Lucid dream 1 was when i was in a dark cave and it was raining and my family and some royal family crossed one another royals from the astral realm by what i saw i dont know but anyway due to my own instincts i went to the girl and hugged her
I liked this lucid dream because it felt very real i could feel the ground and feel the white fabric of the girls coat like it was real life wish it were Lol but anyway after that she had died and rotted like a zombie in the dark cave
With this lucid dream i need help with a task
I need someone experienced in all psychokinetic skills
Cyril: being human is one thing but being a valhallan is another thing altogether
i would be glad to help if it has to do with the paranormal but i dont think i ever had an obe. in fact right i am working on remembering my normal dreams/nightmares had this prob all my life, cant remember dreams and stuff but anyways maybe u can post the details of the task we will see wat we can do
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p