Ever since i was a kid i was impressed by the things that were happening.
I was able to see the future in lots of ocasions, and also heal other persons.My family members were quite impressed by the fact that i could ease pains.Didnt tell them about the future thing though, only to my sister with whom i was training from time to time. we were making psi balls and we never heard about those at our age, i remember they were yellow...it was just natural
and also we were exercising telepathy, one was thinking of a number and trying to transmit it to the other one..
All this was happening before the age of 11.
As time passed i forgot all about these powers...its like they dissapeared because i stopped using them.
Being raised in a christian family didnt help at all, it was like He has all the powers and I got nothing. Now I am starting to discover the truth, my real potential and to be honest its hard.
I've started training with the psi wheel for a few weeks now, I had very little success spinning it. Maybe a few times but it was out of my hand and i couldnt do full spins or continuous spins.
3 days ago i bought a candle to try pyrokinesis....Big success !
I'm starting to learn how to release energy from my body and make the flame dance, It was really motivating.
Hehe i just remembered, when i was a kid...i was lying in bed and i was watching a shoe lace hanging on the drier. And i pointed my finger at it and it was moving as i wanted... I said, hey mom look, i can move it, and she said, no it cant be you, it must be air currents...oh...ok mom...
I hope I get better at this, hope to remember what has been forgotten.
I wish you all the best.
-- Edited by venom on Sunday 15th of April 2012 11:44:53 PM
-- Edited by venom on Sunday 15th of April 2012 11:45:43 PM
Hello venom, welcome to the forum! I have no doubt that many on the forum can surely relate to your experiences & upbringing. I have found that as with any other skill; if a person trains psionics hard & with consistency, they usually get stronger over time:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
If only Christians would listen to what Christ was actually saying "Everything you see me do you can do and more." "If you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains." This message has been covered up by churches over the years. This is actually why I think they killed him. He was empowering the people. An early day psion. Buddha and others have come before as well. There are those who would use their message to control the people when their message was always self empowering. It wasn't until Martin Luther translated the bible from Latin that the common people were empowered to see some of the real messages contained within some of the scriptural texts. The problem being those texts have been changed over the years to suit the powers that be of the time IMO. A very important lesson I believe church teaches is how to have faith a necessary component of PK.
I think that there are many naturally tallented people in this world that with practice will become very potent forces.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Welcome to the forum venom! Our families are really similar. They are huge skeptics and blame the things to air currents and whatever not, even if there is enough proof. And i think you do not forget powers. I think they are more like suppressed, until you start to use again, they unlock.
But anyways, nice to have another member at the forum. :)
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
Well, im the one here to learn, my past experiences havent occured since then...
It appears that i have struggled a few weeks awakening the powers...or how to call them....and in the last days i have advanced a lot.
I can now do pyrokinesis easily, i dont have to concentrate anymore, to gather ki and such... in a few seconds the flame starts to move
And also, when i started, i was using both of my hands, i was putting them around the candle, like in the case of a psi wheel. Now, not only that i can do it with one hand but im starting to increase the distance between the flame and my hand
I am now at around 15 cm away from it and it works good, further...not so good, yet.
Today I've also experienced some nice movement with the psi wheel, very small, but according to my will.
Indeed, as one said, the more you practice the better you get.
I will soon test hydrokinesis, im going to see if i can make small movements on the surface of the water by releasing energy from my body, as in the pyrokinesis case.
-- Edited by venom on Monday 16th of April 2012 10:27:24 PM