Hey Mirage and welcome to the forum! :) (I won't say anything since others probably want to )
-- Edited by Alar34 on Monday 23rd of April 2012 01:37:17 PM
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
Hello, I would like to develop my telekinesis skill and anything psychokinesis related. A brief intro about me: Supposedly, there were odd occurrences with me as a baby but sadly I do not remember because I was so young. Around age nine I was in a really bad car accident that I don't remember much of either. I guess as a defense mechanism my mind had me forgot the first 3 days of this accident. Anyway, I started to really open up and I could read people after it. In my teens I was really open and it became too much so I withdrew. A bunch of other stuff in between... Eventually, I tried to convince myself none of it was real. I went on like that for years, ignoring that side of me. That didn't work out. I'm in my mid-twenties now and maybe a bit more able to handle it or at least, less able to handle ignoring it. Well, I've learned I can't ignore that part of me so now I am back to exploring.
About a year ago I started thinking about telekinesis constantly. A few months in I wake up in the middle of the nite, around 3-4 am. I am in this in between dream and reality like mind-set (best I can describe it) and I look directly at this magazine near me. The magazine goes flying off and hits the wall. I get up and pick up the magazine after, yes it really happened. I don't completely understand it but eh I'll figure it out I guess. It's odd in that mind-set, I just knew, there was any struggle to understand or think or rationalize, I just knew. A part of me feels I am, on some level, mentally preparing myself and maybe I am not ready yet but will be soon. I don't know if that makes any sense.
Hi, Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you have had some amazing experiences. Some of us keep a journal of our experiences here if you are interested in sharing more or reading about others. :)
By that i meant, that Owltwelve or Shirak probably will post a huge reply to yours :D.
I have quite similar experience to yours. I mean by reading people and other stuff. It's quite crazy, so i understand you :)
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
Welcome friend, i hope the forum will give you many insights as to what you wish to learn. in psychokinesis specialization there is a guide i created for newbys so feel free to read upon it. again if you need any help please feel free to ask :).
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in