I had a dream a couple nights ago that I was able to lift small objects with my mind. The dream didn't seem over the top though. I was able to lift a ball for a few feet, and then it would trail off from my mental grasp and fall to the floor. It did this for each time I lifted it. I could feel the weight of the ball in my mind as well as the shape. It was like my mind was "wrapped around" the ball. I don't recall it taking that much effort for the initial lifting of the ball. I was wondering how close this description is to the actual act of lifting an object. I was also wondering if I should look at this dream as significant.
I do not believe any one on forum has been able to levi
However my experience with pk shows that you become one with the object or the two fields resisnate together in a sense Also from my xp dreans are playground to your desires. As well as play grounds to the what ifs. Choose which one wisely
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
sine... when I was able to OBE I found levitating in "astral" form to be difficult when thought about it... however when I just wanted to levi my astral self I thought it and let it go and My intention met my attention... this is honestly how have found psi to work in 3D brane of reality we call life.
Eat cheese and dance the tmmy tuck dance!
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in