hello ive been away for a while and events leading up to now a question has struck me
I have heard of biokinesis the mind power of altering ones DNA or bodily properties and the question
I want to ask is not too long ago in one of my lucid dreams I could create a physical psi ball that was visible and wasnt vivid
and the dream felt so real like it actually happened and it came without warning I was wondering first before I ask
this might seem a little absurd but I have to ask I live in a dangerous neighbourhood full of drugs and teenage gangs
I cant leave so the only option is biokinetic alteration I was wandering could you
with biokinesis genetically implant the DNA of your ethereal counterpart AKA the astral self
and replicate the same power used by that counterpart and learn all the ablites that they possess
some FAQs
you couldnt possibly do that not at your level
no but my psi ball is vivid not fully visible but you can sort of see it and as for the biokinesis that can be done by an adept
why cant you train some more
one I dont have time these gangs hunt me down on a daily basis to beat me up two I have been training for 3 for more so years and
three who knows how long it could take to master a new psionic power the bottom line is I need this implant done now
are you aware of the damage that could be done
Yes and frankly I dont care not to seem arrogant but I will take any opportunity I can to defend myself even if it means I die in the process I mean its better dying of a failed implant then being bashed to death by a gang
why cant you move out of your neighbourhood convince your parents
Its not that simple they are swayed thinking that only intelligent people live here but that is a lie the only people who live in our community are druggies and street gangs and if you are their enemy theyll hunt you down till they kill you or make you disabled
why cant you fight them normally
Are you kidding !!!! Trust me ive tried several times you know what happened I got humilated and nearly killed thats why this biokinetic process could help me A LOT
why cant you walk away
OH Please !!! It dosent work like that I wished it did they are GANGS not little kindergarten bullies they are gangs that rape people and take part in all sorts of illegal activity and you try that and theyll chase you till you are incapitated and they bash you
tell your parents
Seriously you are joking my parents or the police dont do anything the police have been onto these people for a while
how many are there
A lot over 30 different groups a total wave of gangs im not even sure if they possess guns or knives
are you sure this is what you want
BY ALL MEANS YES if can kill those bastards
why do you want to kill them why not scare them
Im sorry for sounding like a arrogant brat but this is life threating they will bash me when they have the chance
its either this or more drastic measures
if you help me Ill be forever grateful towards you and you will have saved my life
and I will not need to hide in fear that theyll kill or bash me no longer
if you can do it or a similar method then by all means PLEASE DO !!!!
Cyril: being human is one thing but being a valhallan is another thing altogether
That biokinetic implant may be possible, but honestly I don't know of anyone powerful enough to be able to do that.
My suggestion? Well, it depends on how old you are. If you are close to 18, then hopefully soon you can go to college in a different area, or get a job in a different town where you don't have the gangs and violence problems. If you're younger, 14 or so, I'd suggest taking martial arts classes and getting really good. Take different forms of "street" self defense classes, where you learn to disarm knives and guns from attackers. Also, find more people that you can walk with. Try to get a group of 5 people together if you can, or even more, while walking around town. Even walking with one other person will be safer than walking alone - you'll be less likely to be attacked with each person you add to your walking group. I wouldn't suggest carrying a weapon on you, (like a knife) - because like the saying goes, "no one wins in a knife fight. One goes to the graveyard, and the other goes to the hospital." Better to avoid any fight you are able to. For those you can't, hopefully being with a group of others and knowing self defense / martial arts will help you to get out of the situation safely.
Everything is possible for one who has mastered concentration of attention. However, power without wisdom, often magnifies problems more easily than it solves them.
Rather than manifesting biokinetic tools to deal with your social troubles; would it not be more efficient to manifest the happier life that you want directly? Even if you manage your biokinetic solution; you would still be in the midst of the same troubled environment.
Focus on the things you want, ignoring the things you don't want. Think precisely about the end results you wish to achieve, & concentrate your attention upon it, skipping the conflict altogether:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
I use to get mad at what Owl once said to me in this situation... I believe I exchange negative emotions to you Owl... But now I understand what you have expressed...
(Gren likes Owls responce) lol
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
Ventus99. Based on my understanding of that text, if I was you I would definitely be serious about running away from that neighborhood and finding a more peaceful place.
If your "parents" seriously don't value your peace of mind enough to help you leave a neighborhood with violent gangs and rapists who actually try to hurt you you can logically conclude that your parents are actually helping those people hurt you.
While you are still young zero in on a universal skill and use every opportunity to become more familiar with that universal skill.