Hello everybody, this may be my last topic for a while but something happened in my life recently which I felt I should share.
The other day on the phone with my Guru he mentioned to me about my Spiritual brother Matt being initiated as a Priest of the Eternal Religion (Swami). He then asked if I would like to become one as well. I asked if it would bring about an energy boost and he said it would. I asked if it would bring me to Samadhi faster and he said it would so I immediatly said yes.
He did the initiation over the phone with me and days later I am feeling the effect. I now have a higher base happiness and it is much easier to access that now then ever. In bad situations my base happiness stays the same and sorrow dosent overcome me. By reading a spiritual book my happiness immediately jumps and stays up for a while; it is quite amazing.
He told me an interesting story about Matt who also is a Priest (Swami). He told me that a man who has the psychic abilites to manipulate and change people tried to change Matt. He failed though and was very surprised as he never failed before.
My guru told me it is because to change Matt would not be like moving a single rock but moving an entire mountain now. This is because being initiated as a Sanatana Dharma priest has connected him to the mountain being the lineage.
He now has the power of everybody in our lineage such as Swami Satchidananda and Shivananda behind him as do I. It is quite interesting and the power and happiness that is bubbling up in me is great as well.
My guru said there are responsibilities with being a priest. What do you guys think? I am usually very laid back and calm so I didnt really think about possible problems. You guys know of any?
I guess it will greatly help you in helping others. Though, there's the responsibility to help them when they need it (and have nothing against you helping them). You just need to have confidence that you can help them.
Also, every slightest feeling, thought or emotion leaves a mark. The more energy, the greater the impact, I guess.
Have fun
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
I guess it will greatly help you in helping others. Though, there's the responsibility to help them when they need it (and have nothing against you helping them). You just need to have confidence that you can help them.
Also, every slightest feeling, thought or emotion leaves a mark. The more energy, the greater the impact, I guess.
Have fun
Thanks for the reply its leveled out my energy; it has soothed me in a way.
Yes, being able to help others was another reason behind the desire to become a Priest. I will keep an eye or two or even three out!