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Post Info TOPIC: First post, first day, first success !!!!!! (UPDATE, day 7, huge progress)


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First post, first day, first success !!!!!! (UPDATE, day 7, huge progress)

Hey people,

Im from Canada. this is my first post here. I was a bit skeptical about TK at first but after seeing all the people in here I decided I'd give it a try. I did a psi wheel whit an aluminum candle holder and SUCCESS!!!! I was able to make it move at a constant speed for more than 5 minutes.... it eas my first time ever and I got scared a bit.... I didnt film that one but after 5 minutes the thought of making the candle holder fall went through my mind and after a fraction of a second it felt. Cant tell if it was control or predition but i realised it was trally me doing this. Here is a sucessfullee session after that one.

ive been reading a lot on the internet but does anyone give advice ? Not on technique but more on the feeling of the object. Do you try to be one with it, do you try to be it and forget yourself ??  The odd thing is thats what ive seen on the internet but what works best for me from wht i know is i simply think about nothing at all... I mean nothing like if i was hypnosed. Let me know!!!

-- Edited by Labjea on Friday 8th of March 2013 03:53:00 PM


---They say we only use 10% of our brain. I say assuming our lives the way it is makes the other 90% mostly useless --- $LABJEA$


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First post, first day, first success !!!!!!

Hey guys,

This is day 2. Figured i'd drop this here :)

I can easily spin the wheel at almost amy given moment... Seems like mornings are harder. Figured id do a quick TK/quantum test let me know what you think!!!


-- Edited by Labjea on Friday 1st of March 2013 05:54:27 PM


---They say we only use 10% of our brain. I say assuming our lives the way it is makes the other 90% mostly useless --- $LABJEA$

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Welcome, & congrats on the success!

You are already one with everything around you; the development of skill with concentration can help this to dawn on you. There are many approaches though; continue doing what works for youbiggrin

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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Awesome ..



You don't have to try to do anything, just relax the mind on an object (psi-wheel, candle, surface of a lake, flag flapping in the wind, an image, a feeling, etc.).


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.


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Neat... go break some clouds :) And if you can , form em. I attempt to shape em every once in awhile...

COngrats on your discovery.... Looking forward to hearing more from ya.


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In addition to cloudbursting, stasis fields are fun, too. =)

@titorite: How's it going with shaping clouds?

I found that more difficult than breaking clouds (haven't been able to do it while staying aware about it yet).


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.


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Sweeping and spinning with out dissipating.

I have had good results on some occasions.



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Thanks for the comments everyone. Btw sorry for my english im french speaking :p
I havent seen many experimental videos on youtube, web, here. Why is it that people prefer to post "proof" videos instead of experimental ? Its only my second day training but my thought is as follows, if quantum is the reason for all this, that if more and more people are atrracted to TK and succesfull, maybe it means it is our collective counsciousness that blocks the full potential of our abilities (only a thought) :) than people have to stop faking and tricking !!! It alters peoples beliefs and it becomes harder to use in a daily life.

@titorite whats cloudbusting ?


---They say we only use 10% of our brain. I say assuming our lives the way it is makes the other 90% mostly useless --- $LABJEA$

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Congrats!!!!!!!!!! The first few times are always the best. It is also such a thrill when you do bigger object. My mind was literally like WTF when I moved a pencil. DO IT!!


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@Labjea: You're right about the collective consciousness.

Cloudbursting is just another word for making clouds disappear.

"proof" videos might be more inspiring and motivating. I like to watch them and convince myself it's real and that I gotta learn that, too. Personally I lack experimentation videos due to a lack of motivation and perhaps an increased selfishness of sorts. I've grown to trust personal experience more than scientific data and thus don't see much value in having more experimentation videos online. But that's just me trying to find excuses that might sound better than just being too busy with work, school. Recently I've just played with random stuff at random times, usually without having the camera with me.

@titorite: Have you succeeded in forming clouds, also?


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.


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Hey, day 3. Will be doing some tests today... I found strong evidence of experimental tests (not relate to Tk) that makes my theory extremely plausible and explains everything (tk, telepathy, miracle cures, religion, dreams, OBE, meditation, hypnosis). Will post my theory here if tests are conclusive :)

I know I havent been in tk for long but i have been evaluating and questionning life, human behaviors, since i was a kid... I'll keep you posted. Please be aware that i am not trying to scientiically proove the existance of such abillities (as I've been able to do it myself) but trying to bring to the community a way to better understand our "world" and those abilities, to be able to perfect them.


---They say we only use 10% of our brain. I say assuming our lives the way it is makes the other 90% mostly useless --- $LABJEA$


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Hey guys, i don't think I have many follwers but I managed to play around with 2 candle psi wheels jumping from on to the other spinning both ways..... Didnt record seems llike filming makes it harder to record. What would be my next step ? What were you succesfull right after the psi wheel ? Thanks for your support :)

-- Edited by Labjea on Sunday 3rd of March 2013 12:40:08 AM


---They say we only use 10% of our brain. I say assuming our lives the way it is makes the other 90% mostly useless --- $LABJEA$

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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You could practice

  • psi-wheel
  • in the past (pk on a pre-recorded clip of psi-wheel)
  • at a distance (with a friend via skype, or just on a random youtube psi-wheel video clip)
  • under cover (a plastic or glass bowl over it, for example)
  • behind the corner (so that there's no eye contact with the psi-wheel)
stasis on a moving object
  • fan + propeller or windmill
  • a flag flapping on a windy day
  • water flow from a tap or in a river, etc.
pulsing a flame or light
  • a candle
  • ceiling light
  • a streetlamp
  • a pen
  • a tin can
push/pull on
  • a piece of paper or tin foil standing upright
  • a DVD cover balanced on an edge
levitation on
  • psi-wheel
  • a plastic bag
weather manipulation
  • making a cloudy day a sunny day and vice versa
  • calling wind, rain or thunder

That's just a short list of what you could do. I like to think that there's no order in which one has to learn anything and that there's no advanced nor beginner stuff. Just go with what causes an itch of excitement. The possibilities are endless.. =)


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.


