive.)  Think about it!!!!  You never bother doing anything since it will work out anyways.  But could you imagine if we did put in the effort?  

 You know someone once asked me a totally serious question.  Do you ever not get what you want?  (And this was not in a materialistic sense.)  And my answer was no. 


When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.


International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

Status: Offline
Posts: 902

Trina, that's really cool you won all that stuff! Me and Treasure Hunter have been working on lottery stuff since last summer, he always seems to win enough to buy more tickets. I just started playing, but I am also a procrastinator....well, more like it's January and I hate going out in the cold and bad roads. It seems like every time I manage to buy them something comes up, or I forget to watch the drawing on time. I'm going to get serious about it though. I really don't desire too many material objects, I just want the resources to do what I need to do without worrying about financial things....I think having an xmen-like mansion would be cool as well. :D


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 2476

Hi Trina, Welcome to the forum,

Here is a link to the thread on Retropsychokinesis I told you about. You may find the weblinks handy for a quick daily training exercise in your natural discipline of affecting probability outcomes.

Here is a link ot the sender receiver thread which we started using this discipline to remote view future lotto events. Whilst we won some money the best I have done is a 5 out of 7 numbers so far which probability wise is still an excellent score.

Its good to have you here and just for fun Domino (Marvel universe has the same ability you are exhibiting. :)




Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 4402

An x-mansion would be pretty cool shy:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
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