In the intro thread I mentioned that I am more than a little bit rusty. But I wonder if PK is happening without me even being aware of it. (Perhaps just used to it?)
For example, back in Dec, I dropped a Xmas card at work while I was walking over to the clipboard to hang it up. As it fell, I reached for it, and then it landed (totally closed) standing stright up on its edge. I looked at it in awe for a few moments. Then I grabbed it, and then thought drats why didn't I grab a pic. LOL...
It just seems to me that cards shouldn't be standing up on their edge while closed. Maybe I am wrong.
When you are awake the dream is gone... When you are Enlightened the 'world of illusion' is gone... ...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.
Trina, I think it could have been unintentional PK, what we call a geist (short fo poltergeist). It's good you have an open mind about these things too, that will take you really far. :) I've had papers and other things move in very odd ways.
I don't think that you should discount odd movements of things too easily. There have been many times in my life before actively training PK, that I influenced the movement of things in ways that could be thought of as coincidental. Though, now, I have no doubt that I was causing it. Perhaps, you should be open to the possibility that you are manifesting everything that you see. This can really free your mind of the thought that PK is supposed to be difficult. I think that a lot of psions really get stuck on low expectations, & create unnecessary frustrations for themselves.
shy, is right; an open mind will take you far:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
I've had similar experiences with coins landing on their edge. My mom used to say that it was good luck, when I did that. Though, I think she got the notion of luck from this episode of The Twilight Zone:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
what ever the reason keep experimenting maybe one day some one will unlock the truth and control it more :D for me just believing and not understanding is illogical to me but i guess every one has the right to believe what they like i just throwing my two cents out there.
Only once in my life did I have perfect control over my PK. That is when I realized that our familes poltergeist was me! I had my chance and blew it. How? By scaring the crap out of my catholic mother. Next thing I know she is sitting in the church rectory talking to priests. And the church intervened. But not before she threw away the one item I could control. And it was removed from our property entirely and she would not disclose where it was dumped.
We had this old large windup Xmas bell from Germany that played a song. I loved hearing that bell play. And I admit sometimes I tried making it play. One day I was home sick from school (yeah right tee hee...) and it gave me the perfect chance to try it more. By the time my mom came home I had it down. Yipee!!! I was soo excited that I would make it play on whim numerous times. Even if others were home. That was my downfall. Sigh.... It was forever gone, and I never tried it again.
Oh and we even had the large black poltergeists wondering around my house. Everyone was seeing them. Except for me. It was even caught hovering over someone in their sleep. And was witnessed by both my father and older sister. Guess who it was hovering over? Me...
-- Edited by Trina on Tuesday 24th of January 2012 04:15:48 AM
When you are awake the dream is gone... When you are Enlightened the 'world of illusion' is gone... ...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.
Hello Trina! as the forum skeptic im quite skeptic of every thing being psychokinesis how ever i my self have experience things that cant be explained. for instance i had a vision of my apt turning ablaze and then having my gas stove catch on fire a few minutes later lol. so i always challenge things if it was pk or just probability...... now with quantum theory......there is probability that things will happen. a red ball can fall through the floor and if there are two demsions that ball can be replicated into two balls falling through the floor. so things do happen how ever with that being said that can play a roll in pk as well.
so to personally answer what your have asked from personal view is yes it could have been its what you want to believe. but also want to point out if it was personally me i would play around with those ability a little and see if i could replicate it.......
but again on a science such as this there is always multiple answers. i hope i do not offended any one by posting this i thought i stick my two cents in :D
so to sum it up if could or could not be, with your high probaility of winning the sweep states as you have said then its high that you have more manipulation then you now
good luck
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
I have had a geist moment 2 times now where I reached out as I walked towards a broom with the intention I would sweep and it has flown off the wall into my hand. This type of event I have not triggered consciously so it is refereed to as a Geist
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
I just loved every reply. Even watched the movie clip. I can remember that Twilight clip.
Grengoshi, I am my own toughest skeptic. You know I did try to replicate it, but not in the way you suggested. I repeatedly tried to stand it up in the same state and it never worked. Never thought to repeat it the way it happened. But can it truely be repeated? You see I got a burst of adrenaline when it started falling and wanted to catch it before it landed on the floor. Even caught the tip in my grasp for a partial second before it flipped and fell. A planned experiment would be missing that element. An emotional element that I feel is very common with what you all call geist.
Now this example is a little more extreme, but the emotion has to be there.... One time my father was hurting my mother. I walked to their room and screamed at him to STOP IT. Just as I did it, a ceramic mother mary cross lifted off the wall. Flew for about 15 feet, then dropped to the ground and broke. Scared the heck out of my father and he stopped what he was doing. Ah yes, the wrath of god. LOL... Had him shaking in his shoes... LOL... Looks like we had a sneaky poltergeist. LOL...
I guess this will continue to be an unknown mystery.
When you are awake the dream is gone... When you are Enlightened the 'world of illusion' is gone... ...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.
what ever the reason keep experimenting maybe one day some one will unlock the truth and control it more :D for me just believing and not understanding is illogical to me but i guess every one has the right to believe what they like i just throwing my two cents out there.
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
interesting, however i never had experience no mater how hard i train it takes me months just to grasps something lol
You know I came to a recent realization that may help you. Don't try too hard. I realized this with the computer PK training programs. When I relax and just do it with little thought, it works. When I try, it doesn't. Take your hand and place it on the bottom center of the back of your head. (Right at the top of the indentation.) While you do the computer PK programs, relax that area. And while doing the PK make sure to concentrate on keeping it relaxed. This takes your mind off the task at hand. And seems to relax the part of the brain that is needed.
When you are awake the dream is gone... When you are Enlightened the 'world of illusion' is gone... ...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.