Psychokinesis, Telepathy, Seeing Auras, Energy Healing, Mediumship, Precognition, etc. When I read about the history of these things, it all seems to start in the late 1800's, or early 1900's with scientists conducting experiments with bioelectric fields, and things of the sort. I know that these abilities must have been known about and passed on through the generations previously though. Which religions, philosophies, cultures, oral traditions, etc., knew about, practiced, and taught to their descendants, these "psychic" abilities? From what I hear, the meditating types of religions have developed these (to different extents I assume?).
I am interested to find this out both for my personal spiritual growth, and for the improvement of my psionic skills. I feel like until I work on my spirit through meditation, or otherwise, I will be severely held back in progression of psionic abilities. I've heard people mention the "Kundalini" enough times to pique my interest - so I searched for it on Amazon. I found "A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya" which looks promising. I have had significant trouble meditating in the past, and remember being told that yoga is "the training you go through to prepare yourself for things like meditation with a focus on the breath." Is this a good path to follow, or does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm all ears! The question I posed in the first paragraph was meant to help me find out what path(s) to research, study, or practice.
-- Edited by Goulap on Thursday 13th of June 2013 07:30:58 PM
There are many limbs to yoga. If you are talking about yoga postures though; this prepares your nervous system for kundalini, rather than meditation. Meditation doesn't require preparation; you just have to do it consistently with sincere effort.
If you want to practice meditation for the development of mind powers, concentration skill development is the way to go. If you want to develop a lot of power fast, add tantra to your practice. There is much more to it, but this means practicing celibacy if you are male, for at least 100 days.
Concerning meditation, I have posted a lot about it on the forum already, but I will write an essay on development of concentration skill, when I have some more free time:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
"Concerning meditation, I have posted a lot about it on the forum already, but I will write an essay on development of concentration skill, when I have some more free time:)"
WOOT YAY O12, cant wait to read it man :)
"I am interested to find this out both for my personal spiritual growth, and for the improvement of my psionic skills. I feel like until I work on my spirit through meditation, or otherwise, I will be severely held back in progression of psionic abilities"
this is what ive done, I meditated every night before bed and sometimes during the day if I can find the push in my self to do so.
My suggestion is if you are the type for doesnt follow through with things like me *speculation im probably wrong* then find a time when there is no excuse not to meditate. I meditate every night before bed. recently im doing up to 30 minutes, but i usually do about 15 minutes.
if its meditation you are having problems with i have found some techniques to help.
but i am most likely off... just what has helped me
i have a bad back so i cant sit strait.. i sit with my back rested and i keep it so my neck does not head heavy and i can breath.
i have severe ADHD so when i first started meditation i had to endure the wanting to move problem... but dont move fight it
while not moving your limbs take a deep breath and hold for 10 secs but start with five. breath out and hold for 10 secs start with 5.
do this 10 times. you should be a little more relaxed.
then i breath in and exhale slowly but naturally. i count till ten and start over. do this 10 times *100 breaths*
when your mind wonders focus back onto the breath...
*WARNING* sometimes you cant keep focus... i dont have advice on this, my skill level is not that adequate. no mater what i do i cant focus on things.
but it lessens the more you practice.
then i do chakra meditation.
i focus on each chakra and i move energy inside them around.
ive gotten to the point where my root chakra causes a feeling of movement with out me trying to do any thing. sometimes i feel a pop sensation is some of the chakra
last night when i meditated my head jerks back with out me wanting to... and my head was more forward then back. and i wasnt nodding off
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
Grengoshi, if you truly had an inability to focus, you would not have survived until adulthood. I'm sure you can focus long enough to finish a meal; play a video game, watch a movie, masturbate to climax. Conversely, I'm sure you can also focus when you stub your toe, fly into a rage against a disagreeable person, worry over things you fear, or stew in your own bouts of depression.
The above are all examples of focus which most people experience everyday, & the common denominator is intensity of experience. Be it pleasurable, or painful; intensity of experience focuses the mind. During concentration, you want to harness this intensity & face it.
