I stumbled across something very interesting about a month ago. A while before this occurence took place i had watched a video on a shaolin monk at a monestary showing his incredibley well manifested chi and psychic powers to a tv show of scientists and physcists. In this video he showed them the power of the shaolin monestaries. I believed he mentioned that we are all capable of this things but it slipped my mind at the time. One of the techniques he perfomed was the iron shirt technique. If anyone is familiar with their kung-fu/shaolin movies ;) , you will know that this technique involves, what society calls, a forcefield on the chest that is able to protect you from harms way lol. But as we know it, this is not a forcefield and these are not super powers shaolin monks have. This is simply a wonderfully powerful psychic protection. Search it on youtube for more info, BUT WHAT I FOUND was that it is very simply to train this ability. I tried something Similar to this technique. I lit a candle and focused on my hand something similar to a shield with psi, and put my hand over the flame, obviously enough i wasnt strong enough and it hurt like a bitch, but i kept trying and trying, and finally once i put my hand high above the flame and slowly came down and felt no heat! This wasnt just my hand going numb, lol dont worry thereare no messed up nerve endings from trying this or burns.And today when i tried it again it worked perfect the first time. A psychokinetic (i think thats right?) Forcefield concentrated on the centre of my hand. I encoure anyone and everyone to try it. Please ask questikns and put comments. :)
"The Truth Is Available For Those Who Sincerely Seek It"
- Imam Ali Naqi (as)
"There Is Always Enough Light For One Who Wishes To See. "
I saw a similar effect after some stasis field training. Air was flowing towards the propeller and then, just 5 cm in front of the propeller, there were no air movements. It was as if the air flow split at the invisible shield and turned away at 90 degree angle.
It really is amazingly simple to train and see the results.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.