Welcome to forum Trina, wow i never ever heard of anyone winning so much stuff, any tips on winning the lottery jackpot ?
Hi treasure hunter. Not too many tips in that area. Mine is strictly dream centered. And lotto dreams don't happen a lot at all. Sometimes years apart.
But listen to this epiphany... I had a lotto dream before I started sweepstaking again. Then my mind was preoccupied with sweeps for 4 months.. Nada... I stopped in Nov but got wrapped up in another hobby. Then at the end of Dec, I got to thinking that it would be nice to have a lotto dream again. 2-3 days later, it happened. But then afterwards I got preoccupied with something else. And nada... So I guess if you think about lotto dreams, they are more likely to happen.
Plus I am thinking about experimenting. Maybe, just maybe, I am affecting the lotto outcome. And my dreams are just precognition about it? Have I had it wrong all along? I don't know, but mayby I should find out.
Listen to the previous lotto dream I had before my last lotto stint in Dec. Maybe I didn't win the jackpot, but I was still right that I won. And also the precog was mostly about the events around it.
In my dream I said oh, I think I won the lotto. And an unknown woman in my mothers kitchen said, you couldn't have won. Since you played the same number twice. I also remembered some of the numbers. So I scribbled them down.
I arrived at the lotto store and threw out a card in like a minute or 2. And handed it to the lady. But the machine would not accept it. The lady examined my card and said, maybe it is because you played the same number twice. Well, my heart started palpitating... LOL... And I said no you can play the same number for the powerball and in the regular section. Anyways we later realized that the store had some old cards buried in the back that had spaces for the old amount of numbers . (From before they increased the numbers.) Thus our difficulties.
When you are awake the dream is gone... When you are Enlightened the 'world of illusion' is gone... ...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.
Oh and everyone, I have a lot of catching up to do. I just realized you all comment on Journals. Oh my... Lottsa catching up. LOL... So it may be a while before I am up to speed with everything here. I don't want to overwhelm myself. And thanx for being so welcoming and supportive.
-- Edited by Trina on Thursday 26th of January 2012 07:55:55 PM
When you are awake the dream is gone... When you are Enlightened the 'world of illusion' is gone... ...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.
Not sure if i said hello yet to you Trina, if not then here's my hello
Welcome Trina!
Enjoy your stay
Oh, and batman says hi too
(sorry. Im in an odd mood today. Must be the lack of sleep)
Hello to you too. :). I have a good feeling about this site here.
Batman.... Lol.... I was telling Shirak after reading about Domino, that maybe I should change my user name here to Domino. (In my missing post...) Lol.... Totally serious... I have an odd sense of humor myself. Lol... So what do you all think?
When you are awake the dream is gone... When you are Enlightened the 'world of illusion' is gone... ...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.