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@Sussh thanks you so mutch for the suggestions. I know its all about intention and clearing all thoughts but why does everyone use their hands to all techniques ? I use my hands but I don't feel anything at all with hands. Whats the theory behind it. I'd love to do levitaion but wavnt tried yet... Feels like a big jump. How do you visualize/intent levitation? Do you visualize the weight of the objet altering, do you visalize energy around the object or simply visualize the object levitate ? Have you successfully done this ?


---They say we only use 10% of our brain. I say assuming our lives the way it is makes the other 90% mostly useless --- $LABJEA$

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I rarely use hands for pk. More often I just stare at stuff.

So far I've managed to just reduce the weight of a few objects (an USB stick, a bag, this body). However, for you this might be a lot easier (for me it took a month to even get the first twitch with pk).

There's a specific feeling to it. Once connected to an object, I would focus on this feeling.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.


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Day 3, experimental day. To whoever reads this, might help anyone (even experimented) to achieve a really deep meditation state AND have a better mind/body connection and even easy OBE. Please read through part 2 to understand.

Point one, more of a theory. From what i have experienced today, I think we all have a mind-body-mind connection than a mind-body connection. To achievr TK, i've had to clear thoughts, relax and kind of disconnect fron my body... This is in my opinion sonething that doesnt happen in a regular basis in a regular day in a rugilar life. This is how a achieved TK. Part two will explain part one. I think that getting to that "feeling" that you reach when you sucessfully achieve tk, you are actually tricking your body/mind/collective counsciousness to alter quantum reality's normal behavior.

Amazing super easy meditation/hypnosis/tricking-cheating mind body.
Anyone can achieve this easilly and be assured, you will be amazed (if you never tried). Meditation gets you in a deep relaxed, clear of thoughts, happy comfortable state but this trick is far more amazing and even maybe a scary at first. Sometimes normal thigns in life looks so normal that we dont event think about it. When a point of your body part feels itchy/tickling, you scratch, without thinking. Our mind-body-mind plays tricks on us. I'm far from being a scientist but i don't think all parts our both hemispheres of our brain communicates directly together.

Trick: Lay down on bed/couh, clear thoughts, kind of like youd do to meditate. Lets trick our mind-body-mind into sleep. Make sure you are couscious and try not to think of anything for 2-3 minutes. Concentrate on all you body parts starting from feet to head and relax them one buy one. Once youre in a really relached state, start to imagine that your feets are getting extremely heavy, so heavy that you cant lift them. Imagine you are trying to lift your feets and you cant (even if you can). This is one technique used for hypnosis, buy we dont need to go all the way through there. Once you feel your feets/legs get heavy, start thinking of odd stuff, kind of lime your falling asleep. Force yourself to have weird thoughts jumping from an idea to an other, that involves yourself being physically somewhere. At that point, if you feel extremely relaxed, tell yourself that you can get even more relaxed. Now, this is the tricky part. At this point, a few minutes after, either your counsciousness disappears and you fall asleep OR you trick yourslef into sleep while beeing counscious. READ carefully. The trick, at that point, your subcouncious will send a test to your body to see if your counscious is still awake. YOU will feel a tingle/itchy spot somewere. Maybe your feet, cheek, nose, arm, belly... DO NOT SCRATCH... I think its testing you. If you do nothing, you will start to feel your body from feet to head tingling and it will start to paralize a bit. It might test you 2-3 times, getting itchier everytime but dont scratch. You will get even more paralized.... After a few times, you will start to see white light while paralized and maybe feel your body spinning in all directions but dont worry it will stop and you wond get sick. Once you passed all this, you just tricked your mind-body-mind into sleep and experience whatever you want once there. OBE, feel the councious-subcounciouss connection, imagine anything you want and you will learn LOTS off things about your mind. I personnaly never tried OBE but I ofter see thing around me as if i had eyes open, but closed. Ofter get vivid dreams I can actually fully control.

Please give me feedback with your experience :) ive never shared to anyone so maybe different with other people. Remember, dont scratch/dont move.


---They say we only use 10% of our brain. I say assuming our lives the way it is makes the other 90% mostly useless --- $LABJEA$


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Forgot to mention that paralysis is a natural process that happen every night so you dont move while you dream and hit your wife/husband while you dream or fall on the ground :) aleays happens but your never counscious to realize it


---They say we only use 10% of our brain. I say assuming our lives the way it is makes the other 90% mostly useless --- $LABJEA$

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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That's a nice method.

I've also noticed that with the body asleep or half-asleep, pk takes less effort.

Father thinks it's more due to our bodies being noisy and that with meditation and practice its vibrations become more coherent.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.


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@Sussh Did you try ? I also forgot to mention you can actually try right before sleep, even if wife/husband is beside. Worst case is youll end up just OBE, vivid dream or extremely deep meditation/experience.


---They say we only use 10% of our brain. I say assuming our lives the way it is makes the other 90% mostly useless --- $LABJEA$

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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No, I didn't. Though, I have used something similar before.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

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