I practice random stuff that comes to mind. Sometimes I'm blown away by what really does happen.
A few setups / exercises from years ago:
A psi-wheel in a closed transparent plastic box.
A table with a microwave oven fan on one edge, a plastic propeller fastened to the table on the other edge. The fan is turned on and directed at the propeller on the other side of the table. By changing the angle of the fan, in respect to the propeller, it's possible to have the propeller spinning at different speeds. Hold the propeller still with your mind, then make it spin the other way (blowing against the microwave fan).
A toy windmill in a flower vase next to an open balcony door, with the wind causing the windmill to spin. Use the mind to stop it from spinning, then make it spin the other way (against the wind).
A bowl of water with a floater in it (toothpick, a piece of plastic foam, etc.). Accelerate the floater with your mind, then, before it hits the edge of the bowl, stop it and change its direction with the mind.
A crookes radiometer under a 250W halogen lamp. Position the radiometer in such a way that its vanes would start spinning the fastest (a certain angle, in respect to the lamp). Stop the radiometer vanes with your mind, then make it spin the other way or release it again. Stack some books under the radiometer, to have it closer to the lamp .. do the same.
A wooden spoon balanced on the edge of a cooking pot. Either balance it carefully and have it fall inside the pot, or carefully misbalance it and hold it still without having it fall into the pot.
Lay down in bed, acquire the feeling of the mattress. From the mattress, push a part of your body upwards with the mind (back, left foot, right foot, one of the hands, etc.), then move and expand the area of lift and do the same for other body parts. One of the goals is to lift the whole body from the mattress.
Lay down in bed, acquire the feeling of the pillow. Bend the edges of the pillow upwards with your mind, touch the ears flat with the pillow edges.
Perhaps it's raining, acquire the feeling of the air and rain droplets falling in a volume of space. Slow the water droplets down or speed them up, or tilt the angle of rainfall and then tilt it back.
Perhaps it's snowing, acquire the feeling of the air and snowflakes falling in a volume of space. Slow the snowflakes down or speed them up, make them "feel thicker or thinner" (causing them to become bigger and more fluffy or thinner and more slushy) and / or apply the feeling of lift to them, to have snow drifting at constant height or to have it "fall" towards the sky.
Pick a cloud, acquire the feeling of it, then slow it down and observe other clouds moving past, or have it fade away (either piece by piece, or the whole cloud at once) faster than any other clouds nearby.
There's probably a lot more.
Recently I've been more involved in work. In the meantime I've been reading this forum and practising concentration, empathy and OBE every now and then.
-- Edited by Sussch on Friday 7th of June 2013 02:24:11 PM
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Ok so i did have a look and could not find anything on this as i guess its buried deep in the forum. if its not sorry for another same topic.
What exercises do you do? could you also add a pic of what you work with and how it works not how you do it just what its used for.
diagrams of making these objects and any vids you might have that have no way to be faked would be great.
when i say have no way to be faked, show a bit of precautions on preventing anyone from thinking it might be either trickery or might be something else making it move. ( if you get what i mean :) ....)
take a look at a few i use i will get more detailed pics and diagrams :)
remember with vids prevent skeptics by planing how to prevent any means of any other explanations to give the world the truth.
skeptics who have closed minds will never see psi for what it is... the difference between you and I is we have tried it and learned from it. most people wouldnt bother
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
I have found many people to be closed minded and apprehensive about things Lee, to a very negative extent. Its sad because we can better our selves. I'm not that smart but I still read physics books and math books in my spare time to educate my self. I'm also a spirtualist because I find those things to be beautiful. However I do not mix my studies. Nore do I always express things.
Guess its nice to express my self a little for once haha
Nice Sussch
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in