Pick a single object to rest your attention on; by rest attention, I mean pay attention without controlling or imposing your will or ideas. For example, if your object is the sensation of breath going in & out at the tip of your nose; you just want to pay attention to the sensation without trying to influence it's natural process what ever it may be.
When your mind wanders, & it will; gently bring your attention back to this sensation. After awhile of this wandering & bringing back, a pleasurable sensation will develop. This is one of your 1st signs of progress. This pleasure will deepen if you stay with the original object(e.g., the breath sensation) & focus will become effortless & stabilize.
You may experience hypnogogia at this point, which can lead to OBEs & other things, but if you want to improve your focus, ignore these visions & stay with the object. Gradually, your 5 physical senses will fall away, leaving only mental awareness.You will no longer have any body awareness, & breath will slow to the point that someone watching you may not think you are breathing at all.
When the 5 physical senses leave & you only have mental awareness; the mind will still perceive the object & try to translate it. Almost universally, meditaters, experience this mental translation of the object as a very bright light like a full moon or sun right in front of you. This is called the nimitta, & it may not be stable at 1st, fear or excitement at it's appearance can cause it to vanish in the beginning. So, when the nimitta 1st appears, stay focused on the original object, & allow the nimitta to stabilize on it's own. Be quiet & allow the nimitta to come to you, as you would a fish to the line. A stable nimitta, will lead you into the 1st jhana/samadhi state; more on this when I have more time.
These are the basics of concentration & how anyone can do it, even those who think they can't focus. Remember, gently bring the wandering attention back over & over, & the pleasurable sensation will develop, causing focus to become effortless. Over months & years of meditation, your brain structure & hormones will change, leading you to this pleasurable sensation on command.
If you practice tantra along with this, it will happen much, much faster, but it is very intense, & difficult to manage without a teacher. In a nutshell, tantra deconstructs reality. More accurately it deconstructs the reality that you create around you based on the conditioning you've experienced all your life, & puts the things from your minds eye & subconscious in it's place. Very dangerous without a teacher to help you; because you manifest thoughts immediately.
Hope you guys find this helpful:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Owl, what form of yoga do you recommend? I'm still doing research on the different forms, but Satyananda Saraswati's Bihar Yoga seems good - it's supposed to have a strong emphasis on Tantra.
Also... Does anyone have an answer to the question I posed in the first paragraph of my first post? (a certain type of Yoga, a form of Buddhism, a form of a Mystical tradition, etc.) I'm trying to understand the history of these things.
(By the way, I don't like the word 'Parapsychology', but it's what's used and I don't know of a better term)
I practice Vajrayana Buddhism(Tibetan Tantra), but you will have to research & follow a path which fits your own personality & needs. If you are most interested in development of mind powers though; concentration is important. You could practice Raja yoga, & search for a teacher, or take up a concentration practice on your own if you have the discipline. Study, &/or finding a teacher is important though, because you don't often know what you don't know.
Concerning your other question; spiritual development is non-denominational:)
Great links Owl, thank you. If I buy one of those books, I'll let you know what I think.
I've done a lot of reading about yoga the past day or so, and think I want to focus more on the mental aspects of it. I don't want to do the asanas, breath meditations (pranayanas), or the literal "cleanings" of the body. I'd be more comfortable with visualization meditations, and meditations where you hold a non-judgemental awareness, and examine thoughts as they pop up to deal with them (eg. saying "these thoughts are no longer me"), and discarding them - eventually leading to a state of no thoughts and on to higher states of consciousness. I'm going to look more into Vajrayana Buddhism and Raja yoga, I think these may be more what I'd like. I believe both of these schools use some form of chakra and kundalini meditation as well, which I was looking for.
-- Edited by Goulap on Monday 17th of June 2013 07:08:22 AM
-- Edited by Goulap on Monday 17th of June 2013 07:08:59 AM