This is my first thread I've made (or comment). I've been reading this site for a few weeks now and have finally decided to make an account and post something in the hopes to get some answers or advice. So first off a few weeks ago I made a tic tac move; it was only a little but it move, and now I dont know what I did to move it or how I can do it again. So i am really just asking for help on how to do it again? how should I feel while doing it? and any other advice; i.e how to start practicing it, etc.
It is definitely something I want to continue to explore and try to develop further if possible. I am just clueless on where to start, I am sure there is a thread similar to mine somewheres out there, so if anyone could point me in that direction or help answer some of my questions, or give me some guidence it would be much appreaciated.
p.s. Sorry about any spelling errors. It's not my speciality.
-- Edited by Illusive Man on Saturday 5th of January 2013 06:15:26 PM
Everyone new here usually starts a thread like this, so it's ok. Most here will try to help you.
The issue may lie in the subconscious. In short, after the first occurrence, the mind might have put a lot more pressure on you in order to replicate it. Which often halts progress. This is why meditation is so promoted. It helps focus and relax the body and mind, both the conscious and subconscious parts. Ultimately who you are, lies in the subconscious. Owl has some good meditation methods he might be able to share with you. Or you can find them else where here on the forums.
Hope that helps some.
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
If you choose a concentration practice, it will not only develop your psychokinetic skill, but many other mind powers as well. Pick an object & rest your attention on it. When your mind wanders, & it will, gently bring your mind back to the object. Don't concentrate on trying to move the object, but simply rest your attention on it.
In between & underneath your normal mind chatter, there is a continuity between you & all that you see. The goal in the concentration practice, is to open up & allow that continuity to dawn on you over time. The distinction between self & other falls away, & it dawns on you that you are that object.
You can train psychokinesis, as as separate practice. Disciplined; regular, concentration practice for it's own sake, will develop psychokinesis & other mind powers as a side effect:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Thank you guys! I will start working on the stuff you mentioned, hopefully I will eventually be able to report some form of success. I'm still wondering though how you are supposed to feel while doing it? what is it like for you?
You could have something that you know you would enjoy (a moment, feeling, painting, scene, person, etc.). Relax the mind on it, enjoying it in a free, peaceful and conditionless way.
It might be different for others. For me, the environment starts to feel dense. Then it feels as if a standing wave is generated, with a resonant frequency of the target. The feeling of that object would then sort of appear to be spread out in my body (though, at the same time, I would no longer feel myself fully being in the body anymore).
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
You dont. In fact, you cant. That is because meditation is one with you, so there can be no separation of a doer and an observer who knows that its right. But you can know if you arent doing it, and that is all you need to know, because then you can bring yourself back to simply sitting.
'How can I stop from constantly wandering off?'
Dont try to stop yourself from wandering off, because then you will be trying to add something to pure meditation. But each time you are aware of having wandered off, do not waste time in coming back."